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UIL Spelling Vocab


Catatonic an abonormal condition variously characterized by stupor, stereotypy, mania, and either rigidity or extreme flexibility of the limbs. -most often associated with schizophrenia -The physciatrist said the patient appeared to be in a _______ state.
Pleurisy n. inflammation of the pleura usually occurring as a complication of a disease such as pneumonia accompanied by accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity, chills, fever, painful breathing, and coughing The doctor gave the woman who was suffering from _____ an analgesic to control the pain.
Papillote n. a frilled paper cover used to decorated the bone end of a cooked chop or cutlet -an oiled paper or foil wrapper in which certain foods are baked The cook served cutlets decorated with _______.
Protean adj. readily taking on varied shapes, forms, or meanings. -exhibiting considerable variety or diversity He loved to show off his ____ talent. Syn: changeable,variable, kaleidoscopic Ant.: unchangeable, invariable, fixed
Censorious adj. Tending to censure; highly critical. -Expressing censure. Syn: critical, captious, faultfinding, hypercritical -Most were willing to make ___ remarks but few were willing to sign an official censure.
Anonymity n. The quality or state of being unknown of unacknowledged The reporter was able to protect the ____ of his source.
Corroboree n. An Australian aboriginal dance festival held at night to celebrate tribal victories or other events. -Australian A large noisy celebration. A great tumult ; a disturbance. The aborigines sang and danced during the _____.
Pseudoscience n. A theory, methodology, or practice that is considered to be without scientific foundation. Astrology is considered a ______.
Chalcid n. Any of various minute wasps of the superfamily; many of whose larvae parasitize the larvae of other insects -Sometimes raised in labs and used to control insects such as asparagus and beetles
Singleton n. Games- a playing card that is the only one of its suit in a player's hand. 2. An individual separated or distinguished from two or more of its group. b. An offspring born alone Since fawns are usually born _____ the personnel at the zoo were excited when the doe gave birth to twins.
Dexterity n. Skill and grace in physical movement, especially in the use of the hands; adroitness. 2. Mental skill or adroitness; cleverness -Carving the doll from a piece of wood the old man showed great ____. -Syn for def. 1.: deftness, nimbleness, agility -Ant.: clumsiness, ineptitude, awkwardness
Perfunctory adj. 1. Done routinely and with little interest or care. 2: Acting with indifference; showing little interest or care The operator answered the phone with a ______ greeting. -Syn: cursory, routine, mechanical. Def 2: apathetic, half-hearted, uninterested Ant: careful, thoughtful Def 2: interested, wholehearted
Crampon n. A hinged pair of curved iron bars for raising heavy objects such as stones or timber. 2. An iron spike attached to the shoe to prevent slipping when walking on ice or climbing. Preparing to climb the mountain, the men gathered their climbing harnesses, ice axes, climbing ropes, and _______.
Paradrop n. Delivery of supplies to a place by parachute. V. to try to deliver by parachute US planes _____ packaged food in the region torn by war.
Italianate adj. Italian in character -____ buildings
apraxia n. total or partial loss of the ability to perform coordinated movements or manipulate objects in the absence of motor or sensory impairment -After listening to Harry, the speech therapist suspected he suffered from verbal _______.
symmetry n. exact correspondence of form and constituent configuration on opposite sides of a diving line. 2. a relationship of characteristic correspondence, equivalence, or identity among constituents of an entity or between different entities3 Beauty bc balance Syn: proportion, harmony, balance
philhellenist n. One who admires Greece or the Greeks The _____ was eager to spend the summer in Greece.
fer-de-lance n. A venomous tropical American pit viper (Bothrops atrox) having brown and grayish markings The rattlesnake, cottonmouth, and _____ are all pit vipers.
laryngectomy n. Surgical removal of part or all of the larynx Fearing cancer, Matt quit smoking after his father underwent a _____.
haute ecole n. the art, techniques, or practice of expert equestrianship Many difficult movements were executed in the exhibition of _______.
entrecote n. A cut of steak from between the ribs Butchers sometimes sell sirloin as _____.
neolith n. a stone implement of the Neolithic Period The archaeologist found a number or _____ at the site.
Thanatology n. the study of death and dying, especially in their psychological and social aspects Having heard an account of a near death experience, the young man became interested in ______.
varicosity n. varicosis 2. a varicose enlargement or swelling. 3. the condition of having varicose veins After examining the patient, the doctor said that the _____ of the patient's legs could be alleviated by the injection of a solution.
unevenness adj. 1. not equal as in size, length, or quality b. having ill-matched opponents 2. not consistent or uniform 3. not smooth or level 4. not straight or parallel 5. odd number 6. obsolete The ______ surface made walking across it difficult. Syn: Roughness, jaggedness, irregularity Ant: smoothness, evenness, uniformity
Sinn Fein n. An Irish political and cultural society founded about 1905 to promote political and economic independence from England, unification of Ireland, and a renewal of Irish culture. It now constitutes the political branch of the Irish Republican Army Gerry Adams, president of ______, survived an assassination attempt in 1983.
speiss n. An arsenic compound or mixture of arsenic compounds resulting from the smelting of iron, cobalt, nickel, and copper ores During the smelting process, the lead sinks to the bottom and a layer of ____ floats to the top.
palingenesis n. the doctrine of transmigration of souls; metempsychosis. 2. Biology. The repetition by a single organism of various stages in the evolution of its species during embryonic development The woman attributed her remembrances of prior lives to ______.
exanthema n. Medicine 1. a skin eruption accompanying certain infectious diseases 2. A disease such as measles or scarlet fever, accompanied by a skin eruption -After examining the _____ on the child, the doctor determined that the child had the measles.
iridology n. the study of the iris of the eye, especially as associated with disease -The young man who planned to be an ophthalmologist signed up for a class in ______.
imperilment v. to put into peril; endanger -Marion felt that the release of her assailant would result in _____ for her and her family. -Syn: hazard, risk, jeopardy, endangerment
futurity race n. Sports 1. a race that competitors enter well in advance. 2. a race for horses in which the competitors are entered at or before their birth -An owner takes a risk when he pays the high fees to enter a horse in a _____ because the horse may not be a good racer.
homochromatic adj. Of or characterized by one color; monochromatic -The _____ painting was perfect above the mantel.
deuteragonist n. the character second in importance to the protagonist in classical Greek drama The actor became disgruntled when he was once again given the role of the ______.
pieta n. A painting or sculpture of the Virgin Mary holding and mourning over the dead body of Jesus -Of all the items in her collection, Naomi loved the ______ best.
metopic adj. Of or relating to the forehead - The ____ point is midway between the frontal eminences.
amicable adj. Characterized by or exhibiting friendliness or goodwill; friendly -Even though the two leaders disagreed on the matter, their discussions were _____. -Syn: pleasant, sociable, neighborly - Ant: hostile, antagonistic, unfriendly
xerophthalmia n. extreme dryness and thickening of the conjunctiva, often resulting from a deficiency of vitamin A The ophthalmologist explained that the dryness resulted from ______.
neurogenic adj. Originating in the nerves or nervous tissue. 2. caused of affected by the nerves or nervous system -a ______ tumor -______ disorders
thyme n. 1. any of several aromatic Eurasian herbs or low shrubs of the genus, especially T. vulgaris or southern Europe, having small, white to lilac flowers grouped in headlike clusters 2. the leaves of this plant used as a seasoning -The chef measured the ______ and other spices for the dish.
Uzbekistan A region and republic of west-central Asia. Settled in ancient times, it was conquered by Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, and Tamerlane and finally overrun by ____ peoples in the early 16th century. Russia conquered the area in the 19th century.
pandowdy n. sliced fruit baked with sugar and spices in a deep dish, with a thick top crust -We called the apple _____ an apple cobbler.
familial adj. Of or relating to a family. 2. Occuring or tending to occur among members of a family, usually by heredity
Oblanceolate adj. Botany Lance-shaped but broadest above the middle and tapering toward the base -an leaf
Created by: kels0320
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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