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6TH Review - 13B

sit sed
leg read
anim mind
tort twisted
nym name
sanct holy
meta change
brev short
petr rock
itis infection
plasto molded
cise cut
ician specialist
urb city
pugn fight
il not
ecto outer
cle small
necro death
agog leader
viv life
bene good
cred believe
com together
mis bad
re again
mir wonder
man hand
rect right
volv roll
demi half
retro backward
sens feel
fy make
Analyze to examine carefully and in detail so as to identify causes, key factors, possible results.
ocul eye
cur care for
ultra beyond
oid appearance
gest carry
apt fit
tact touch
voc voice
rid laugh
Convey to explain an idea in order to make it understandable; to communicate information clearly.
path feeling
a not
nomy law
fid faith
hetero different
sci know
graph write
astr star
inter between
Evaluate To study an idea or topic in order to determine its importance.
lat side
lith rock
tract pull
in in or not
co together
phile love
ine nature
-ar relating to
hexa six
fract break
platy flat
theo god
fin end
hedron sided object
ambul walk
ous full of
topo place
Evidence facts and details an author uses to support what is being said; information that backs up a statement or argument.
ped foot or child
mort death
carn flesh
psych soul
ethno race or culture
gen origin
nat born
paleo old
Conclude to form an opinion or arrive at judgment by using evidence.
curs run
crypt hidden
cad fall
capit head
loqu talk
sacro holy
uni one
ness quality
Infer making an educated guess in order to come to a conclusion.
alt high or change
ics art
iso equal
vert turn
ate cause
cor heart
ess female
muta change
fug flee
Clarify to explain an idea so that a reader can understand it; to make clear and not confusing.
i plural
jus law
lum light
ann year
apo away or up
sen old
sol alone
bas low
rogat ask
parl speak
potent power
surge rise
log word or reason
gram writing
reg rule
Elaborate to provide more information or give a detailed explanation of a topic.
pro forward
ag/act to do
mob move
sess sit
fic make
nounce tell
andro man
gyn woman
an without
ab away
aden gland
epi on
aer air
alb white
ase enzyme
Context parts of something that is spoken or written that helps us understand the meaning or what is being said.
diplo double
hum earth
cyte cell
-be life
bon good
struct build
chlor green
Define to determine the meaning of a word or topic.
dys bad
eco house
emia blood
enter intestine
idio peculiar
exo out
im not
fil thread
Author’s Purpose The author’s intent to either inform or teach someone about something, to entertain people or to persuade or to convince a reader.
chrom color
form shape
sequ follow
glyc sweet
hemo blood
ultima last
infra beneath
leuko white
Generalization When you make a statement based from facts.
myo muscle
mem remember
gress step
vac empty
milli thousandth
lys break down
labor work
Central Idea The main thought or focus of a work of literature.
Created by: Mr. Yount



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