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UVU LEGL 3890 Legal

NALA Legal vocabulary list

abatement reduction, termination
abrogation annulment of a former law by act of a legislative body, by constitutional authority, or by usage
acceptance in contract law, consent to abide by the terms of an offer; taking of receiving a thing in good faith with the intention of retaining it
accession that which increases the size or value of property
accommodation arrangement made as a favor to another rather than for consideration received
acknowledgement an admission, affirmation, or declaration
acquittal release or discharge of an obligation or liability; in criminal law, a finding of not guilty
ademption satisfaction of a legacy by gift prior to testator's death
adhesion contract standardized contract form in which a party with little or no bargaining power is forced to accept its terms
adjudication judgment or decision of a court
administrative law body of rules and regulations having the force of law and promulgated by an administrative body created by Congress or a state legislature
adverse possession acquiring title to real estate by hostile possession rather than by purchase
affiant one who makes or swears to the truth of an affidavit
affidavit sworn statement in writing taken before a notary public or other authorized officer
affirmative defense allegation of a responsive pleading which, if it can be proved, negates the allegations of the complaint
agent person authorized by another to act for him, one entrusted with another's business
agreement meeting of the minds, preliminary to contract formation
allegation assertion made but not proved
amortization gradual extinction of a monetary obligation by periodic payments that usually includes interest
amnesty sovereign forgetfulness of past acts, usually available for a limited time
ancillary auxiliary, supplemental, subordinate
annotation remark, note, or commentary intended to illustrate or explain
annul cancel, make void, destroy
answer written pleading by which a defendant responds to the plaintiff's complaint
antitrust laws federal and state laws to prevent restraint of trade, price-fixing, price discrimination, monopolies, or other conduct detrimental to free commerce
appeal review by a higher court
appellant party who files an appeal
appellee party who defends an appeal
appraisal valuation or estimate of property value, made by qualified expert
arbitration investigation and determination of dispute by neutral decision-maker; decision is binding on parties
arraignment in criminal law, hearing at which accused pleads guilty or not guilty
assault in tort, threat of imminent bodily harm accompanied by apparent ability to carry out the threat; in criminal law, often defined as the tort equivalent of battery
asset real or personal property owned by an individual, estate, business corporation, or other entity
assignment transfer of any right, title, or interest to another
attestation act of witnessing the signing (execution) of a document
assumption of risk doctrine under which a person cannot recover for injuries received from a dangerous activity to which s/he voluntarily exposed self
attachment pre-judgment seizure of property based upon court order
attest certify or affirm to be true or genuine
attorney-in-fact one appointed by another to act in specific matters described in a power of attorney or in a letter of attorney
aver assert, allege, claim
bailment delivery of personal property to another to be held for a particular person and then returned
beneficiary one who benefits from the act of another
bequest gift of personal property by will
breach failure (without legal justification) to perform when performance is due
brief written argument of counsel concerning one or more legal issues in a case, sometimes called a memorandum of law
capacity having legal authority or mental ability; being of sound mind
caption that part of a pleading which states the name of the court, the name of the parties, the case number assigned, and the name of the pleading
cause of action fact(s) giving rise to a legal remedy
chattel personal property
choate perfected; complete
chose in action a personal right not yet reduced to judgment
civil code collection of laws or statutes relating to private rights or remedies
civil law laws which relate to private rights and remedies, distinguished from criminal law
CLA Certified Legal Assistant
Code Civil law of the State of Louisiana consisting of a collection of statutes and based upon the Napoleonic Code, distinguished from common law
code collection of laws or statutes
codicil an addition or change to an original will
common law law based upon custom, usage, and judicial decision, distinguished from statutory law
community property property owned in common by husband and wife, each owning an undivided one-half interest as a result of their marriage status
commutation substitution of a lesser punishment for a greater one
condemnation the process of taking private property for public use under a government's right of eminent domain
consideration the lawful price, motive, cause, impelling influence, or inducement for a contract
contract agreement between competent parties, supported by consideration, to do or to refrain from doing some lawful act
conversion wrongful taking of personal property with intent to deprive its owner of it permanently
copyright a right to reap the financial benefits of literary property
covenant agreement or promise, often restricting the use of real estate
creditor one to whom a debt or obligation is owed
criminal law laws which control standards of conduct and which prescribe the punishments for disobedience
debenture bond given as evidence of corporate debt
decree the final order of an equity court
defamation that which holds one up to contempt or ridicule; that which injures one's reputation
deponent one who gives a deposition
deposition sworn testimony given by question and answer in a non-courtroom setting, which is recorded and transcribed by a court reporter
devise gift of real property by will
discharge to release, liberate, annul, disencumber, dismiss
duress unlawful constraint exercised upon a person, forcing her to do an act which she would not have done otherwise
enjoin to prevent or forbid by injunction
equity justice administered by principles of fairness, distinguished from strict rules of law
escheat reversion of property to the state when there are no heirs to inherit the property at a person's death
estop to stop, bar, prevent
estoppel doctrine under which a person's acts or failure to act prevents from seeking relief, though otherwise would have been entitled to relief
eviction to recover real estate (from a tenant) by legal process; to force out or remove from real property
evidentiary constituting evidence or proof, having the quality of evidence
exemptions immunity from a general burden, tax, or charge; in bankruptcy or in judgment executions, that portion of the debtor's property that cannot be liquidated and applied to the debts
felony a crime for which the maximum possible punishment is death or imprisonment for one year or more in a penitentiary
fraud any artifice used by one person to deceive another
general denial a pleading in the form of an answer, which denies allegations made by the opposing party but which contains no affirmative defenses
grantee one to whom real estate is conveyed; the buyer of real estate
grantor one who conveys real estate; the seller of real estate
guarantor one who agrees to undertake the (financial) obligation of another
guaranty agreement to undertake the (financial) obligation of another
guardian one charged with responsibility to manage the personal matters of another who is incompetent because of age, understanding, or lack of self-control
guardian ad litem person appointed by a court to look after the interests of a child or incompetent during the pendency of a litigation
inchoate unfinished, incomplete
indemnify to secure against loss or damage
indictment written accusation issued by a grand jury against a defendant in criminal law
indorsement act of a payee, drawee, accommodation indorser, or holder of a bill, note, check, or other negotiable instrument, in writing his or her name upon the back of the instrument to assign or transfer the negotiable instrument to another
infant one who has not reached the age of majority; a minor
information written accusation issued by a prosecutor against a defendant in criminal law
injunction an order issued by a court of equity, requiring a person to do or not to do a specific act
insolvent condition of a person or entity that exists when total liabilities exceed total assets
interlocutory provisional, interim, not final
interrogatories series of formal, written questions addressed to a party for discovery purposes
intestate without a will, one who dies without a will
judgment final order of a court of law, based upon a jury verdict or upon findings of fact by the court
jurat clause of a notary public or authorized officer attesting that a statement or document was sworn to by a specific person on a specific date
jurisdiction power conferred on a court to hear a particular case and to render a final decision on the merits
jurisprudence science of law; system of law
laches a doctrine by which equitable relief is denied to one who has waited too long to seek relief
lessee one who possesses or uses the property of another; tenant
lessor a title holder of property who contracts for its possession or use by another; landlord
liable legally responsible
libel written defamation
lien a charge, security, or encumbrance on property
liquidated property or claim that has been converted to its cash equivalent
litigation contest in a court of law for the purpose of enforcing a right or seeking a remedy
magistrate court officer with limited judicial authority; a public officer
malfeasance evil doing; performance of an act with bad intent
malpractice professional negligence or misconduct
mediation arrangement to attempt settlement of a dispute by using a neutral party as the referee
memorandum of law brief of law submitted to a court by the attorney for a party
memorandum opinion very short opinion of a court
merger absorption of one thing or right into another
metes and bounds a method of describing real estate, using boundary lines with terminal points and angles
minor person who is not an adult; child
misdemeanor a criminal offense for which the maximum possible punishment is a fine or incarceration for a period of less than one year
misfeasance improper performance of an otherwise lawful act
mitigation duty of parties to minimize damages after an injury is sustained or a breach occurs
mortgage conditional conveyance of an interest in real estate, usually as security for a debt
mortgagee one who receives a mortgage, usually a lender
mortgagor an owner of real estate who gives a mortgage
motion application (not a pleading) or request made to a court to obtain an interim ruling or order
motion in limine application requesting a court to rule in advance that specific, unfairly prejudicial information will not be mentioned during trial
negligence failure to use the care which a reasonable and prudent person would use in similar circumstances
notary public public officer who administers oaths, attests and certifies documents, and takes acknowledgments
novation substitution of a new contract, debt, or obligation for an existing one between the same or different parties
nuncupative oral; not written
oath solemn pledge attesting to the truth of a statement
offer a promise; a commitment to do or to refrain from doing some specific act
offeree one to whom an offer is made
offeror one who makes an offer
option a right supported by consideration to purchase property at an agreed price within a specified time
order mandate, command, or direction authoritatively given; mandate of a court
ordinance legislative enactment (law enacted) by a local government such as a county or a city
parol evidence oral proof of contract terms which are not contained within the written contract document
parole release from imprisonment upon specific conditions related to conduct or good behavior
patent inventor's right to exclude others from making, using, or selling the invention for seventeen years
paternity relationship of a father to a child
payee one to whom payment is made
payor one who makes payment
pecuniary monetary; relating to money
perjury false testimony given under oath
pleading in federal court, complaint, answer to complaint, and reply to cross-claim (no other pleadings are allowed)
power of attorney an instrument authorizing one to act as agent or attorney-in-fact for another as to those matters listed in the instrument
precedent holding of a case which guides the decisions in future cases involving similar facts and similar legal issues
privileged communications statements made by persons within specific, protected relationships for evidentiary purposes (husband-wife, attorney-client, priest-parishioner, etc.)
probable cause justification to believe that a crime was committed and that the accused is the person who committed it
probation a sentence which releases a convicted person into the community under the supervision of a probation officer
promissory estoppel a doctrine which prevents a party to a contract from denying that consideration was given for the contract
promissory note a written promise to pay a specific sum of money at a future time
proximate cause the last (negligent) act which leads to injury; legal cause
proxy an instrument authorizing one to cast the votes of another at a corporate meeting
punitive damages damages awarded over and above the amount of losses, which are awarded as punishment of the wrongdoer
quash suppress; stop; cease; abate
quiet title action action to determine clear title to real estate
quitclaim deed deed without warranty, which passes only that title which the grantor has
recidivist repeat offender
release discharge of one party's obligation to another
replevin action to recover possession or personal property
rescission an equitable remedy which invalidates a contract on the basis of mutual mistake, fraud, impossibility, and so forth
restitution restoration of a thing to its rightful owner; a measure of damages according to the defendant's gains rather than the plaintiff's losses
service of process delivery of a writ, summons, subpoena to the person named therein
settlor one who creates a trust, trustor
slander spoken defamation
specific performance equitable remedy in contract law which requires the breaching party to perform according to the specific terms of the contract
statute legislative enactment (law enacted) by Congress or a state legislature
statute of limitations statute which limits the time within which a cause of action may be filed
stipulation agreement between parties to a lawsuit concerning matters related to the trial
subpoena a writ commanding the named person to appear at a specific time and place
subpoena duces tecum a writ commanding the named person to appear at a specific time and place and to bring specific records or documents along
summons document served upon a defendant to notify that suit has been filed and directing to answer or to otherwise appear in the case by a specific date
survey process by which a tract of land is measured and its contents determined, with a map to scale created for it
temporary restraining order an emergency injunctive remedy (order) of short duration to require or to forbid an act until a hearing can be held
testimonium clause the clause of an instrument which begins "In witness whereof, ..."
tickler system reminder system used in law offices to supplement diaries and calendars in the overall docket control system
tort a civil wrong such as negligence or trespass, as distinguished from a criminal offense
trust account account where client funds are kept separate from attorney funds
unconscionable grossly unfair, unscrupulous, terms or conduct which shocks the conscience
usury the excess over the lawful interest rate
vendee the purchaser or buyer of property
vendor the seller of property
venue the location where an action is tried
verdict finding(s) of fact by a jury in a civil or criminal trial
verification confirmation of accuracy; sworn oath by an authorized person that certain statements are true to the best of his or her knowledge and belief
void having no legal force or effect
voidable that which is capable of being declared void but which is valid until such declaration is made
warranty a promise to defend the truth of a fact
warranty deed a deed conveying land which guarantees that the title is free of defects to marketability
with prejudice a declaration (usually in connection with an order of dismissal) which ends the right to further relief, preventing either party from filing future complaints based on the same claim or cause of action
without prejudice a declaration (usually in connection with an order of dismissal) which preserves any rights or privileges that a party may have to file a future complaint based upon the same claim or cause of action
witness one who has personal knowledge about facts related to a case; one who can testify about what was seen, heard, or otherwise observed
writ of execution order of a court after judgment commanding a court officer to seize property in satisfaction of the judgment
Created by: skwi2ut
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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