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scission secession
scour sand
scrappy made up of bits and pieces; not well organized; not complete
scurrilous abusive and insulting, esp in a crude or obscene way
sedulous showing much hard work, steady effort or care
seemly proper and suitable by the standards of polite society
sententious expressing pompous moral judgements
sequela A secondary consequence or result
sere being dried and withered
shunt move (a railway locomotive, wagons, etc) from one track to another
sibylline mysteriously prophetic
sidereal of the stars or measured by them
seraph one of the 6-winged angels standing in the presence of God
simper smile in a foolish, affected way
sinecure position that requires no work or responsibility, but gives the holder prestige or money
serried crowded or pressed together:COMPACT
sinuous having many curves and twists; winding
skinflint miser
skulduggery deception and planning of evil acts; trickery
slake satiate
shopworn stale from excessive use or familiarity
sledge vehicle with long narrow strips of wood, metal, etc instead of wheels, for travelling over ice and snow
sinew solid resilient strength:POWER
slough swamp; marsh ;
sluice sliding gate or other device for controlling the flow of water out of or into a canal, lake, lock, etc
sojourn stay (with sb) in a place for a time
solecism mistake in the use of language, esp one that shows sb to be foreign or of low social class ,
solicitous very concerned and anxious about (sb's welfare, comfort, etc)
soluble that can be dissolved
solvent having enough money to pay one's debts; not in debt
somnolent almost asleep; sleepy; drowsy
soothsayer fortune-teller; prophet
soporific causing sleep
sovereign (of power) without limit; highest
sovereignty supreme and independent power of authority
spate sudden fast rush, quick outpouring
specious seeming right or true but actually wrong or false
spectral of or like a spectre, ghostly; related to a spectrum
splice join (two ends of rope) by weaving the strands of one into the strands of the other
spurious not genuine or authentic; false or fake
squelch make a sucking sound as when feet are lifted from thick sticky mud
stagnant not flowing and therefore dirty and smelling unpleasant; still and stale
stalwart stout
stanch stop the flow of (esp blood)
statutory fixed, done or required by statute
steadfast firm and not changing or yielding; constant
stentorian (of a voice) loud and powerful
stereotype image,idea, character, etc that has become fixed or standardized in a conventional form without individuality
stint restrict, limit sb/oneself to a small amount of (esp food)
stockade line or wall of strong upright posts, built as a defence
stodgy (of food) heavy, solid and difficult to digest
stolid of a person) not easily excited; showing little or no emotion or interest
straggle grow or spread in an irregular or untidy manner
stricture severe criticism or condemnation
strident loud and harsh; shrill
stringent that must be obeyed; strict or severe
strut rod or bar placed in a framework to strengthen and brace it
stultify cause (sth) to be ineffective or seem absurd; negate
stygian very dark; gloomy
stymie situation on the green in which an opponent's ball is between one's own ball and the hole
subaltern any officer in the army below the rank of captain
sublimate express (instinctual urges, esp sexual ones) in more socially acceptable ways
sublime of the greatest, most admirable kind; causing awe and reverence
subliminal being perceived or affecting the mind without one being aware of it
suborn use bribery or some other means to persuade (sb) to do sth illegal, esp tell lies in a court of law
substantive genuine or actual; real
subsume include sth in a particular group, class, etc or under a rule
succor to go to the aid of:RELIEVE
suffuse (esp of colour or moisture) spread all over sth
sultry (of the weather, air, etc) oppressively hot and humid
sumptuous looking expensive and splendid
sunder sever
sundry various
superannuated old and barely fit for work or use
supercilious thinking or showing that one thinks one is better than other people; arrogant and disdainful
supererogatory superfluous
supernumerary surfeit
supplant supersede
supposititious assumed; counterfeit; hypothetical
surmise guess
surmount overcome
Created by: jeklaunig
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