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02. 21 - 40
GRE Vocabulary Words
Term | Definition |
auspice | protection or support, patronage. |
auspice | sign or portent. |
portent | something that foreshadows a coming event. |
auspicious | favorable, propitious, successful, prosperous. |
propitious | being a good omen. |
austere | without adornment; bare; severely simple; ascetic. |
austerity | rigid economy (often followed by measures). |
avarice | greed, especially for wealth. |
avaricious | greedy. |
aver | to state a fact; to confirm or support. |
axiom | a universally recognized principle; a generally accepted or common saying. |
axiomatic | taken as a given; possessing self-evident truth. |
baleful | sinister, pernicious, ominous. |
pernicious | malicious, wicked. |
bane | cause of injury, source of harm; source of persistent frustration. |
baneful | means causing harm or ruin, pernicious, destructive. |
beatify | to bless, make happy, or ascribe a virtue to; to regard as saintly. |
beatitude | a state of bliss, and beatific means having a blissful appearance. |
bedizen | to adorn, especially in a cheap, showy manner; festoon, caparison. |
caparison | an ornamental covering for a horse. |
festoon | a decorative chain or strip hanging between two points. |
belie | to give a false impression of, to misrepresent. |
bellicose | belligerent, pugnacious, warlike. |
belligerent | waging war. |
pugnacious | quarrelsome nature. |
bent | leaning, inclination, proclivity, tendency. |
proclivity | natural tendency. |
blandish | to coax with flattery, toady or fawn. |
brandish | to shake or wave menacingly. |
blandishment | flattery intended to cajole or coax. |
blithe | carefree, merry. |
boisterous | loud, noisy, rough, lacking restraint. |
bolster | to provide support or reinforcement. |
bombastic | pompous; grandiloquent. |
bombast | self-important or pompous writing or speech. |
boor | a rude or insensitive person; lout; yokel. |
lout | aggressive man. |
yokel | a country bumpkin. |
broach | bring up, announce, begin to talk about. |
impolitic | unwise. |
brook | to tolerate, endure, countenance. |
countenance | support. |
bucolic | rustic and pastoral; characteristic of rural areas and their inhabitants. |
burgeon | to grow rapidly or flourish. |
burnish | to polish, rub to a shine. |
byzantine | labyrinthine, complex. |
labyrinthine | intricate, involved. |
cacophony | harsh, jarring, discordant sound; dissonance. |
cadge | to sponge, beg, or mooch. |
cajole | to inveigle, coax, wheedle, sweet-talk. |
inveigle | entice. |
wheedle | to influence or entice by soft words or flattery. |
calumniate | to slander, make a false accusation. |
calumny | slander, aspersion. |
canon | an established set of principles or code of laws, often religious in nature. |
canonical | following or in agreement with accepted, traditional standards. |
capricious | inclined to change one's mind impulsively; erratic; unpredictable. |
cardinal | of basic importance or consequence; primary. |
caret | an insertion mark used by editors and proofreaders. |
castigation | severe criticism or punishment. |
catalyst | a substance that accelerates the rate of a chemical reaction without itself changing; a person or thing that causes change. |
catalyze | is to act as a catalyst, to bring about. |
caustic | burning or stinging causing corrosion. |
censure | to criticize severely; to officially rebuke. |
rebuke | to criticize sharply. |
censure | a judgment involving condemnation; the act of blaming or condemning. |
censorious | tending to or expressing censure. |
chary | wary; cautious; sparing. |
chasten | to chastise or correct; subdue. |
chastened | corrected, punished or humbled. |
chauvinist | one blindly devoted to a group of which one is a member. |
chicanery | trickery or subterfuge. |
subterfuge | deceit used in order to achieve one's goal. |
chimera | an illusion; originally, an imaginary fire-breathing she-monster. |
chimerical | illusory or improbable. |
churlish | boorish, vulgar, loutish; difficult and intractable. |
churl | someone who is churlish. |
coalesce | to come together; to fuse or unite. |
coda | concluding section to a musical or literary piece, something that concludes or completes. |
cogent | appealing forcibly to the mind or reason; convincing. |
color | to change as if by dyeing, influence, distort, or gloss over. |
commensurate | matching, corresponding, or proportionate in degree, size, amount or other property. |
complaisance | the willingness to comply with the wishes of others. |
complaisant | showing a willingness to please. |
complacent | self-satisfied. |
connoisseur | an informed and astute judge in matters of taste; expert. |
consequential | pompous, self-important. |
consequential | logically following; important. |
contemn | to scorn or to despise. |
curry | to seek to gain favor by flattery or attention. |
condemn | to pronounce judgment against. |
contentious | argumentative, quarrelsome; causing controversy or disagreement. |