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Mental Health Vocab

Mental Health the way people think about and respond to events in their daily lives.
Emotion a feeling produced in response to a life event
Emotional Health The way a person experiences and deals with feelings
Hormones chemicals that help control how the body grows and functions
Trigger situations, people and events that cause a person to feel an emotion
Conflict any clash of ideas or interests
Body Language communication that is done by the body rather than the words
Negotiaion the act of discussing the issues of a conflict to reach an agreement
Compromise a solution of a conflict in which both sides work together to get what they want
Mediation a process in which another person listens to both sides of the conflict and then offers solutions to the conflict
Peer Mediation mediation in which mediator is of a similar age to the people in the conflict
Bully a person who constantly picks on or beats up smaller or weaker people
Intimidation the act of frightening others through the use of threatening words or body language
Active Listening not only hearing but also showing that you understand what a person is saying
Self Esteem a measure of how much you value, respect, and feel confident about yourself
Positive Self Talk thinking about good parts of a bad situation
Defensive Mechanism automatic behaviors use to reduce uncomfortable stress
Mental Illness a disorder that affects a persons thoughts, emotions, and behaviors
Anxiety Disorder an illness that causes unusually strong nervousness, worry, or panic
Mood Disorder an illness in which people have uncontrollable mood changes
Depression a mood disorder in which a person feels extremely sad and hopeless for at least two weeks
Teen Hotline a phone number that teens can call to talk privately and anonymously about their problems
Counselor a professional who helps people work through difficult problems by talking
Psychologist a person who tries to change thoughts, feelings, and actions by finding the reasons behind them or suggesting new ways to manage emotions
Psychiatrist a medical doctor who specializes in illness of the brain and body that affect emotions and behavior
Peer Pressure pressure people of similar age and status place on a person to behave in certain ways
Empathy sharing and understanding another person's feelings
Tolerance the ability to overlook differences and accept people for who they are
Stress Management the ability to handle stress in healthy ways
Stress the combination of a new or possibly threatening situation and your body's natural response to a situation
Stressor anything that causes a stress response
Distress a negative physical, mental, or emotional strain in response to a stressor
Positive Stress or Eustress the stress response that happens when winning, succeeding, or achieving
Communication Skills methods for expressing your thought and listening to what others say
Refusal Skills different ways of saying no to things that you don't want to do
Created by: kayleighs



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