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GRE - Verb

Card list for GRE test (Verb)

Abate to make or become less in amount or intensity
Abjure to formally reject or give up (as a belief)
Abrogate to revoke formally
Abscond to run away usually includes taking something or somebody along
Abstain to choose not to consume or take part in (particularly something enjoyable)
Adjudicate to arrive at a judgment or conclusion or serve as a judge in a competition
Admonish to strongly warn
Adulterate to make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance
Afford to provide with an opportunity
Aggrandize to increase in power, reputation or influence
Alleviate to make easier or relieve the intensity of
Ameliorate to make something bad better
Antagonize to provoke the hostility of
Antedate to come earlier in date or time
Appease to please someone by doing something desired or giving something demanded
Appropriate to take something by force
Arrogate to seize and control without authority
Ascribe to attribute or credit to
Assail to attack in speech or writing
Assuage to make something intense less severe
Attenuate to weaken or become weaker
Augment to make greater or improved
Avert to turn away ; to prevent
Badger to annoy someone by many comments or questions as to ask someone persistently to do something
Balk to refuse to comply or do what someone else wants you to do
Banish to expel from a community or residence
Beg to assume something is true usually followed by "the question" meaning that you ask a question in which you assume something that hasn't been proven true
Begrudge to envy someone for possessing or enjoying something ; to give something in a reluctant or unwilling way
Behoove to be one's duty or obligation
Belie to contradict or give a false representation
Belittle to lessen the importance, dignity or reputation of
Bemoan to express discontent or a strong regret
Besiege to cause to fell distressed as with questions or requests
Besmirch to damage the good name and reputation of someone
Betray to reveal something unintentionally
Bolster to support and strengthen
Bowdlerize to edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate
Bridle to put restriction on ; to react with anger or to take offense
Bristle to react in an offended or angry manner
Brook to allow something unpleasant to happen or to tolerate someone who behaves unpleasantly
Browbeat to discourage with threats or a domineering manner
Buck to resist
Bumble to act clumsily or awkwardly
Burgeon to grow rapidly
Buttress to make stronger or defensible
Capitulate to surrender usually under agreed conditions
Carp to persistently raise trivial objections
Castigate to criticize harshly
Cede to relinquish possession or control over
Censure to criticize severely and publicly
Chagrin to cause to feel shame
Champion to fight for a cause
Chastise to criticize harshly
Check to hold back the growth of something
Chortle to laugh happily in muffled way
Circumscribe to limit the size or amount
Circumvent to try to avoid fulfilling duties
Coalesce to fuse or cause to grow together
Compound to make more intense or marked
Concede to give over something ; to accept defeat ; to admit something
Conciliate to cause to be more favorably inclined
Condone to allow something (usually behavior that is considered morally wrong or offensive) to continue
Conflate to mix together different elements or concepts
Confound to cause confusion as to mistake one thing for another
Connive to take part in immoral and unethical plots
Consecrate to officially make someone or something holy
Construe to interpret or understand in a particular way
Consummate to make perfect and complete in every aspect
Contrive to pull off a scheme or plan in tricky or clever way
Corroborate to confirm or lend support (in an idea or claim)
Cosset to treat with excessive indulgence
Countermand to cancel an order or command especially by giving a new one
Cow to intimidate
Crescendo to gradually increase the loudness
Crystallize to make free from confusion or ambiguity
Culminate to reach the highest point or final result of something
Debase to lower the character of someone ; to reduce the value of something (as by adding impurities)
Debunk to expose as false ideas and claims especially while ridiculing
Decimate to kill in large numbers
Decry to express strong disapproval of
Defray to help pay the cost of (either in part or full)
Degrade to reduce in worth or character
Deign to do something that one considers to be below one's dignity
Deliberate to think about carefully by weighing the pros and cons of an issue
Delineate to describe in detail
Demean to cause someone or something to lose dignity or respect
Demur to show reluctance or disagreement or refusal
Denigrate to falsely attack good name or reputation of someone
Deride to treat or speak of with contempt
Derive to come from ; to obtain or establish something by deduction
Desecrate to willfully destroy a sacred place ; to remove the consecration from a person or object
Deter to discourage someone by persuasion
Devolve to grow worse (devolve into) ; to delegate to another
Differentiate to be a distinctive feature or trait ; to evolve so as to lead to a new species or develop in a way most suited to the environment (sometimes in positive sense)
Dilate to clarify the meaning of by adding details
Disabuse to free somebody from an erroneous belief
Discern to detect with the sense
Discriminate to recognize or perceive the difference
Disenfranchise to prevent someone or group of people from having right to vote
Dispatch to dispose of rapidly and without delay
Dissemble to conceal or hide one's true motives usually through deceit
Disseminate to cause something or someone to become widely known
Dissipate to disperse or scatter ; to spend money wastefully
Dog to pursue relentlessly
Dovetail to tightly fit together as if by means of an interlocking joint
Dupe to trick or swindle
Edify to make understand
Eke Out to make a living with difficulty as with insufficient resources
Elaborate to explain in more detail
Elicit to call forth as emotions or responses
Elucidate to make clearer and easier to understand
Elude to escape understanding ; to avoid by being quick
Embellish to make more attractive or beautiful by adding ornament or color
Embroil to deeply drag someone into difficult situation or course of action
Emulate to strive to equal or match especially by imitating
Encumber to hold back
Enervate to make someone tired or feel weak
Engender to make exist or give rise to
Enjoin to direct somebody to do something with authority
Enthrall to hold the attention entirely
Entice to get someone to do something through (false or exaggerate) promises
Enumerate to determine the number or amount of ; to specify individually one by one
Equivocate to speak vaguely usually with the intention to mislead or deceive
Eradicate to completely destroy
Err to make an error
Eschew to stay away from or stay clear of
Espouse to adopt or support an idea or cause
Exacerbate to make worse
Exalt to praise or glorify
Exasperate to irritate
Excoriate to criticize very harshly
Exculpate to pronounce not guilty of criminal charges
Execrate to curse and hiss at
Exemplify to be characteristic of ; to clarify by giving an example
Exhort to strongly urge on or encourage
Exonerate to pronounce that someone is not guilty of a criminal charge
Expound to clarify the meaning by adding details or explanations
Expunge to eliminate completely
Expurgate to remove objectionable material
Extenuate to make a guilt or offense less serious or more forgivable
Extrapolate to draw from specific cases for more general cases
Fawn to try to gain favor by extreme flattery
Ferret to search for something persistently
Fete to celebrate a person
Finagle to achieve something by means of trickery or devious methods
Flag to become less intense or enthusiastic
Fleece to deceive
Flounder to behave awkwardly ; to have difficulties
Flummox to be a mystery or bewildering to
Foment to try to stir up public opinion
Frustrate to prevent or hinder of
Gainsay to contradict or deny
Gall to irritate
Galvanize to excite or inspire to action
Gerrymander to manipulate voting districts in order to favor a particular political party
Glean to collect information bit by bit
Glut to supply with an excess of
Goad to urge on with unpleasant comments
Grovel to treat someone with too much fear
Guffaw to laugh loudly and boisterously
Hail to acclaim or celebrate something enthusiastically
Hamper to prevent the progress or free movement of
Hamstrung to make ineffective or powerless
Harangue to loudly and angrily deliver long pompous speech
Harry to annoy continually
Hector to bully or intimidate
Hedge to limit or qualify a statement and avoid making a direct statement
Hobble to hold back the progress of something
Hoodwink to deceive or trick someone
Hound to pursue relentlessly
Imbibe to drink or absorb as if drinking ; receive into the mind and retain
Immure to enclose usually in walls
Impede to slow the movement or progress as to be a hindrance or obstacle to
Implicate to convey a meaning ; to indicate in wrongdoing usually a crime
Importune to beg persistently and urgently
Impugn to attack as false or wrong
Impute to attribute or credit something to other things
Incense to make furious
Indict to formally charge of a crime or wrong-doing
Ingratiate to gain favor with somebody by deliberate efforts or doing something they like
Intimate to say or suggest something in an indirect way
Inundate to flood or overwhelm
Inure to become accustomed to especially something unpleasant
Irk to irritate
Jeopardize to pose a threat to or to put at risk
Juxtapose to place side by side for contrast
Kowtow to bow or act in a subservient manner
Lacerate to distress or deeply hurt the feelings of
Lambaste to criticize harshly or angrily
Lament to regret strongly ; to express grief verbally
Lampoon to ridicule with satire
Languish to become feeble
Lavish to bestow with profusion
Lionize to assign great social importance to
Machinate to engage in plotting something
Maintain to assert or state clearly and firmly
Maunder to wander aimlessly ; to speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly
Meander to wander aimlessly
Mesmerize to hold one’s attention entirely
Misattribute to erroneously attribute or to falsely ascribe used especially of authorship
Misconstrue to interpret in the wrong way
Mitigate to make less severe
Morph to undergo dramatic change in a seamless and barely noticeable fashion
Mulct to illegally obtain money by deception
Nettle to cause annoyance in
Objurgate to criticize severely
Obscure to make unclear
Obtain to be valid or applicable
Obviate to prevent the occurrence of
Occlude to block passage through
Ossify to make rigid and set into a conventional pattern
Ostracize to exclude from a community or group
Palaver to speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly
Patronize to talk to someone in a way that shows that you believe you are more intelligent or better than other people
Perpetuate to cause to continue
Perturb to cause to be worried or alarmed
Peruse to read very carefully
Pillory to ridicule or expose to public scorn
Pine to yearn for
Placate to cause to be more favorably inclined as to make someone less angry
Pontificate to talk in a dogmatic and pompous manner
Posit to assume as fact
Precipitate to cause to happen
Preclude to prevent from happening or arising
Preempt to take place or acquire before others can do so
Prevail to be widespread in a particular area at a particular time ; to prove superior
Prevaricate to speak in an evasive way
Prognosticate to make a prediction about the future
Promulgate to state or announce
Propitiate to placate or appease
Proscribe to command against
Proselytize to convert (someone) to another religion, philosophy or perspective
Quail to draw back as with fear or pain
Qualify to limit or make more specific
Quip to make a witty remark
Rankle to make someone resentful or irritated
Rebuke to criticize severely or angrily
Reconcile to make one thing compatible with another
Refute to prove that something is false or incorrect
Relegate to assign to a lower position
Remonstrate to make objections while pleading
Renege to fail to fulfill a promise or obligation
Reproach to express warning or criticism towards
Repudiate to reject as untrue or unfounded
Rescind to cancel officially
Resolve to reach a conclusion after a discussion or deliberation
Retract to pull inward or towards a center ; to formally reject or to disavow a formerly held belief
Rile to cause annoyance in especially by minor irritations
Sanction to give permission or authority
Satiate to fully satisfy
Savvy to understand something
Sententious to be moralizing usually in a pompous sense
Snub to refuse to acknowledge outright and bluntly
Spurn to reject with contempt or a lack of respect
Squander to spend thoughtlessly
Squelch to suppress or crush completely
Start to suddenly move in a particular direction
Stem to limit or hold back the flow or growth of something
Stultify to cause one to lose energy and enthusiasm through routine
Stymie to hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of
Subsume to include or contain ; to consider
Supplant to take place or move into the position of
Tarnish to make dirty or spotty
Tender to offer up something formally
Thwart to prevent the efforts or desires of
Tout to advertise or show off strongly in positive terms
Transmute to change in form, appearance or nature
Truncate to reduce the length of something
Undermine to weaken
Underscore to give extra weight to
Underwrite to support financially
Unnerve to make nervous or upset
Upbraid to scold or criticize
Vacillate to repeatedly change opinion or desire
Vanquish to come out better in a competition, race or conflict
Vaunt to show off
Venerate to respect deeply
Vie to compete for something
Vilify to spread negative information about
Vindicate to clear of accusation or blame with supporting arguments or proofs
Vituperate to spread negative information about ; to criticize harshly
Waver to be unsure in doing something as to choose between choices
Wax to gradually increase in size or intensity
Created by: chaedarkeju
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