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Stack #213368


condign adequate; (of punishment) severe and well deserved
oscillate vibrate pendulumlike; waver
theoretical based on theory; not practical or applied; hypothetical
pundit authority on a subject; expert; learned person
stereotype one regarded as embodying a set image or type; fixed and unvarying representation; standardized mental picture often reflecting prejudice; Ex. stereotype of the happy slave; V: make a stereotype of; represent by a stereotype;
brawny muscular; having well-developed muscles
surfeit satiate; feed or supply to excess; stuff; indulge to excess in anything; N: surfeiting; excessive amount; Ex. surfeit of food
hazard venture; put in danger; risk; Ex. hazard a guess; N: possible source of danger
eloquence expressiveness; persuasive speech; ADJ. eloquent: movingly expressive; expressing ideas well so that the hearers can be influeneced
fanciful whimsical; visionary; imaginary; produced by imagination; Ex. fanciful scheme
factious inclined to form factions; causing dissension
chassis framework and working parts of an automobile; framework to which components are attached
inopportune untimely; inappropriate or ill-timed; poorly chosen
alcove nook; recess
vendetta blood feud (esp. between two families); CF. Nina Williams
nemesis someone seeking revenge; source of downfall or ruin; CF. Nemesis
accrue come to one as a gain; accumulate over time; come about by addition; Ex. benefits that accrue from scientific research; Ex. interest accruing in a bank account; N. accrual
undertaker funeral director; one whose business is to arrange burials
complementary serving to complete something
jingoist extremely aggressive and militant patriot; warlike chauvinist; N. jingoism: extreme nationalism
aquiline curved; hooked; of or like an eagle; Ex. aquiline nose
lofty very high
mordant biting; sarcastic; stinging; (apprec.) incisive; cutting; Ex. mordant pen/wit
bombast grandiloquent, pompous speech
shift change position or place; exchange (one thing) for another; change in direction or position; Ex. shift the stolen goods; N. group of workers which takes turns with other groups; working period of such a group
deft neat; skillful
homily sermon; tedious moralizing lecture; serious warning; ADJ. homiletic
rankle irritate; fester; annoy
mingle mix together in close association
indeterminate uncertain; not clearly fixed; indefinite
rotundity roundness; sonorousness of speech
enumerate list; mention one by one
congenial pleasant; friendly; in agreement with one's tastes and nature; Ex. congenial weather
gist essence; main point; substance
privation lack of the basic necessities or comforts of life; hardship; want; CF. deprive
cataclysm deluge; upheaval; earthquake; violent and sudden event or change
toxic poisonous; N. toxicity
mutter utter (complaining words) indistinctly in low tones
abjure renounce upon oath
extradition surrender of prisoner by one state to another; Ex. extradition treaty; V. extradite
quirk sudden sharp turn or twist; startling twist; caprice; idiosyncrasy; peculiarity of behavior; Ex. by a quirk of fate
aspire seek to attain (position or status); long for; Ex. aspire to become president; Ex. aspire to/after the leadership
stratagem deceptive scheme; clever trick
arrogance pride; haughtiness; ADJ. arrogant: unpleasantly self-important (with a strong confidence in one's own importance and a lack of respect for other people)
commune small (often rural) community whose members share work and income; V: exchange thoughts or feelings; Ex. commune with nature
forestall prevent by taking action in advance
inundate flood; overflow; submerge; cover completely; Ex. inundated with work
fussy fastidious; finicky; easily upset
estranged separated; alienated; V. estrange: alienate (people in a family); N. estrangement
jetsam things thrown from a ship (to lighten the ship)
bequeath leave to someone by means of a will; hand down in his will; N. bequest
dauntless bold; fearless
lien legal claim or right on a property
congruent in agreement; harmonious; corresponding; coinciding exactly; CF. congruous
expound explain
obtuse blunt; not sharp; stupid; slow in understanding
detrimental harmful; damaging; N. detriment
mangy shabby; wretched; suffering from mange; of bad appearance
putrefy make or become putrid; N. putrefaction
hideous repulsive to the sight; ugly; repugnant; Ex. hideous face/scream
abate subside or moderate
annul make void
egotism tendency to speak or write of oneself excessively; conceit; self-importance
skeptic sceptic; doubter; person who suspends judgment until he has examined the evidence supporting a point of view; ADJ. skeptical; N. skepticism; scepticism
audacious daring; bold; N. audacity
compost mixture of decaying organic matter used as fertilizer; V: put or make compost
heresy opinion contrary to popular belief; opinion contrary to accepted religion; ADJ. heretical; CF. heretic
high-flown highly pretentious or inflated
maniacal raging mad; insane; N. maniac: insane person; CF. mania: disorder of the mind; intense enthusiasm
whorl ring of leaves around stem; ring; circular arrangement; Ex. whorls on the fingers
petulant touchy; peevish; ill-tempered
decimate kill (usually one out of ten or every tenth man); destroy or kill a large part of
resolve decide; settle; solve; separate; make a determined decision; N. resolution
brave face courageously; Ex. brave the storm
viscous (of a liquid) thick and sticky; gluey; viscid; CF. consistency
grovel crawl or creep on ground; remain prostrate; behave in a servile manner
compliance conformity in fulfilling requirements; readiness to yield; disposition to yield to others; V. comply
invalid one incapacitated(disabled) by a chronic illness; ADJ: incapacitated by illness; not valid; null; V: allow to leave (a military force) because of ill-health
spurious false; counterfeit; forged; illogical; Ex. spurious arguments
lechery gross lewdness; lustfulness; ADJ. lecherous; N. lecher: lecherous man
entomology study of insects
molt(moult) periodically shed or cast off hairs or feathers (for replacement by a new growth)
expatiate talk at length; speak or write in detail
tribute tax levied by a ruler; payment made by one nation to another in acknowledgment of submission; mark of respect (such as praise or gift); Ex. pay tribute to
askance with a sideways or indirect look (with disapproval or distruct); Ex. look askance at
dour sullen; gloomy; stubborn
prate talk idly; speak foolishly; boast idly
cardinal chief; most important; N: priest; cardinal number: number that shows quantity rather thatn order
pastry paste of flour and water (eaten when baked)
betroth become engaged to marry
valediction saying farewell; expression of leave-taking
hygiene science and practice of the promotion and preservation of health; ADJ. hygienic: showing careful attention to cleanness (to prevent disease); Ex. hygienic condition
elaboration addition of details; intricacy
homeostasis tendency of a system or organism to maintain relative stability or internal equilibrium; CF. homeo-: constant; Ex. homeotherm
hostage person who is kept as a prisoner by an enemy so that the other side will do what the enemy demands
resentment indignation; bitterness; displeasure; V. resent: feel anger about
palimpsest parchment or piece of writing material used for second time after original writing has been erased
vaporize turn into vapor (steam, gas, fog, etc.)
lackadaisical lacking interest or effort; lacking purpose or zest; lazy; halfhearted; languid
casualty serious or fatal accident; person killed or wounded in an accident or battle
bulk size or volume (esp. when very large); main part; Ex. The bulk of the work has already been done; ADJ. bulky: having great size
rectitude moral correctness; moral uprightness; moral virtue; correctness of judgment
vainglorious boastful; excessively conceited; N. vainglory: great vanity
filing particle removed by a file
inveigh denounce; utter censure or invective; Ex. inveigh against the evils of drink
pathetic causing sadness, compassion, pity; touching
agnostic one who is skeptical of the existence or knowability of a god or any ultimate reality
supererogatory superfluous; more than needed or demanded
engross occupy fully; absorb
orgy wild drunken revelry; unrestrained indulgence in an activity; Ex. orgy of shopping
feral (of an animal) not domestic; wild
hilarity boisterous mirth(merriment; laughter); ADJ. hilarious: full of laughter
incandescent strikingly bright; shining with intense heat; emitting visible light when heated; Ex. incandescent light bulb; CF. candle
forebears(forbears) ancestors
disenfranchise disfranchise; deprive of a civil right; OP. enfranchise
slink move furtively; ADJ. slinky: stealthy; furtive; sneaky (as in ambush)
besmirch soil; defile; make dirty
brood sit on in order to hatch; think deeply or worry anxiously; N: the young of certain animals; group of young birds hatched at one time
beholden obligated; indebted; owing thanks; obliged or indebted from gratitude
flay strip off skin; plunder; remove the skin from; criticize harshly
sophomoric immature; half-baked; like a sophomore
exculpate clear from blame or guilt
perturb disturb greatly
variegated (esp. of a flower or leaf) many-colored
excerpt selected passage (written or musical) taken from a longer work; V.
insolvent bankrupt; lacking money to pay; N. insolvency
parley conference (between opponents); CF. speak
compendium brief, comprehensive summary; ADJ. compendious
gusty windy
benison blessing
don put on; OP. doff
chaffing bantering; joking
hive box for bees; V: cause to go in a hive
catapult slingshot; hurling machine; V: fire from catapult
aspirant seeker after position or status
magistrate official with power to administer the law
finite limited
supplicant one who supplicates; ADJ.
scrappy quarrelsome
intelligentsia intellectuals; members of the educated elite (often used derogatorily)
crochet make (a piece of needlework) by looping thread with a hooked needle; N. CF. crotchet
epitome perfect example or embodiment; brief summary; Ex. epitome of good manners; V. epitomize: make an epitome of; be an epitome of; embody
vagrant wandering from place to place; roving; stray; moving in a random fashion; Ex. vagrant thoughts; N. vagrancy
falter hesitate; weaken in purpose or action; walk or move unsteadily through weakness; N.
florid ruddy; (of a complexion) reddish; flowery; very ornate; CF. rose
philatelist stamp-collector; N. philately: stamp collecting
grotesque fantastic; comically hideous; strange and unnatural (causing fear or amusement)
avalanche great mass of falling snow and ice
accessible easy to approach; obtainable
inane silly; senseless; Ex. inane remarks; N. inanity
orientation act of finding oneself in society; orienting
acidulous slightly sour (in taste or manner); sharp; caustic
crabbed sour; bad-tempered; peevish; difficult to read as handwriting
lagoon shallow body of water or lake near a sea; lake separated from a sea by sandbars or coral reefs
unprepossessing unattractive
airy of air; high in the air; lofty; immaterial; unreal
acuity sharpness (of mind or senses of sight or hearing)
integrate make whole; combine; make into one unit
dispatch speediness; prompt execution; message sent with all due speed; V: send to a specified destination; finish promptly; kill
knead mix; work dough; mix and work into a uniform mass (with the hands); Ex. knead dough
spry (esp. of older people) vigorously active; nimble
addiction compulsive habitual need
bizarre fantastic; violently contrasting; noticeably odd; strikingly unconventional
humane marked by kindness or consideration; kind and compassionate; humanitarian
sycophant servile flatterer; bootlicker; yes man; ADJ. sycophantic
swear-word word considered offensive; Ex. ``bloody''
sedate composed (with no excitement); grave; V: administer a sedative to; CF. sedative
abet assist usually in doing something wrong; encourage
monograph scholarly article
preternatural beyond what is normal in nature; supernatural; Ex. preternatural strength/forces
jurisdiction right and power to apply the law; authority
despoil plunder; sack; Ex. despoil the village
voluminous having great volume (as of a garment or container); bulky; large
dapper neat and trim (in appearance); (of small men) neat in appearance and quick in movements; neat; spry
sleigh large vehicle drawn by a horse over snow or ice
sullen silently showing ill humor or resentment; dark; gloomy
anathema solemn curse; someone or something regarded as a curse; V. anathematize
destitute extremely poor; lacking means of subsistence; utterly lacking; devoid; Ex. destitute of any experience
dismantle take apart; disassemble
imperative absolutely necessary; that must be done; critically important; expressing command; Ex. It is imperative that; N: something that must be done
disclaim disown; renounce claim to; deny; CF. disclaimer
indoctrinate cause to accept a doctrine without questioning it; Ex. indoctrinated with mindless anti-communism
indigence poverty
interstice narrow space between things
abode dwelling place; home
avuncular of or like an uncle
matin\'ee(matinee) dramatic or musical performance given in the afternoon
welt raised mark from a beating or whipping
strangle kill by choking or suffocating; suppress
flotsam drifting wreckage
eclipse darken; extinguish; outshine; surpass; cause an eclipse
putative supposed; reputed; generally regarded as such; Ex. putative father of the child
gerrymander change voting district lines in order to favor a political party; N. CF. Elbridge Gerry + (sala)mander
implicate incriminate; involve incriminatingly; show to be involved (in a crime); Ex. implicate someone in the crime
oblivion obscurity; condition of being completely forgotten; forgetfulness
incompatible inharmonious; N. incompatibility
assent agree; accept; N. assessment
momentous very important; N. moment; CF. momentary
seminal related to seed or semen; germinal; creative; providing a basis for further development; influencing future developments; Ex. seminal research in a new field
histrionic theatrical; excessively dramatic or emotional; affected; of actors or acting; N. histrionics: histrionic behavior
stockade wooden enclosure or pen; fixed line of posts used as defensive barrier
stem stop or check (the flow of); Ex. stem the bleeding from the slashed artery; N: main axis of a plant; stalk
vagary capricious happening; caprice; whim; CF. wander
inculcate teach (ideas or principles); instill
countermand cancel; revoke (an order)
insularity narrow-mindedness; isolation; ADJ. insular: of an island; isolated; narrow-minded; CF. peninsula
discriminating able to see differences; discerning; prejudiced; N. discrimination
vouchsafe grant condescendingly; guarantee; Ex. vouchsafe your fair return on your investment
rubble fragments (esp. from a destroyed building)
abeyance suspended action
sate satisfy to the full; satisfy to excess; cloy
asymmetric not identical on both sides of a dividing central line
rote repetition; memorization through repetition without understanding; Ex. learn poetry by rote
immolate offer or kill as a sacrifice (by fire)
malignant tending to cause death; highly injurious; aggressively malevolent; Ex. malignant tumor
dysentery inflammatory disorder of the lower intestinal tract
fray brawl; fight; V: wear away or unravel by rubbing; have loose threads developing; cause to become worn out (a person's temper or nerves); CF. rub
agglomeration collection; heap; V. agglomerate: gather into a rounded mass; N. aggolmeate: jumbled mass; heap
phylum major classification, second to kingdom, of plants and animals; category ranking below a kingdom and above a class; division
hiatus gap; pause; gap or interruption in space or time; break
irrevocable unalterable; irreversible; impossible to revoke
contrivance something contrived; machine or apparatus; clever deceitful plan; scheme
apostate one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs; N. apostasy
ratify approve formally; confirm; verify
loft room or space under the roof; attic
defray provide for the payment of; undertake the payment of; pay
discerning mentally quick and observant; having insight; perceptive; able to make good judgments; V. discern: perceive
chagrin annoyance and disappointment; vexation (caused by humiliation or injured pride)
magisterial authoritative; imperious; commanding; of a magistrate; Ex. magisterial study of Roman law; Ex. magisterial manner
warp twist out of shape; N.
phenomena observable facts; subjects of scientific investigation; SG. phenomenon: observable fact; very unusual person, thing, or event; marvel; wonder; CF. phenomenons; ADJ. phenomenal: very unusual; extraordinary; of a phenomenon; Ex. phenomenal strength
plaudit praise; enthusiastic approval; round(succession or series) of applause; ADJ. plauditory; CF. applaud
litter waste material thrown away (as bits of paper scattered untidily); V: cover untidily with scattered litter
advent arrival
tenacious holding fast (as to a belief); persistent
touchstone stone used to test the fineness of gold alloys; criterion; standard
resound (of a place) be filled with sound; (of a sound) sound loudly; sound back; echo; Ex. hall resounded with laughter
aperture opening; hole; adjustable opening in a camera that limits the amount of light
coalition partnership; league; union of separate political parties
defame harm someone's reputation; malign; speak evil of; slander; N. defamation; ADJ. defamatory
nutrition process of nourishing or being nourished; CF. malnutrition
sustenance sustaining; means of livelihood, support, food, nourishment; something that maintains life; food
waive give up temporarily; yield; N. waiver: waiving a right or claim; document that waives a right or claim
facilitate help bring about; make less difficult
glean gather leavings; gather grain left behind by reapers; gather bit by bit (facts or information) often with difficulty
novelty something new; newness; ADJ. novel: new; original
avenge take vengence for something or on behalf of someone; Ex. They avenged his death by burning the village; Ex. He swore to avenge his brother; Ex. They avenged themselves on their enemy.
emanate issue forth; come out
shrivel make or become shrunken and wrinkled (often by drying)
swell long wave of water that moves continuously without breaking; V.
misconduct immoral behavior; bad management; V.
fell cruel; (of a disease) deadly
swear vow; promise; use profane oaths; use offensive words
immune resistant to; free or exempt from; N. immunity
decry express strong disapproval of; condemn openly (something dangerous to the public); disparage; Ex. decry the violence of modern films
nomenclature terminology(system of specialized words); system of names or naming things
bait harass; tease; torment; Ex. badger baiting; N: food or other lure used to catch fish or trap animals
exposure risk, particularly of being exposed to disease or to the elements; unmasking; act of laying something open; Ex. exposure of governmental corruption
ruminant animal that ruminates; ADJ.
scorch sear; N.
stock standard; kept regularly in stock or supply; typical; routine; common; Ex. stock sizes of paper; Ex. stock excuse/character; N: goods for sale in a shop; OP. unique
imperceptible unnoticeable; impossible to perceive; undetectable
collusion conspiring in a fraudulent scheme to cheat or deceive others; V. collude
depravity extreme corruption; wickedness; V. deprave
quorum minimal number of members necessary to conduct a meeting
allude refer indirectly; N. allusion: indirect reference
pendulous hanging; suspended
pith core or marrow; spongelike substance in the center of stems; essence; substance
psychosomatic of the influence of the mind on the body (esp. with respect to disease)
nominal in name only; of a name; trifling; (of a sum of money) very small; CF. nominate: propose as a candidate; appoint
soar rise or fly high in the air; Ex. The rocket soared into the sky.
marred damaged; disfigured; V. mar: spoil; disfigure
etymology study of word parts; study of the origins of words
reprise musical repetition; repeating of a piece of music; repeat performance; recurrent action; Ex. reprise in the finale; Ex. constant reprises
mammal vertebrate animal whose female suckles its young
allure entice; attract; tempt
fracas brawl(noisy quarrel or fight) in which a number of people take part; melee
embitter make bitter; fill with painful or bitter feelings; make sad and angry; Ex. He was embittered by many disappointments.
saunter stroll(go for a leisurely walk) slowly; N.
determinate having a fixed order of procedure; precisely defined; invariable; fixed; conclusive; final
alimentary supplying nourishment
adore love deeply and respect highly
condiments seasonings; spices
forlorn sad and lonely; wretched; desolate
certitude certainty
outcast one that has been excluded from a society; ADJ.
nether lower; Ex. nether garments/regions
comity courtesy; civility; Ex. comity of nations
bout match; short period of great activity; Ex. wrestling bout; bout of drinking/flu
fell cut or knock down (a tree or a person); bring down (with a missile)
barefaced shameless and noticeable; blatant; bold; unconcealed; having no covering on the face; Ex. barefaced lie
demented insane
subsume include (as a member of a group); encompass
shun keep away from; avoid deliberately; Ex. She has been shunned by her neighbors.
unimpeachable that cannot be impeached; beyond doubt or question; blameless and exemplary
retard delay (in development); ADJ. retarded: (as of a child) slower in development
toga Roman outer robe
decree authoritative order; edict; judgment of a court of law; V: order or judge by decree
conversant familiar with; having knowledge of
douse plunge into water or liquid; dip; immerse; drench; wet throughly; extinguish; throw water over; dowse
brooch ornamental clasp; pin
indict charge; N. indictment
gossamer sheer; very light; like cobwebs; N: soft and sheer fabric; cobweb
pyromaniac person with an insane desire to set things on fire
husband use sparingly; conserve; save; Ex. husband one's energy; CF. house holder
ovoid egg-shaped; CF. ovum; CF. ovulate
desecrate profane; violate the sanctity of
relinquish give up something (with reluctance); yield; release; Ex. relinquish power/the claim to the land/his hold on my arm
pervasive spread throughout; V. pervade: (of smells, ideas, feelings) spread throughout; charge; permeate
ineffable unutterable; not to be uttered; taboo; that cannot be expressed in speech; indescribable; unspeakable; inexpressible; Ex. ineffable name/joy
abstract theoretical; not concrete; nonrepresentational
disproportion lack of proportion (between the parts); ADJ. disproportionate
crevice crack; fissure
extenuate weaken; mitigate; lessen the seriousness of (bad behavior)
apathy lack of caring; indifference; lack of concern or interest in important matters; Ex. He was sunk in apathy after his failure; ADJ. apathetic
secrete conceal; hide away or cache; produce and release a substance into an organism; CF. secretive
meteoric like a meteor; swift; momentarily brilliant; Ex. meteoric rise to fame; N. meteor
vertex summit; highest point; PL. vertices
raspy making a harsh noise; grating; harsh
authoritative having the weight of authority; regarded as providing knowledge that can be trusted; reliable; peremptory and dictatorial; Ex. authoritative dictionary/manner; CF. definitive
tatter torn piece of cloth; ADJ. tattered: (of clothes) old and torn; (of a person) dressed in old torn clothes
discordant not harmonious; conflicting
recidivism habitual return to crime (even after being punished); N. recidivist
commonplace ordinary; N: something ordinary or common; trite remark
pandemic widespread; affecting the majority of people; N: pandemic disease; CF. all people
prodigious enormous; marvelous; extraordinary; Ex. prodigious amount/memory
glib fluent (with insincerity or superficiality); facile; slick
effusion pouring forth; unrestrained outpouring of feeling; V. effuse: pour out; ADJ. effusive: pouring forth; gushing
imprecation curse; swearword
replicate reproduce; duplicate
hibernal wintry; wintery; of or like winter
unsullied untarnished; CF. sully
figure written symbols; number; amount represented in numbers; outline or silhouette of a thing or human body; person (well-known); impression; diagram; pattern; group in a dance; Ex. figure of speech; V. calculate with numbers; adorn with figures; appear;
goad urge on; drive with a goad; cause (someone) to do something by continued annoyance; Ex. They goaded him into doing it by saying he was a coward; N: sharp-pointed stick for driving cattle; stimulus; CF. annoy continually
sow plant or scatter seed
requite make return for; repay; reciprocate; revenge; N. requittal
flicker burn unsteadily or fitfully; move waveringly; N: flickering movement or light; brief sensation; Ex. flicker of excitement
reciprocal mutual; given and received in return; exchangeable; interacting; Ex. reciprocal trade agreement
laud praise; N. ADJ. laudable: praiseworthy; ADJ. laudatory: expressing praise
expunge cancel; remove a word or name (from a book or list); erase
notch V-shaped cut in a surface; V.
translucent partly transparent
repellent driving away; disgusting; offensive; repulsive; unattractive; N.
institution instituting; (building for the) organization; established custom, practice, or relationship in a society; mental hospital; Ex. institution of marriage
obstinate stubborn; hard to control or treat; Ex. obstinate cough; N. obstinacy
riveting holding one's attention; absorbing; engrossing
formality ceremonious quality; ceremonious adherence to rules; something done just for form's sake; Ex. mere formality
hinterlands back country; inner part of a country; OP. foreland
satyr half-human, half-bestial being in the court of Dionysus (resembling a goat), portrayed as wanton(unrestrained) and cunning; lecher; CF. faun; CF. goat: lecherous man
throttle strangle; regulate the speed of with a throttle; N: valve that regulates the flow; CF. throat ?
faction party; clique (within a large group); dissension
pinion restrain or immobilize by binding the wings or legs; N: bird's wing
filch steal (things of small value)
sportive playful; frolicsome; merry; CF. sport: play or frolic; CF. sportsmanlike
spontaneity lack of premeditation; naturalness; freedom from constraint; ADJ. spontaneous: self-generated; unpremeditated; happening without being planned
concede admit; acknowledge as being true (often reluctantly); yield; grant; Ex. concede a goal
galleon large three-masted sailing ship
dissemble disguise; hide the real nature of; pretend
missive letter; written statement; CF. sent
temporize gain time as by postponing an action; avoid committing oneself
veracity truthfulness; adherence to the truth
valedictory pertaining to farewell; N: farewell address (esp. at graduation exercises)
tithe tax of one-tenth (contributed to a church); V: pay a tithe
lexicographer compiler of a dictionary; CF. lexicography: work of compiling a dictionary
plumage feathers of a bird;
molecule the smallest particle (one or more atoms) of a substance that has all the properties of that substance
turmoil extreme confusion; great commotion and confusion; Ex. throw the country into turmoil
endue provide with some quality; endow
parsimony stinginess; excessive frugality; ADJ. parsimonious
gouge tear out; cut out (as if with a gouge); Ex. gouge his eyes out; N: chisel for cutting out hollow areas in wood
homely not good-looking; unattractive
trajectory path taken by a projectile; Ex. trajectory of a bullet
gallows framework from which a noose is suspended (used for execution by hanging)
censorious severely critical
aggregate sum; total; ADJ. V: gather into a mass or whole; accumulate; add up to; Ex. aggregate 100 dollars
gnarled twisted
beeline direct quick route
baroque highly ornate
anecdote short story of an amusing or interesting event
serendipity gift for finding valuable things by accident; accidental good fortune or luck; CF. The Three Princes of Serendip
lackluster lacking luster(shine; gloss); dull
flag droop; grow feeble; decline in vigor or strength; ADJ. flagging; CF. unflagging
egoism excessive interest in one's self; belief that one should be interested in one's self rather than in others; selfishness; ADJ. egoistic, egoistical
gazette official periodical publication; newspaper
scurvy contemptible; despicable; N: disease caused by deficiency of Vitamin C
stringent (of rules) binding; rigid; marked by scarcity of money; Ex. stringent economic conditions
unwitting not knowing; unaware; unintentional; Ex. She was their unwitting accomplice; Ex. unwitting insult; CF. wit: know
patois local or provincial dialect
exact demand and obtain by force; Ex. exact a promise from him; N. exaction
emaciated thin and wasted (from hunger or illness)
guileless without deceit
centaur mythical figure, half man and half horse
droop bend or hang downward; become weakened; Ex. His shoulders drooped with tiredness; N.
finished properly made and complete; Ex. finished product/performance
imbibe drink in
dissertation formal essay; treatise
discursive (of a person or writing) digressing; rambling (without any clear plan)
dappled spotted
servitude slavery; compulsory labor imposed as a punishment
humor indulge; comply with the wishes of; N. quality that makes something amusing; state of mind; mood; Ex. in a bad humor; Ex. out of humor
drudgery hard unpleasant work; menial work
apex tip; summit; climax; highest point
lancet small surgical tool for making incisions
smart intelligent; quick and energetic; fashionable; Ex. smart pace/restaurant; V: cause or feel a sharp pain; N: smarting pain
foul very bad or disagreeable; very dirty; Ex. foul smell/flavor/temper/language/air/deed/weather/means; N. act against the rules; V. make or become foul; commit a foul
negate cancel out; nullify; cause to have no effect; deny; N. negation
comestible something fit to be eaten
plump pleasantly fat; nicely rounded
interdict prohibit; forbid; N.
urgent compelling immediate action; pressing; persistent; importunate; Ex. urgent in his demands
isotope varying from of an element
gusto eager enjoyment; zest; enthusiasm
nihilist one who considers traditional beliefs to be groundless and existence meaningless; absolute skeptic; revolutionary terrorist; CF. nihilism: belief that nothing has meaning or value; belief that destruction of existing political
obliterate destroy completely; wipe out; Ex. obliterate the village
sleek smooth and shining (as from good health); V.
relapse return to a former state (esp. after improvement); N.
acetic vinegary
frivolous lacking in seriousness; flippant; self-indulgently carefree; unworthy of serious attention; relatively unimportant; trivial
anomaly irregularity
insouciant without concern or care; unconcerned; indifferent
commodious spacious and comfortable
prize pry; move with a lever; value highly; esteem; Ex. his most prized possession; N: something captured during war-time (esp. an enemy ship)
rapture great joy and delight; ecstasy; ADJ. rapturous
grotto small cavern
macerate soften by soaking in liquid; waste away; Ex. macerate powdered wood to make paper
incite arouse to action; goad; motivate; induce to exist; Ex. incite a riot/the crowd to rebellion
crass very unrefined; grossly insensible; crude and undiscriminating; Ex. crass behavior
yore time long past; Ex. in the days of yore
calorific heat-producing; N. calorie
rake immoral or dissolute person
invective abuse
judicious sound on judgment; wise
categorical without exceptions; made without any doubt in mind; unqualified; absolute
chafe warm by rubbing; make sore by rubbing; N.
captious faultfinding; too critical
expropriate take possession of (often for public use and without payment)
palm conceal in the palm of the hand; palm off: pass off; Ex. palm off some bad oranges onto the lady/the painting as a real Renoir
intermediary intermediate; acting as a mediator; N: mediator; go-between
implode burst inward; CF. vaccum tube
credo creed
malapropism comic misuse of a word; CF. Mrs. Malaprop
pretension pretentiousness; claim (without foundation); Ex. I make no pretensions to skill as an artist.
stint set limits in amount or number; be thrifty; ADJ. stinting, unstinting; CF. stint:savings
lubricate apply a lubricant to; N. lubricant: substance that reduces friction
advert refer
comely attractive; agreeable; having a pleasing appearance
ambivalence the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes or opinions
bereaved deprived of (someone beloved through death)
glutton someone who eats too much; ADJ. gluttonous: given to gluttony; greedy; CF. gluttony: habit of eating too much
lurk stealthily lie in waiting; slink; exist unperceived
profound deep; not superficial; complete; Ex. profound thinker/remark/silence/deafness; N. profundity
stipend pay for services
mountebank charlatan; boastful pretender
parchment writing material made from the skin of a sheep or goat
cursory casual; hastily done with little attention to detail
vilify slander; speak evil of; N. vilification
doom condemnation to a severe penalty; ruin; fate (esp. a tragic or ruinous one); V.
apposite appropriate; fitting
hem surround tightly so that movement is impossible; Ex. hem in; N.
venom poison (of an animal); hatred; Ex. remarks full of venom; ADJ. venomous
retort quick sharp reply; V.
saline salty
plausible conceivably true; having a show of truth but open to doubt; specious
gall annoy; exasperate; chafe; N: skin sore caused by rubbing (as on the skin of a horse); exasperation
foster rear; bring up (for a certain period only); encourage; promote the development of (feelings or ideas); Ex. help foster friendly relations; ADJ: giving parental care although not related by blood; Ex. foster parents
mortician undertaker; CF. death
legerdemain sleight(dexterity) of hand; CF. light of hand
obsessive related to thinking about something constantly; of an obsession; preoccupying; N. obsession: compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea; compulsive idea; V. obsess: preoccupy the mind of excessively
respiration breathing; exhalation; ADJ. respiratory
charisma divine gift; great popular charm or appeal; magnetism
empirical based on experience
causal implying a cause-and-effect relationship; N. causality
barterer trader; V. barter: trade; exchange good for other goods rather than money
fundamental basic; primary; essential
hostility unfriendliness; hatred; enmity; ADJ. hostile
breed produce young; rear; bring up; produce (an undesirable condition); N: kind or sort of animal or plant
gravity seriousness; ADJ. grave
enact make (a bill) into law
demur object (because of doubts, scruples); raise an objection (showing qualms); hesitate; Ex. demur at the idea of working on Sunday
manumit emancipate; free from slavery or bondage
omnipresent universally present; ubiquitous
condole express condolences; N. condolence: sympathy for someone who has experienced great sorrow
sour having a sharp or acid taste; acid; tart; bad-tempered; V.
relic surviving remnant (from an extinct culture); memento; keepsake; relics: corpse; Ex. ancient relics; Ex. relics of his travel; Ex. His relics are buried at X.
reckon count; calculate; regard as; think; suppose
Created by: akhalidi
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