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5th Grd Ty Vocab1

5th Grade Tyler Vocabulary "Mom's best Friend"

attachment at-tach-ment, Noun, A feeling of closeness and affection. the two cousins have a strong attachement to one another.
dog guide Noun, A dog specially trained to lead blind people. May's dog guide waited until it was safe to cross the street.
master mas-ter, Verb, To be come expert in a skill or art. Ramon mastered the violin through years of practice.
obedience o-be-di-ence, Adjetive, Willing to follow orders. Mister Yee expects obedience from his crew.
memorize mem-o-rize, Verb, To learn by completely remembering. the hikers are memorizing the landmarks along their route.
obstacle Ob-sta-cle, Noun, A thing that stands in one's way. the horse had to jump over such obtacles as bushes and fences.
intinct in-stinct, Noun, An inner felling or way of behaving that is automatic, not learned. A newly hatched sea turtle's instinct is to crawl toward the water.
mature ma-ture, Adjetive, Fully grown or mentally developed. A mature dog is calmer than a puppy.
braille braille, Noun, A system of writing that uses raised dots, for people who are visually imparied. Angela ran her fingers over the braille letters on the page.
layout lay-out, Noun, The way something is arranged. The layout of the office building confuses visitors.
Created by: mrmrfy
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