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Chemistry FINAL

Define physical change. a substance changing from one state of matter to another.
List 13 physical properties. color, smell, freezing point, attraction, repulsion, magnets, opacity, density, viscosity, heat combustion, sublimation, acid resistance, length of metal object, magnetizing steel.
Define chemical change. A change in a substance that involves the rearrangement of the way the atoms are bonded.
List 6 chemical properties. heat combustion, reactivity with water, PH, electromotive force, reactivity, combustible.
What are the two things a solid have Definite shape and volume
What are the two things liquids have No definite shape but definite volume.
What are the two things gases have No definite shape no definite volume.
What is Distillation? Liquid to Gas to Liquid
What is sublimation? solid to gas to solid
what is recrystallization? solid to liquid to solid
what is dissolution? Involves a material (usually a solid) disappearing when placed into a liquid. Example sugar in water
What is crystallization? The reverse of dissolution. Example evaporating away the water to retrieve the sugar.
What is recrystallization? combing both processes.
Time for the Atomic Theory Quiz. (turn to page two) I'm already
Non-metal to non-metal make what bond. A coefficient bond.
Metal to non-metal make what bond. A Ionic bond.
What makes a Isotope unique? A Isotope has more/less number of neutrons in the atom so the mass of the atom will be different.
What is the Isotope of carbon with 8 neutrons? Carbon-14
list the three groups on the periodic table? Metals, non-metals, and metalloids.
What is the most reactive non-metal and metal groups. Group 1 and group 17.
When is the appropriate time to use brackets with charges. When showing bonding through ions.
What type of bond and how many connections does H4C2 have when bonded? Ionic bond because of the single transfer of valence electrons and its a double bond between the carbon and a single with the hydrogen's.
What type od bond and how many connections does H20 have when bonded? Ionic bond and single bond.
How many valence electrons are ____________ and how many connections does N2 have when bonded. 3 valance electrons are shared and have a 3 bond connection.
On the back of your atomic theory quiz we are going to do chemical equations. ok
CO + O2 = CO2 solve *show you the paper 2CO + OS = 2CO2
NaNO3 = NaNO2 + O2 *show you the paper 4NaNO3 = 3NaNO2 + O2
What is synthesis and give a example two or more substances react to from a single substance. Ex): 2Na + 2Cl = 2NaCl
What is decomposition and give a example a compound breaks down into two more simpler substances. Ex): 2HO = H2 + O2
What is single replacement and give example one element takes the place of another element in a compound Ex): A + BC = A +AC
What is double replacement and give example two element takes the place of another element in a compound. Ex): AB + CD = AD + CB
What is combustion and give a example Combustion is when all substances in the compound are combined with oxygen and produces carbon dioxide and water. Ex): AB + O2 = CO2 + H2O
What is Avogadro's number and what does it help us find? Avogadro's number is 6.02*10^23. this number is used to find the exact mass of the atom.
What is the mol of Carbon and Hydrogen 2 mol = 14
What is the difference between Endothermic and Exothermic? Endothermic absorbs heat from its surroundings and Exothermic releases heat into its surroundings.
What do temperature, particle size, pressure, stirring, concentration and catalyst have in common with rate of reaction. All of these factors increase the rate of reaction.
Fill this out on back of sheet ok
How many moles of CaCl2 are produced with 45g of calcium chlorine? 45g CaCl2 * 1mole Cacl2/110g CaCl2 = 0.49 mol
How many grams are in 2.4 moles of Sulfur? 2.4 mol * 32gs/1m = 76.8grams
Created by: campbell36
Popular Chemistry sets




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