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Stack #204308
Barron's h12
Question | Answer |
belie | contradict; give a false impression; disguise; Ex. The poor sales belied our high hopes; Ex. Her smile belies her true feeling of displeasure. |
rehabilitate | restore to proper condition (health or useful life); restore the former rank of |
bland | soothing or mild (food); agreeable; causing no trouble or offence |
compulsion | compelling; strong desire that is difficult to control; irresistible impulse |
venison | meat of a deer; CF. cow: beef; CF. pig: pork, ham, bacon; CF. calf: veal; CF. sheep: mutton; CF. lamb: lamb |
euphoria | feeling of exaggerated or unfounded(ungrounded; baseless) well-being; feeling of great happiness or well-being (when unreasonable); ADJ. euphoriaric |
tumid | (of a part of the body) swollen; distended; bombastic; pompous |
tempo | speed of music |
scapegoat | someone who bears the blame for others; whipping boy; CF. escape+goat |
shove | push forward; push roughly; Ex. pushing and shoving to get on the bus; N. |
tensile | capable of being stretched; of tension; Ex. tensile rubber |
bound | leap or spring; limit or confine; constitute the limit of; Ex. bounded by Canada; N: leap or jumping; boundary; ADJ: certain; having a duty to do something (legally or morally); confined by bonds; Ex. We are bound to be late; CF. bounce, rebound |
tutelary | protective; pertaining to a guardianship; Ex. tutelary deities |
odyssey | long, eventful, adventurous journey |
abstemious | sparing in eating and drinking; temperate |
gale | windstorm; gust of wind; emotional outburst (laughters, tears); Ex. gale of laughter |
sentimental | swayed by sentiment; appealing to the sentiments |
barb | sharp projection from fishhook, arrow, or other object; openly cutting remark |
beneficial | helpful; useful; advantageous |
billow | large wave of water; a great swell or surge (of smoke); V: surge, swell, roll in billows |
verisimilar | having the appearance of truth or reality; probable or likely to be true; plausible |
ravage | devastate; plunder; despoil; Ex. crops ravaged by storms |
disconsolate | hopelessly sad (at the loss of something) |
outmoded | no longer in fashion or use; no longer stylish; old-fashioned |
ruminate | chew over and over (mentally or, like cows, physically); mull over(ponder) |
epigram | witty thought or saying, usually short |
mealymouthed | indirect in speech (when something unpleasant must be said); hypocritical; evasive |
unerringly | infallibly; ADJ. unerring: making no mistakes |
arcane | esoteric; secret; mysterious; known only to the initiated; Ex. arcane ritual; Ex. arcane process closed to the uninitiated listener |
founder | person who establishes (an organization or business) |
disgruntle | make discontented |
monastic | related to monks or monasteries; removed from worldly concerns |
unfaltering | steadfast; firm; not changing |
porous | full of pores; like a sieve |
snip | short quick cut with scissors; V: cut with scissors |
canto | division of a long poem |
elliptical | elliptic; oval; of an ellipse; containing an ellipsis; ambiguous either purposely or because key words have been left out |
tractable | docile; easily managed; (of something) easily changed or molded; N. tractability |
tantamount | equivalent in effect or value; Ex. This invasion is tantamount to a declaration of war; CF. amount |
abbreviate | shorten |
superfluous | excessive; overabundant; unnecessary; N. superfluity |
unassuming | modest; Ex. the champion's unassuming manner |
mannerism | distinctive behavioral trait; affected style in art (according to a set of styles) |
inalienable | not to be taken away; nontransferable; Ex. inalienable rights |
ephemeral | short-lived; fleeting |
trough | long narrow container for feeding farm animals; lowest point (of a wave, business cycle, etc.); long narrow depression as between waves |
morbid | given to unwholesome or unhealthy thought; moody; characteristic of disease; Ex. morbid curiosity; N. morbidity; CF. disease |
grandiose | affectedly grand; pretentious; high-flown; ridiculously exaggerated; impressive; great in size or scope; grand; Ex. grandiose ideas |
itinerant | wandering; traveling from place to place (to perform work); Ex. itinerant preacher |
onslaught | vicious assault; fierce attack; Ex. unexpected onslaught of the enemy |
executor | person designated to execute the terms of a will; ¿¹Œú ÀÛÇ°ÀÇ ÁŠÀÛÀÚ |
verbalize | put into words; ADJ. verbal: of words; spoken rather than written; oral; of a verb |
exemplify | show by example; furnish an example; serve as an example of; Ex. His pictures exemplify that sort of painting. |
expostulation | protest; remonstrance; reasoning with someone to correct or dissuade; V. expostulate |
temerity | boldness; nerve; rashness; Ex. temerity to ask for a pay increase after only three day's work |
misanthrope | one who hates mankind; misanthropist |
manipulate | operate with one's hands; control or play upon (people, forces, etc.) artfully; maneuver; Ex. how to manipulate publicity and men; ADJ. manipulative |
gall | bitterness of feeling; nerve; effrontery; ŽãÁó(bile); CF. gall bladder |
obloquy | slander; disgrace; infamy |
tint | slight degree of color; V: give a tint to |
avarice | greediness for wealth |
flutter | (of a bird with large wings) wave (the wings) lightly, rapidly, and irregularly; vibrate rapidly or erratically; fly by waving quickly; flitter; N. |
transpire | (of a fact) become known; be revealed; happen; give off (watery waste matter) through pores |
gracious | kind in a generous way (to someone less important) |
console | lessen sadness or disappointment; give comfort; allay the sorrow of; N. consolation |
bravado | swagger; assumed air of defiance; false show of bravery |
unsavory | distasteful; disagreeable; morally offensive; Ex. unsavory activity/reputation |
claustrophobia | fear of being locked in |
dispirited | lacking in spirit |
historical | connected with history; based on events in history (whether regarded as important or not) |
circuit | closed circular line around an area; circumference; regularly repeated journey from place to place |
elaborate | work out carefully; add more detail or information; ADJ. |
censure | blame; criticize; express strong disapproval; N: severe criticism; strong disapproval |
vampire | ghostly being that sucks the blood of the living |
obnoxious | offensive; disagreeable; Ex. obnoxious smell |
cubicle | small chamber used for sleeping or work |
residual | remaining; left over; of a residue; N: residue |
vogue | popular fashion; Ex. Jeans became the vogue. |
cardiologist | doctor specializing in ailments of the heart |
purveyor | furnisher of foodstuffs; caterer; V. purvey: supply (eg. food); furnish; CF. provide |
spatial | relating to space |
trance | hypnotic state; ecstatic state; detachment from one's physical surrounding (as in contemplation or daydreaming); CF. transition |
frail | weak; N. frailty |
incorporeal | without a material body; insubstantial |
sear | burn the surface of; char or burn; brand; parch; cause (a plant) to wither |
chimerical | fantastically improbable; highly unrealistic; N. chimera: unreal fancy; fire-breathing female creature |
megalomania | mania for doing grandiose things; mental disorder characterized by delusions of wealth, power, or importance |
caliber | ability; quality; diameter of the inside of a round cylinder; Ex. work of very high caliber |
discord | conflict; lack of harmony; dissonance (when musical notes are played) |
insubordination | disobedience; rebelliousness; ADJ. insubordinate |
granary | storehouse for grain |
moratorium | legal delay of payment or action; Ex. declare moratorium on the building of new houses |
intolerant | not willing to accept ways of thinking different from one's own; CF. tolerant; CF. tolerate |
contest | dispute; argue about the rightness of; compete for; try to win; Ex. contest the election results; Ex. contest a seat in Parliament; N. |
natty | neatly or smartly dressed; dapper; smart; Ex. natty dresser |
uxorious | excessively submissive or devoted to one's wife; CF. uxor: wife |
reproach | blame (not angrily but sadly); express disapproval or disappointment; N. ADJ. reproachful |