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11. 205 - 225
GRE Vocabulary Words
Term | Definition |
abdicate | to give up a position, right, or power. |
abeyance | temporary suppression or suspension. |
de facto | in reality. |
abject | miserable; pitiful. |
hypothesized | form a hypothesis, that is a preposition put forward as a starting point for further investigation. |
adaptive | relating to adaptation, an alteration in structure or habits by which a species improves its condition in relationship to its environment. |
herbivorous | feeding mainly on plants. |
abstemious | moderate in appetite. |
abstinence | the giving up of certain pleasures. |
abysmal | very bad. |
free market | an economic market in which the demand and supply of goods and services is either not regulated or is slightly regulated. |
planned economy | an economic system in which the production, goods and services is planned in advanced. Also known as command economy. |
geophysicist | one who specializes in the physics of the earth and its environment. |
igneous | in geology, relating to the formation of rocks by solidification from a molten state. |
accrue | to accumulate; grow by additions. |
monopolistic | having exclusive control over a commercial activity. |
adamant | uncompromising; unyielding. |
adjunct | something added, attached, or joined. |
aesthetic | a conception of what is artistically beautiful. |
aesthete | someone who cultivates a special sensitivity to beauty; often the word refers to a person whose interest in beauty and art is regarded as excessive or superficial. |
gothic | a style of architecture that was very popular in the Middle Ages. |
affected | pretentious, phony. |
affinity | fondness; liking; similarity. |
aggregate | amounting to a whole; total. |
aggregate | to collect into a mass. |
aggregate | collective mass or sum. |
allay | to lessen; ease; soothe. |
alchemy | turning a base metal into gold. |
alleviate | to relieve; improve partially. |
bourgeoisie | the social order dominated by the property-owning class. |
allure | the power to entice by charm. |
allure | to entice by charm. |
ambiguous | unclear or doubtful in meaning. |
ambivalence | the state of having conflicting emotional attitudes. |
ambrosia | something delicious; the food of the gods. |
amenity | something that increases comfort. |
amulet | ornament worn as a charm against evil spirits. |
analgesic | medication that reduces or eliminates pain. |
analgesia | pain relief. |
analogous | comparable. |
analog | something that is comparable to something else. |
posit | to assume or affirm the existence of. |
anarchy | absence of government; state of disorder. |
anarchic | lacking order or control. |
debauchery | extreme indulgence in sensuality. |
tenable | capable of being held, maintained, or defended. |
anarchism | the theory that all forms of government are oppressive and should be abolished. |
anomalous | irregular; deviating from the norm. |
antecedent | something that comes before. |
antediluvian | prehistoric. |
apathy | indifference. |
apex | the highest point. |
apothegm | a terse, witty saying. |
appease | to calm; pacify; placate. |
appellation | name. |
apropos | relevant. |
archeology | the study of material evidence of past human life. |
argot | a specialized vocabulary used by a group. |
artifact | item made by human craft. |
asylum | a place of refuge or shelter. |
stoic | submission to divine will and freedom from emotion. |
pantheistic | a doctrine that equates God with the forces and laws of the universe. |
atavism | in biology, the reappearance of a characteristic is an organism after several generations of absence; return of a trait after a period of absence. |
deism | the belief in a God who created the universe and then abandoned it, assuming no control over life or natural phenomena, and giving no supernatural revelation. |
Age of Enlightenment | a period in European philosophy during the 18th century that emphasized reason. |
autonomous | self-governing; independent. |
avocation | secondary occupation. |
avuncular | like an uncle, benevolent and tolerant. |
bacchanalian | pertaining to riotous or drunken festivity; pertaining to revelry. |
revelry | lively and noisy festivities, especially when these involve drinking a large amount of alcohol. |
banal | commonplace; trite. |
banter | playful conversation. |
bard | poet. |
bawdy | obscene. |
behemoth | huge creature; anything very large and powerful. |
beneficent | kindly; doing good. |
omnipotent | (of a deity) having unlimited power; able to do anything. |
postulate | suggest or assume the existence, fact, or truth of (something) as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief. |
bifurcate | to divide into two parts. |
blasé | bored because of frequent indulgence; unconcerned. |