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10. 181 - 204

GRE Vocabulary Words

succor assistance, relief in time of distress.
sundry various, miscellaneous, separate.
supercilious disdainful, arrogant, haughty, characterized by haughty scorn.
superfluous exceeding what is sufficient or necessary.
supine inactive, lying on one's back, apathetic, mentally or morally slack.
apathetic having or showing little or no feeling or emotion.
slack not using due diligence, care, or dispatch.
supine lying face up.
prone lying face down.
supplant to take the place of, supersede.
suppliant asking humbly, beseeching.
beseech to beg for urgently or anxiously.
suppliant supplicant
supplicant beggar, one who prays or begs for something.
supplicate pray humbly; ask, beg.
surfeit to feed or supply in excess.
surfeit excess, overindulgence.
sycophant someone who tries to flatter or please for personal gain, parasite.
synthesis the combination of parts to make a whole.
table to remove (as a parliamentary motion) from consideration.
tacit implied, not explicitly stated.
taciturn not talkative, silent.
tamp to plug, to drive in or down by a series of blows.
loquacious full of excessive talk.
tautology a repetition, a redundancy, a circular argument.
tawdry cheap, gaudy, showy, tacky, indecent.
tenacity the quality of adherence or persistence to something valued.
tenacious means stubborn refusing to give up or let go of something.
tendentious biased, showing marked tendencies.
tender to offer formally.
tenuous having little substance or strength, flimsy, weak.
terse brief and concise in wording.
timorous timid, fearful, diffident.
diffident hesitant in acting or speaking through lack of self-confidence.
tirade a long and extremely critical speech, harsh denunciation.
toady sycophant, flatterer, yes-man.
torpid lethargic, sluggish, dormant.
torpor a state of inactivity or lethargy.
torque a force that causes rotation.
torrid scorching, ardent, passionate, hurried.
tortuous winding, twisting, excessively complicated.
tout to publicly praise or promote.
tractable docile, obedient, easily led.
intractable unruly.
transient fleeting, passing quickly, brief.
transience the state of being transient.
travesty mockery, caricature, parody.
travesty to imitate in such a way as to ridicule.
trenchant sharply perceptive, keen, penetrating, biting, clear cut.
truculent fierce, scathing, eager to fight.
tumid swollen.
tumescence swelling.
turbid muddy, having sediment stirred up, clouded to the point of being opaque, in a state of turmoil.
turgid swollen, bloated, pompous, excessively ornate.
turpitude depravity, baseness.
tyro novice, beginner in learning.
ubiquitous existing everywhere at the same time, constantly encountered, widespread.
ubiquity the state of being everywhere at the same time.
umbrage offense, resentment.
undulate to move in wavelike fashion, fluctuate.
undulations the motions something makes when it undulates.
unfeigned genuine, not false or hypocritical.
untenable indefensible, not viable, uninhabitable.
untoward troublesome, unruly, unseemly, adverse.
upbraid to scold, censure, rebuke, chastise.
upbraiding severe scolding.
urbane sophisticated, refined, elegant.
usury charging an exorbitant or illegal rate of interest.
vacillate to waiver indecisively between one course of action or opinion and another, sway from one side to the other.
variegated multi-colored, characterized by a variety of patches of different color.
vaunt to brag or boast.
venal capable of being bought or bribed, mercenary.
mercenary one that serves merely for wages, especially a soldier hired into a foreign services.
venality the use of position for personal gain.
venerate to revere; to adore; honor; respect.
veneration respect or reverence.
veracity truthfulness, honesty.
voracity ravenous, very eager.
ravenous very eager or greedy for food.
verisimilitude appearing true or real.
veritable authentic, real, genuine.
vexation annoyance, irritation.
vex to annoy or puzzle.
vigilant alertly watchful.
vilify to defame, characterize harshly.
virulent extremely harmful or poisonous, bitterly hostile or antagonistic.
virulence extreme harmfulness or bitterness.
viscous thick, sticky.
viscosity the state of being viscous.
vitiate to reduce the value of, debase, spoil, make ineffective.
vituperate to use harsh condemnatory language; abuse or censure severely.
volatile readily changing to a vapor; changeable, fickle, explosive.
voracious having an insatiable appetite for an activity or pursuit, ravenous.
waft a light breeze, a puff.
waft to send floating through the air or over water.
waver to move to and fro, to sway; to be unsettled in opinion.
welter to writhe, to toss about, to be in turmoil.
welter a state of turmoil or chaotic jumble.
wend to go, proceed, walk.
zealous fervent, ardent, impassioned.
zealous to be filled with zeal.
zeal great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective.
Created by: GuteFrau
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