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21. 328 - 336
GRE Vocabulary Words
Term | Definition |
phony | fake, counterfeit; insincere, not genuine. |
plausible | believable; having the appearance of truth. |
polarized | divided into sharply opposed groups. |
ponderous | heavy; bulky and unwieldy; dull, labored. |
posthumous | happening or continuing after death. |
potentate | ruler, person of great power. |
predisposed | having an inclination or tendency beforehand; susceptible. |
pretentious | claiming or demanding a position of importance or dignity, especially when unjustified; showing off, creating a deceptive, false show of worth. |
principled | having high moral standards. |
prologue | introductory part to a book, play, etc. |
pronounced | distinct, strong, clearly indicated. |
prospective | potential, in the future. |
prudent | wise in practical matters, carefully providing for the future. |
quandary | uncertainty or confusion about what to do, dilemma. |
ranks | personnel; a group of people considered all together. |
reap | harvest, such as by cutting; gather; get as a result of one's effort. |
remedial | providing a remedy, curative; correcting a deficient skill. |
render | give, submit, surrender; translate; declare formally; cause to become. |
replete | supplied in abundance, filled, gorged (used with "with"). |
requite | reciprocate, repay, or revenge. |
resolve | find a solution to; firmly decide to do something; decide by formal vote; firmness of purpose. |
respectively | in the order given. |
restive | restless; impatient or uneasy under the control of another. |
retrospective | looking to the past or backward; applying to the past; retroactive; an art exhibit of an artist's work over along period of time. |
rife | happening frequently, abundant, currently being reported. |
rudimentary | elementary, relating to the basics; undeveloped, primitive. |
rustic | relating to country life,unsophisticated; primitive; made of rough wood; a rural or uncultured person. |
sacrosanct | sacred, inviolable, not to be trespassed on or violated; above any criticism. |
sant | not enough or barely enough. |
scathing | severe, injurious; bitterly harsh or critical (as a remark). |
secular | not religious or holy; pertaining to worldly things. |
simultaneous | at the same time. |
skirt | border, lie along the edge of, go around; evade. |
slack | loose, negligent, lazy, weak; neglect to do one's duties; loosen up, relax; period of little work. |
slew | a large number of quantity. |
slight | small, not very important, slender or delicate; treat as though not very important; snub, ignore; an act of treating in this way, a discourtesy. |
sound | measure the depth of (usually of water) as with a sounding line; penetrate and discover the meaning of, understand (usually as sound the depths). |
spartan | very disciplined and stern; frugal, living simply, austere; suggestive of the ancient Spartans. |
spate | sudden outpouring or rush; flood. |
spearhead | be the leader of. |
speculate | contemplate; make a guess or educated guess about; engage in a risky business transaction, gamble. |
sportive | playful, merry, joking around, done "in sport" (rather than intended seriously). |
standing | status, rank, reputation; existing indefinitely, not movable. |
stark | complete, total, utter; harsh or grim; extremely simple, severe, blunt, or plain. |
status quo | existing state or condition. |
stingy | not generous with money, reluctant to spend or give. |
subjective | existing in the mind or relating to one's own thoughts, opinions, emotions, etc.; personal, individual, based on feelings. |
succeeding | coming after or following. |
surmise | guess, infer, opine. |
synchronous | happening at the same time; occurring at the same rate and thus happening together repeatedly. |
temperance | moderation, self-control, especially regarding alcohol or other desires or pleasures; total abstinence from alcohol. |
timely | well-timed, happening at a suitable time. |
transitory | temporary, short-lived, not lasting. |
trifling/trifle | trivial, not very important; so small as to be unimportant; frivolous, shallow. |
trite | lacking freshness and originality, lacking effectiveness due to overuse, cliche. |
undermine | weaken, cause to collapse by digging away at the foundation (of a building or an argument); injure or attach in a secretive or underhanded way. |
underscore | emphasize (or, literally, to underline text). |
unearth | dig up, uncover, expose. |
unequivocal | unambiguous, clear, absolute; having only one possible meaning. |
unprecedented | never before known or seen, without having happened previously. |
unseemly | improper, inappropriate, against the rules of taste or politeness. |
vintage | related to items of high quality from a previous era, old-fashioned, antique; the wine of a particular year. |
virtual | existing only in the mind or by means of a computer network; existing in results or in essence but not officially or in name. |
whereas | while on the contrary, considering that. |
wily or wiles | crafty, cunning, characterized by tricks or artifice. |
zenith | high point,culmination. |