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Stack #198614

Barron's h2

entrance put under a spell(condition caused by magical power); carry away(fill with strong feeling) with emotion; put into a trance; fill with delight
heterogeneous dissimilar; mixed; not homogeneous; consisting of dissimilar elements or plants
temperate moderate; restrained; self-controlled; moderate in respect to temperature; CF. temperance: moderation and self-restraint; abstinence of alcoholic drinks; Ex. temperance society
glamor compelling charm; ADJ. glamorous
disinterested unprejudiced; free from bias and self-interest; objective
mosaic picture made of small colorful inlaid tiles; ADJ.
arboreal of or living in trees
uninhibited unrepressed; free in behavior and feelings
amnesty pardon (allowed by government to political criminals)
stint supply; allotted amount of work; assigned portion of work; limitation; Ex. two-year stint in the army; Ex. without stint
spin rotate swiftly; make (thread) by twisting (cotton, wool, etc.); N.
grumble complain; mutter discontentedly; grouch; N.
recondite abstruse; not easily understood; profound; secret
consonance harmony; agreement
enduring lasting; surviving; V. endure: bear (pain or suffering) for a long time; remain alive (in spite of difficulties); last; survive
concave hollow; curved inwards; OP. convex
forward presumptuous or bold
astigmatism eye defect which prevents proper focus; OP. stigmatism
singular being only one; individual; unique; extraordinary; odd; Ex. singular beauty/behavior
augury omen; prophecy; sign of coming events; V. augur: predict; foretell; be a sign of (something in future)
tribulation suffering; ordeal; distress; trial
cater provide food and drink (for); cater to: try to satisfy (desires of a bad kind)
sartorial pertaining to tailors or tailoring; Ex. a man of great sartorial elegance; CF. sartor: tailor
slur slander; insult to one's character or reputation; V.
quarry person or animal of pursuit; victim; object of a hunt; prey
queue line (of waiting people or vehicles)
funereal sad; solemn; suitable for a funeral
genre particular variety of art or literature
amphibian able to live both on land and in water; N.
ineluctable irresistible; not to be escaped; unavoidable
appall dismay; shock deeply
analgesia condition of being unable to feel pain
resign give up (a position, right, or claim); submit (oneself) passively
pang sudden sharp feeling of pain
incontinent lacking self-restraint; not continent; licentious
stickler perfectionist; person who insists things be exactly right
inclined tending or leaning toward; bent; V. incline: slant; dispose; be disposed; tend
episodic (of a story or play) loosely connected; made up of separate and loosely connected parts; N. episode: incident in the course of an experience
seasonable occurring at the proper time or season; opportune; Ex. seasonable intervention in the dispute
astringent binding; causing contraction (stopping bleeding); harsh or severe; stringent; Ex. astringent criticism
quotidian daily; commonplace; customary; Ex. quotidian routine
stanza division of a poem (composed of two or more lines)
sentinel sentry; lookout
saga Scandinavian myth; any legend; long heroic narrative
aristocracy hereditary nobility; privileged class; government by nobility; N. aristocrat
innuendo indirect or subtle (derogatory) hint; insinuation; Ex. sexual innuendo
rag scrap of cloth; ADJ. ragged: old and torn; seeming unfinished and imperfect; Ex. ragged debut/performance
conducive helpful; contributive; V. conduce; Ex. conduce to/towards
slight insult to one's dignity; snub; V: treat as if of small importance; insult; snub; ADJ. small in size; of small importance
tout promote or publicize (one's goods or service); praise excessively (as a form of advertisement); CF. advertise
repugnance disgust; strong dislike; loathing; ADJ. repugnant: arousing disgust; repulsive
cue word or signal (as in a play to prompt another actor's speech or entrance); reminder or hint; V: give a cue to
soliloquy talking to oneself (esp. in a play); CF. monologue: soliloquy; long speech by one person (often monopolizing a conversation)
fruition bearing of fruit; fulfillment; realization; Ex. come to/be brought to fruition
termination end; V. terminate
intermittent periodic; on and off; stopping and starting at intervals
jocose given to(having a tendency of) joking
blasphemy irreverence; sacrilege; cursing; bad language about God or holy things; V. blasphem; ADJ. blasphemous; CF. sacrilege
consummate complete; V.
consequential self-important; significant; consequent; following as a result; Ex. consequential air; CF. subsequent
gainsay deny
abolish cancel; put an end to
convivial pleasantly merry; festive; joyous; gay; characterized by joviality; jovial
gawk stare foolishly; look in open-mouthed awe
betray be unfaithful; reveal (unconsciously or unwillingly); Ex. Her trembling hands betray her anxiety.
cession yielding to another; ceding
cogent convincing
flaunt display ostentatiously; Ex. ``Honey, if you've got it, flaunt it !''
chaperon older person who accompanies and supervises a young unmarried woman
conspire take part in a conspiracy; (of events) work together; combine; Ex. Events conspired to produce great difficulties.
clemency disposition to be lenient in deciding punishments; mildness as of the weather; ADJ. clement
nostrum questionable medicine; quack medicine; CF. our (remedy)
scrutinize examine closely and critically; N. scrutiny
archetype prototype; primitive pattern
trite hackneyed; commonplace
codify arrange (laws or rules) as a code; classify; N. code: system of words used instead of ordinary writing; collection of laws, rules, established social customs
conflagration great fire
subliminal below the threshold of conscious perception; Ex. subliminal advertisement
duplicity double-dealing; hypocrisy; being dishonest and deceitful; ADJ. duplicitous
epithet word or phrase characteristically used to describe a person or thing; descriptive phrase to characterize a person (often contemptous)
peon landless agricultural worker; bond servant; menial worker; N. peonage
thematic of a theme; relating to a unifying motif or idea
plight difficult condition; condition or state (esp. a bad state or condition); predicament
cohorts group of people who share some common quality; armed band; a group of between 300 and 600 soldiers under one commander (in the ancient Rome)
labile likely to change; unstable; Ex. emotionally labile; N. lability
panegyric formal praise; encomium; Ex. I don't deserve such panegyrics.
apothecary druggist; pharmacist
requisition formal demand or request; Ex. requisition for more computing equipment; V.
ample enough; abundant; spacious; large in size; Ex. ample opportunity/garden; N. amplitude: quality of being ample; abundance; largeness of space
unassuaged unsatisfied; not soothed
exigency urgent situation; ADJ. exigent
voodoo religion practiced chiefly in Haiti
furrow long shallow trench made by a plow; deep wrinkle in the skin; V.
gerontocracy government ruled by old people
rarefied made less dense (of a gas); V. rarefy: make less dense; N. rarefaction
madrigal pastoral song; song for several singers without instruments
multilingual having many languages; fluent in several languages
Created by: akhalidi
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