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Fall 15 final

2015 Fall english final words

celerity swiftness/quickness of movement
lugubrious looking or sounding sad, morose, dismal
exertion physical or mental effort
chaffering to haggle/bargain over terms of agreement or the price of something
salient most noticeable or important
slovenly messy, untidy, dirty, disheveled
chivalrous courteous, honorable, gallant
grit firmness of character, having an indomitable spirit
virility having the quality of strength, energy masculinity
conjuration the act of calling or invoking, usually implying magic
writhing to twist and squirm about as if in pain or a violent manner
pertinacity persistence
coy shy, reluctant, reserved, usually in a sly manner intended to allure
sombre/somber dark or dull in color or tone; gloomy
gorge a narrow and steep valley between hills or mountains, or to eat a large amount greedily
imperiously domineering in a dictatorial way or being overbearing; urgent, imperative
palpitant usually of an abnormally rapid or violent beating of the heart
pell-mell of a confused, jumbled, reckless, disorderly manner
insular isolated, cut off (like an island)
latent present, but not visible; hidden
swarthy dark-skinned
morose gloomy, ill-tempered
arduous difficult, strenuous
moral a practical lesson; pertaining to right behavior
primeval ancient
cadence rhythm of voice or musical sound
malingerer a person who avoids work; a slacker
marauder a raiding thief ususally violent
daunted discouraged, intimidated
pall a dark covering
insidious tricky and crafty with evil intent
wraith a ghost
inexorable unstoppable
maneuver a skillful move to move skillfully
motif a recurring subject, idea or theme
amulet charm; small piece of jewelry that protects against evil
avarice greed
benign kind
coagulate solidify; change to a solid
deftly skillfully; quick in movement
estuary mouth of a river
exhilaration invigorated feeling
fatigue extreme tiredness
germane natural to a setting
incandescent emitting light
indigene native person
malignant evil, destructive
monstrosity monster; grossly malformed object; something hideous and large
petulant crabby, bad-tempered
poultice moist mass of plants/herbs used to relieve pain
stalwart reliable, hardworking
amenable favorably disposed, willing to change
decorous proper, marked by good taste
prophetic foretelling future events
propriety appropriateness of behavior, the state of exhibiting proper ettiquette
pious devout
conscientious careful and thorough, good moral sense
camaraderie goodwill between friends
cloister a peaceful, secluded place, to seclude
assiduous hardworking
beautific revealing profound joy and inner peace
apt suitable, appropriate
purist a traditional person
gregarious sociable and outgoing; enjoying the company of others
zealous passionate
epiphany a sudden burst of understanding or discovery
affable easy going, friendly
benevolent kind, generous
sanguine optimistic, cheerfully confident
laudatory expressing great praise
omnipotent all powerful
revere to greatly respect and honor
portend to serve as an omen or warning of
precent a principle establishing proper behavior
amiable good-natured and likeable
harbinger one that foreshadows or announces the arrival of an event or individual
cordial warm and sincere, family
heresy an opinion that differs from established belief
diligent hard-working, persevering and painstaking
exemplar one who is worthy of imitation, an ideal model
reclamation a restoration to productivity or usefullness
prudent exercising good judgement and common sense
emulate to try to equal or excel
penitent expressing remorse or regret for one's misdeeds
austere somber, stern and severe
Created by: Chase.d.k
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