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GRE - Noun

Card list for GRE test (Noun)

Abyss any unfathomable (or apparently unfathomable) cavity or chasm or void extending below (often used figuratively)
Accolade an award granted as a special honor
Acme the highest point of achievement
Acrimony an unpleasant feel
Aesthete one who values the beauty of art or nature
Aesthetic a working guideline for artists or artistic movement
Alacrity an eager willingness to do something
Altruism a feeling that shows a desire to help others
Amalgam a mixture of multiple things
Anachronism something that is inappropriate for the given time period (usually something old)
Anathema someone or something that is very strongly disliked ; a ban or curse solemnly pronounced by ecclesiastical authority and accompanied by excommunication
Animosity an intense dislike or hostility
Anodyne something that soothes or comforts
Antic a foolish act done for fun and amusement
Antipathy an intense feeling of dislike or aversion
Apex the highest point
Aplomb a great coolness and composure under strain
Apogee the highest point
Apostate a person who has abandoned a religious faith or cause
Apothegm a short and pithy instructive saying
Apotheosis an elevation to divine status ; the highest point of development
Apprehension a fearful expectation
Approbation the official expression of recognition or approval
Ardor the intense feeling of love or eagerness
Arriviste a person who has suddenly risen to a higher economic status but has not gained social acceptance of others in that class
Artifice a cunning trick used to deceive others
Ascendancy the state that exist when someone or a group has the power over another
Ascetic one who practices great self-denial
Asperity the harshness of manner
Bastardization an act that debases or corrupts
Boon a desirable state
Broadside a strong verbal attack
Bromide a statement or remark that has been made very often and therefore not interesting
Calumny a making of false statement about someone or something to injury its reputation
Canard a deliberately misleading fabrication
Cataclysm an event resulting in great loss and misfortune
Celerity a rapid speed
Censure the strong feelings of embarrassment
Charlatan a flamboyant deceiver
Chauvinism a belief that one's group or cause is superior to all other groups or causes
Chicanery the use of tricks to deceive someone
Chimera something desired or wished for but is only an illusion and impossible to achieve
Collusion an agreement on a secret plot
Complicity a guilt as an accomplice in a crime or offense
Conflagration a very intense and uncontrolled fire
Constituent a citizen who is represented in a government by official for whom she or he votes ; an abstract part of something
Contingent a gathering of representatives from a larger group
Conundrum a difficult problem
Cornucopia an abundant supply of something good
Corollary a practical consequence that follows naturally
Credence a belief in something
Cupidity the greed for money
Curmudgeon a crusty irascible cantankerous old person whose full of stubborn ideas
Dearth an insufficient quantity or number
Decorum a propriety in manner and conduct
Denouement the outcome of a complex sequence of events or many strands of a literary or dramatic work
Derelict an abandoned building
Desecrate the property of being prompt and efficient
Desideratum something desired as a necessity
Despot a cruel and oppressive dictator
Diatribe a strong verbal attack against a person or institution
Dilettante an amateur that engages in an activity without serious intentions and who pretends to have knowledge
Diminutive a word that is formed with a suffix to indicate smallness
Dirge a song or hymn of mourning for a memorial to a dead person
Discord a lack of agreement or harmony
Dissolution a living full of debauchery and indulgence in sensual pleasure
Duplicity a deceitfulness which is pretending to want one thing but actually interested in something else
Duress a threat meant to force someone to do something
Edify marked by complexity and richness of detail
Effrontery an audacious or even arrogant behavior
Egotist a conceited and self-centered person
Elegy a mournful poem
Empiricism the method that derives knowledge from experience using experimental science as a way to gain insight and knowledge
Enmity a very deep unfriendly feeling
Enormity the act of extreme wickedness
Epigram a witty saying
Epiphany a moment in which you suddenly see or understand something in a new or very clear way
Eponym the name derived from a person (real or imaginary) ; the person for whom something is named
Err a penalty for a forbidden action
Eulogy a formal expression of praise
Euphemism a pleasant word or phrase used in place of a more unpleasant or offensive one
Execrate an act of limiting power or action
Exegesis a critical explanation or analysis especially of a text
Exemplar something to be imitated
Fete a trait of being rude and angry
Firebrand someone who deliberately creates trouble
Fledgling a new participant in an activity
Flounder a loud and unrestrained burst of laughter
Flux a state of being uncertain about what should be done
Foible a minor and distinctive weakness in someone's personality
Gaffe a socially awkward or tactless act
Galvanize a long loud angry speech criticizing someone or something
Gambit a maneuver or risk in a game or conversation designed to secure an advantage
Graft a corruption usually through bribery
Grovel a witty remark
Guile the use of clever and usually dishonest methods to achieve something
Gumption courage and confidence
Hauteur an overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors
Hegemony a dominance over a certain area
Heretic one who has unorthodox or out of the box opinions in any field
Heyday the top of a time period or career
Hodgepodge a confusing mixture or jumble
Hubris an overbearing pride or presumption
Idiosyncrasy the peculiar behavior or thought of an individual
Imbroglio a confusing and potentially embarrassing situation
Indifference the lack of interest in or cencern
Indigent a poor or needy person
Inequity the lack of fairness or justice
Ingenuity the power of creative imagination
Inkling a slight suggestion or vague understanding
Insouciance a lack of concern
Intimation a hint or indirect suggestion
Invective a harsh or insulting words
Jargon a characteristic language of a particular group
Jingoism a fanatical patriotism
Juggernaut a force that cannot be stopped
Junta an aggressive takeover by a group (military group) ; a group that executes such a takeover
Largesse extreme generosity and giving
Litany a long and tedious account of something
Malady a disease
Malapropism the confusion of a word with another word that sounds similar
Malfeasance a misconduct or wrongdoing especially by a public official
Malingerer someone who is avoiding their duty by pretending to be sick or incapacitated
Martinet a strict disciplinarian
Maverick one who exhibits great independence in thought and action
Maxim a short saying expressing a general truth
Melancholy a deep and long-lasting sadness
Melee a wild and confusing fight or struggle
Mendicant a pauper who lives by begging
Metaphor a figure of speech in which an expression is used to refer to something that does not literally denote in order to suggest a similarity
Misanthrope a hater of mankind
Miscreant a person who breaks the law
Miser one who does not spends much money because they are greedy
Misogynist a person who dislikes women in particular
Modicum a small amount of something
Myriad a large indefinite number
Nadir the lowest point
Nuance a subtle difference in opinion, meaning or attitude
Opprobrium a state of extreme dishonor
Ostracize the act of restraining power or limiting excess
Palimpsest something that has been changed numerous times but on which traces of former iterations can still be seen
Panacea a hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases
Panache a distinctive and stylish elegance
Panegyric a formal expression of praise
Paragon the model of excellence of a kind or an ideal instance of a concept
Pariah an outcast
Parvenu a person who has suddenly become wealthy but not socially accepted as part of a higher class
Paucity a lack of something
Perfidy an act of deliberate betrayal or breaching a trust
Perquisite a right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group (especially a hereditary or official right)
Pinnacle the highest point
Pith the most essential part of something
Pittance a small amount (of money)
Platitude a statement or remark that has been made very often and therefore not interesting
Plethora an extreme excess
Ploy a clever plan to turn a situation to one’s advantage
Polemic a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something
Powwow an informal meeting or discussion
Precedent an example that is used to justify similar occurrences at a later time
Predilection a strong liking
Presentiment a feeling of evil to come
Presumption an act of accepting that something is true until it is proved not true ; an audacious behavior
Primacy the state of being first in importance
Probity a strong moral principles
Profligate someone who spends resources wastefully
Proponent a person who pleads or supports something
Pundit someone who has been admitted to membership in a scholarly field
Qualm an uneasiness about one's own conduct or action
Quandary a state of uncertainty especially as requiring a choice between equally unfavorable options
Quisling a traitor
Raconteur a person skilled in telling anecdotes
Raft a large number of something
Raillery a light teasing
Rapprochement the reestablishing of cordial relations
Recrimination the mutual accusations
Recrudescence a return of something after a period of abatement
Redress an act of making something right
Reprisal a retaliatory action against an enemy in wartime
Reprobate a person without morals who is disapproved to
Reservation an unstated doubt that prevents you from accepting something wholeheartedly
Resignation the acceptance of something unpleasant that cannot be avoided
Respite a pause from doing something
Row an angry dispute
Sangfroid the calmness in difficult situations
Schadenfreude a feeling of joy from watching the suffering of others
Screed a long angry speech or writing that accuses someone of something or complains about something
Semblance an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading
Serendipity the instance in which an accidental and fortunate discovery is made
Simulacrum a representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture) ; a bad imitation
Sinecure an office that involves minimal duties
Smattering a small amount or number ; a slight or superficial understanding of a subject
Snub a sudden movement
Solecism a socially awkward or tactless act
Solicitude a feeling of excessive concern
Spendthrift one who spends money extravagantly
Spurn an excessive supply
Stipend a regular allowance
Subterfuge something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity
Summit the highest point ; a meeting of high-level leaders
Surfeit an excessive amount of something
Sybarite a person who indulges in luxury
Sycophant a person who tries to please someone to gain personal advantage
Tact a consideration in dealing with others and avoiding giving offense
Temerity a fearless daring
Temperance the trait of avoiding excesses
Tirade an angry speech
Torpor the state of inactivity caused by lack of vigor or energy
Travail the use of physical or mental energy
Travesty something that is ridiculous or absurd because it is not what it is supposed to be
Tribulation something that causes difficulty and suffering especially an event
Tumult the state of chaos or confusion
Turpitude a corrupt or depraved act
Tyro someone new to a field or activity
Umbrage a feeling of anger caused by being offended
Underscore one who is easily tricked or swindled
Variance the quality of being different
Vaunt a particular understanding or knowledge
Venality a state of being susceptible to bribes or corruption
Verisimilitude the appearance of truth
Vicissitude a change in one’s circumstances usually for the worse
Virago an ill-tempered or violent woman
Volubility the quality of speaking or writing easily and continuously
Zeitgeist the spirit of the times
Zenith the highest point
Created by: chaedarkeju
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