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German AS Level

Mobbing Vokabeln

der Grund the reason
ueber etwas Bescheid wissen to know all about it
die Polizei weiss Bescheid the police know all about it
der Auslaender the foreigner
die Erfahrung the experience
die Gewalt the violence
der Fusstritt the kicking
der Verhalten the behaviour
das Opfer the victim
das Ausgrenzen the exclusion
der Aussenseiter the outsider
das Geschlecht the gender
die Erpressung the blackmail
die Bedrohung the threat
die Sprachstoerung the speech disorder
die Geruch the smell
die Leistung the achievement
gewalttaetig violent
uebel terrible
seelisch mental
koerperlich physical
ernsthaft seriously
haeufig often
unterschiedlich different
vielfaltig multi-faceted
sich wehren to defend onesself
terrorisieren to terrorise
schikanieren to victimise
haenseln to tease/rib
jemanden aus/grenzen to exclude someone
sie grenzen mich aus they are excluding me
ich werde ausgegrenzt I am being excluded
schlagen to hit
jemanden fertigmachen to pick on someone
ich mache dich fertig I'll get you
er macht mich fertig he's picking on me
angriefen to attack someone
in der Lage sein etwas zu tun to be in a position to do something
Maedchen sind besser in der Lage ueber die Gefuehle zu sprechen Girls are better placed to talk about their feelings
mobben to bully
ich werde gemobbt I am being bullied
Kinder werden gemobbt children are being bullied
Created by: deleted user
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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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