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Stack #203666

Barron's h8

oblivion obscurity; condition of being completely forgotten; forgetfulness
incompatible inharmonious; N. incompatibility
assent agree; accept; N. assessment
momentous very important; N. moment; CF. momentary
seminal related to seed or semen; germinal; creative; providing a basis for further development; influencing future developments; Ex. seminal research in a new field
histrionic theatrical; excessively dramatic or emotional; affected; of actors or acting; N. histrionics: histrionic behavior
stockade wooden enclosure or pen; fixed line of posts used as defensive barrier
stem stop or check (the flow of); Ex. stem the bleeding from the slashed artery; N: main axis of a plant; stalk
vagary capricious happening; caprice; whim; CF. wander
inculcate teach (ideas or principles); instill
countermand cancel; revoke (an order)
insularity narrow-mindedness; isolation; ADJ. insular: of an island; isolated; narrow-minded; CF. peninsula
discriminating able to see differences; discerning; prejudiced; N. discrimination
vouchsafe grant condescendingly; guarantee; Ex. vouchsafe your fair return on your investment
rubble fragments (esp. from a destroyed building)
abeyance suspended action
sate satisfy to the full; satisfy to excess; cloy
asymmetric not identical on both sides of a dividing central line
rote repetition; memorization through repetition without understanding; Ex. learn poetry by rote
immolate offer or kill as a sacrifice (by fire)
malignant tending to cause death; highly injurious; aggressively malevolent; Ex. malignant tumor
dysentery inflammatory disorder of the lower intestinal tract
fray brawl; fight; V: wear away or unravel by rubbing; have loose threads developing; cause to become worn out (a person's temper or nerves); CF. rub
agglomeration collection; heap; V. agglomerate: gather into a rounded mass; N. aggolmeate: jumbled mass; heap
phylum major classification, second to kingdom, of plants and animals; category ranking below a kingdom and above a class; division
hiatus gap; pause; gap or interruption in space or time; break
irrevocable unalterable; irreversible; impossible to revoke
contrivance something contrived; machine or apparatus; clever deceitful plan; scheme
apostate one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs; N. apostasy
ratify approve formally; confirm; verify
loft room or space under the roof; attic
defray provide for the payment of; undertake the payment of; pay
discerning mentally quick and observant; having insight; perceptive; able to make good judgments; V. discern: perceive
chagrin annoyance and disappointment; vexation (caused by humiliation or injured pride)
magisterial authoritative; imperious; commanding; of a magistrate; Ex. magisterial study of Roman law; Ex. magisterial manner
warp twist out of shape; N.
phenomena observable facts; subjects of scientific investigation; SG. phenomenon: observable fact; very unusual person, thing, or event; marvel; wonder; CF. phenomenons; ADJ. phenomenal: very unusual; extraordinary; of a phenomenon; Ex. phenomenal strength
plaudit praise; enthusiastic approval; round(succession or series) of applause; ADJ. plauditory; CF. applaud
litter waste material thrown away (as bits of paper scattered untidily); V: cover untidily with scattered litter
advent arrival
tenacious holding fast (as to a belief); persistent
touchstone stone used to test the fineness of gold alloys; criterion; standard
resound (of a place) be filled with sound; (of a sound) sound loudly; sound back; echo; Ex. hall resounded with laughter
aperture opening; hole; adjustable opening in a camera that limits the amount of light
coalition partnership; league; union of separate political parties
defame harm someone's reputation; malign; speak evil of; slander; N. defamation; ADJ. defamatory
nutrition process of nourishing or being nourished; CF. malnutrition
sustenance sustaining; means of livelihood, support, food, nourishment; something that maintains life; food
waive give up temporarily; yield; N. waiver: waiving a right or claim; document that waives a right or claim
facilitate help bring about; make less difficult
glean gather leavings; gather grain left behind by reapers; gather bit by bit (facts or information) often with difficulty
novelty something new; newness; ADJ. novel: new; original
avenge take vengence for something or on behalf of someone; Ex. They avenged his death by burning the village; Ex. He swore to avenge his brother; Ex. They avenged themselves on their enemy.
emanate issue forth; come out
shrivel make or become shrunken and wrinkled (often by drying)
swell long wave of water that moves continuously without breaking; V.
misconduct immoral behavior; bad management; V.
fell cruel; (of a disease) deadly
swear vow; promise; use profane oaths; use offensive words
immune resistant to; free or exempt from; N. immunity
decry express strong disapproval of; condemn openly (something dangerous to the public); disparage; Ex. decry the violence of modern films
nomenclature terminology(system of specialized words); system of names or naming things
bait harass; tease; torment; Ex. badger baiting; N: food or other lure used to catch fish or trap animals
exposure risk, particularly of being exposed to disease or to the elements; unmasking; act of laying something open; Ex. exposure of governmental corruption
ruminant animal that ruminates; ADJ.
scorch sear; N.
stock standard; kept regularly in stock or supply; typical; routine; common; Ex. stock sizes of paper; Ex. stock excuse/character; N: goods for sale in a shop; OP. unique
imperceptible unnoticeable; impossible to perceive; undetectable
collusion conspiring in a fraudulent scheme to cheat or deceive others; V. collude
depravity extreme corruption; wickedness; V. deprave
quorum minimal number of members necessary to conduct a meeting
allude refer indirectly; N. allusion: indirect reference
pendulous hanging; suspended
pith core or marrow; spongelike substance in the center of stems; essence; substance
psychosomatic of the influence of the mind on the body (esp. with respect to disease)
nominal in name only; of a name; trifling; (of a sum of money) very small; CF. nominate: propose as a candidate; appoint
soar rise or fly high in the air; Ex. The rocket soared into the sky.
marred damaged; disfigured; V. mar: spoil; disfigure
etymology study of word parts; study of the origins of words
reprise musical repetition; repeating of a piece of music; repeat performance; recurrent action; Ex. reprise in the finale; Ex. constant reprises
mammal vertebrate animal whose female suckles its young
allure entice; attract; tempt
fracas brawl(noisy quarrel or fight) in which a number of people take part; melee
embitter make bitter; fill with painful or bitter feelings; make sad and angry; Ex. He was embittered by many disappointments.
saunter stroll(go for a leisurely walk) slowly; N.
determinate having a fixed order of procedure; precisely defined; invariable; fixed; conclusive; final
alimentary supplying nourishment
condiments seasonings; spices
forlorn sad and lonely; wretched; desolate
certitude certainty
outcast one that has been excluded from a society; ADJ.
nether lower; Ex. nether garments/regions
comity courtesy; civility; Ex. comity of nations
bout match; short period of great activity; Ex. wrestling bout; bout of drinking/flu
fell cut or knock down (a tree or a person); bring down (with a missile)
barefaced shameless and noticeable; blatant; bold; unconcealed; having no covering on the face; Ex. barefaced lie
Created by: akhalidi
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