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14. 252 - 264

GRE Vocabulary Words

interpolate to insert; change by adding new words or material.
interregnum interval between reigns; gap in continuity.
intimate marked by close acquaintance.
introspective contemplating one's own thoughts and feelings.
inundate to cover with water; overwhelm
.invective verbal abuse.
decorous marked by propriety and good taste; correct.
invidious likely to provoke ill will; offensive
irresolute unsure of how to act; weak.
itinerary route of a traveler's journey
jaundiced having a yellowish discoloration of the skin; affected by envy, resentment, or hostility.
jaundice a medical condition often due to liver disease and characterized by yellowness of the skin.
juggernaut huge force destroying everything in its path.
junta group of people united in political intrigue.
juxtapose place side by side.
juxtaposition a side-by-side placement.
kudos fame; glory; honor.
lambaste to thrash verbally or physically.
lascivious lustful.
latent present but hidden; potential.
lethargic inactive.
levee an embankment that prevents a river from overflowing.
levity light manner or attitude.
liberal tolerant; broad-minded; generous; lavish.
libido sexual desire.
Lilliputian extremely small.
linguistic pertaining to language.
linguistics the scientific study of language.
litany lengthy recitation; repetitive chant.
literati scholarly or learned persons.
litigation legal proceedings.
log record of a voyage; record of daily activities.
lucre money or profits.
lustrous shining.
Machiavellian crafty; double-dealing.
machinations plots or schemes.
maelstrom whirlpool; turmoil.
malign to speak evil of.
megalomania delusions of power or importance.
meteorological concerned with the weather.
microcosm a small system having analogies to a larger system; small world.
minuscule very small.
minutia petty details.
miscellany mixture of writings on various subjects.
miscreant villain; criminal.
mitigation the act of reducing the severity or painfulness of something.
mnemonic related to memory; assisting memory.
mnemonic a system that develops and improves the memory.
modicum limited quantity.
monolithic solid and uniform; constituting a single, unified whole.
motley many colored; made up of many parts.
necromancy black magic.
negate to cancel out; nullify.
nostalgia sentimental longing for a past time.
nugatory trifling; invalid.
obsequy funeral ceremony (often used in the plural, obsequies).
odyssey a long, adventurous voyage; a quest.
olfactory concerning the sense of smell.
oligarchy form of government in which power belongs to only a few leaders.
onomatopoeia formation or use of words that imitate sounds of the actions they refer to.
ornithologist scientist who studies birds.
paleontology study of past geological eras through fossil remains.
pallid lacking color or liveliness.
paragon model of excellence or perfection.
pathological departing from normal condition.
pathos a quality that causes a feeling of pity or sorrow.
patois a regional dialect; nonstandard speech; jargon.
pedant uninspired, boring academic.
pellucid transparent; translucent; easily understood.
peregrination a wandering from place to place.
perfidious faithless; disloyal; untrustworthy.
perigee point in an orbit that is closest to the earth.
permeable penetrable.
perturb to disturb greatly; make uneasy or anxious; cause a body to deviate from its regular orbit.
perturbation disturbance.
phoenix mythical, immortal bird that burns itself to death and rises from the ashes. Anything that is restored after suffering great destruction.
physiognomy facial features.
piety devoutness.
placid clam.
plasticity condition of being able to be shaped or formed; pliability.
platonic spiritual; without sensual desire; theoretical.
plume to congratulate oneself in a self-satisfied way.
plutocracy society ruled by the wealthy.
porous full of holes; permeable to liquids.
poseur person who affects an attitude or identity to impress others.
pragmatism a practical way of approaching situations or solving problems.
pragmatist someone who approaches situations in a practical way.
preamble preliminary statement.
prehensile capable of grasping.
premonition forewarning; presentiment.
presage to foretell; indicate in advance.
presume assume or act with impertinent boldness.
preternatural beyond the normal course of nature; supernatural.
primordial original; existing from the beginning.
problematic posing a problem; doubtful; unsettled.
profound deep; not superficial.
profundity the quality of being profound.
prohibitive so high as to prevent the purchase or use of; preventing; forbidding.
propriety correct conduct; fitness.
puissant powerful.
puissance power, might.
purport to profess; suppose; claim.
purport meaning intended or implied.
pusillanimity cowardice.
quagmire marsh; difficult situation.
qualification limitation or restriction.
qualify to modify or limit.
qualm sudden feeling of faintness or nausea; uneasy feeling about the rightness of actions.
quibble to argue over insignificant and irrelevant details.
quorum number of members necessary to conduct a meeting.
raconteur witty, skillful storyteller.
raiment clothing.
rarefied refined.
rationale fundamental reason.
recluse person who lives in seclusion and often in solitude.
recondite abstruse; profound.
abstruse difficult to comprehend.
refractory stubborn; unmanageable; resisting ordinary methods of treatment.
refract to deflect sound or light.
reparation amends; compensation.
reproach to find fault with; blame.
reprobate morally unprincipled person.
resolve determination; firmness of purpose.
riposte a retaliatory action or retort.
rococo excessively ornate; highly decorated; style of architecture in 18th century Europe.
placate make (someone) less angry or hostile.
Created by: GuteFrau
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