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Chemistry exam

Science (Christian definition) Study of Gods creation
QUALITative General description
QUANTitative Some sort of measurement
Absolute Truth Not changing always true
Relative Truth What is true today can be proven false tomorrow
Dynamic Always changing. Human process
Chemistry Study of matter and how it changes
Scientific method Observe, question, hypothesis, experiment, conclude
SI Base units Length, Mass, Time, Temperature, Electricity current, Luminous intensity, Density, Area, Volume
SI prefixes Giga, Mega, Kilo, Deci, Centi, Milli, Micro, Nano
Accuracy How close your measurements are to the accepted call.
Precision How close you measurements are to each other
Significant figures All of the certain digits and the one estimated digit in a measurement.
Density equation D= m/v
SI Conversions
Element A pure substance that can not be broken down simpler.
Compound Substance that can be broken down into simpler stable substances
Mixture Blend of two or more kinds of matter each of which retains its own identity and property
Heterogeneous Not uniform through out
Homogeneous Uniform through out
Matter Anything that has mass and takes up space
Physical change does not change the substance deals with energy and states can be undone
Chemical Change substances are converted into a new substance
Dalton all matter is composed of extremely small parties call atoms. Atoms are identical in size, mass, other properties, atoms can not be subdivided, created or destroyed.
Thomson cathode bay- electrons and magnet alum pudding modle- electrons like granola in yogurt
Rutherford Foil Gold experiment- radioactive source against gold to detect where particles end up- alpha particles change through a small foil particles
Bohr Around nucleus atom have a small pos electron that travel irregular orbits
Modern Scientists
Gold foil experiment radioactive source aimed at gold foil to see where particles go
Atomic number the number of protons in the nucleus (which is the same as the number of electrons in the atom.)
Mass number Electron= 0 proton and neutron= 1
Atomic Mass determined by comparing it with the mass of carbon-12 atom
Ions is an atom that has a positive or negative charge
Isotopes atoms of the same element that have different masses
Finding protons, neutrons, and electrons from 16/8 O 2-
Electromagnetic Spectrum what all the forms of electromagnetic radiation form together.
Speed of light Symbol: c 3.00x10^8 m/s
Ground State Lowest energy state of an atom
Excited state an atom has a higher potential energy than its ground state
Heisenberg uncertainty principle- impressible to determine symetaniloc
Line emission spectrum split pink light into separate colors
s,p,d,f sublevels S: sphere, P: Peanut, D: Daisy, F: all different
Electron configurations
Mendeleev table when, elements w/ similar properties are grouped together predicted existence for others and connect
Moseley arranged elements accuracy to atomic number instead of atomic mass
Periods Row (horizontal) Varies in properties, but the closer to one another the more similar
Groups Columns (vertical) Similar chemical properties
Element type locations on the periodic table
Atomic Radius half the distance between the nuclei of identical atoms that are bounded together
Ionic radius the sun of the cation and anion gives the electron from a natural energy of an element
Ionization energy he energy required to remove one electron from a neutral energy of an element
Electronegativity Measure of ability of atom in chemical compound to attract electrons from another atom in a compound.
Octet rule all elements want the same chemical stability so atoms tend to gain, loose, or share electrons to have 8 electrons total
Mole Calculations cation- pos losing electrons Anion- neg gaining electrons
What are the key differences between science and religion Science has errors, dynamic, mans best effort Religion is perfect, never changing, God's best word
How does the development of the atomic theory show that science is dynamic? The atom theory was always changing as we learned more.
How does the law of conservation support our view of God? energy can not be created or destroyed, only God can create, destroy we cannot play God.
Where do the colors in neon lights come from? wavelength and frequency
The principal quantum number Symbol: n, indicates the main energy level occupied by the electron
The angular momentum Quantum number Symbol: l, indicates shape of orbital (represented with more letters than numbers)
Magnetic quantum number Symbol: m, indicates the orientation of the orbital around its nucleus
Spin quantum number Only has two possible values (+1/2, -1/2) which indicates the two fundamental spin states of an electron in an orbital
Created by: nettykayyy
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