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English Vocab

Galvanize (v.) Shock or excite someone into taking action (Synonyms: impel, stir, motivate, rouse)
Ardent (adj.) Enthusiastic or passionate
Entail (v.) Involve (Synonyms: include, require, imply) (n.) A settlement of the inheritance of property over a number of generations so that it remains within a family or other group
Ubiquitous (adj.) Present, found, or appearing everywhere (Synonyms: pervasive, omnipresent, prevalent)
Innocuous (adj.) Harmless
Inoculate (v.) Vaccinate
Paradigm (n.) A model or example
Epitome (n.) A person or thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality or type (2) A summary of written work
Embodiment (n.) A tangible or visible form of an idea, quality, or feeling (Synonym: epitome)
Bombastic (adj.) High-sounding but with little meaning; inflated
Sanguine (adj.) Optimistic during a bad situation (Synonyms: positive, hopeful, confident) (n.) A blood-red color
Obsequious (adj.) Obedient or attentive to an excessive degree (ex. the obsequious waiter)
Parsimonious (n.) Unwilling to spend money or use resources (Synonyms: stingy, cheap, miserly)
Euphemism (n.) A kinder indirect word to replace a harsh or blunt one (Synonyms: understatement, better alternative)
Soliloquy (n.) An act of speaking one's thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers, especially by a character in a play (Synonym: monologue)
Taciturn (adj.) A reserved, quiet person
Trite (adj.) A remark, opinion, or idea that is overused; lacking originality (Synonym: clichéd)
Cantle (n.) The curved part at the back of a saddle
Verbose (adj.) Expressing more words than needed (Synonym: wordy)
Obviate (v.) Remove a need or difficulty (ex. "the Venetian blinds obviated the need for curtains")
Obdurate (adj.) Refusing to change one's opinion (Synonym: stubborn)
Obstinate (adj.) Refusing to change one's opinion (Synonym: stubborn, obdurate)
Fastidious (adj.) Scrupulous
Tenacious (adj.) Keeping a firm hold of something; clinging (Think: tentacles)
Formidable (adj.) Intimidating
Ebullient (adj.) Cheerful and energetic
Garrulous (adj.) Talkative
Loquacious (adj.) Talkative
Obscure (adj.) Undiscovered or uncertain (n.) Concealed
Assuage (v.) Soothe
Mollify (v.) Soothe
Pacify (v.) Soothe
Quell (v.) End rebellion or disorder using force
Stultify (v.) Lose enthusiasm and initiative, especially as a result of a tedious routine (2) Cause someone to look foolish
Thwart (v.) Prevent one from accomplishment
Rapport (n.) A close good relationship
Hinder (v.) Create difficulties to delay someone/something
Succumb (v.) Fail to resist (negative force) and give in
Temerity (n.) Excessive boldness
Audacity (n.) Boldness
Impudence (n.) Rude or disrespectful behavior
Impertinence (n.) Rude or disrespectful behavior
Insolence (n.) Rude or disrespectful behavior
Transgress (v.) Misbehave
Auspicious (adj.) Favorable or promising
Infringe (v.) Violate rules, agreement, etc.
Encroach (v.) Barge in; intrude on
Impose (v.) Force something unwelcome or unfamiliar to be accepted (2) Take advantage of
Levy (v.) Impose tax or fee (2) Enlist someone for military service
Livid (adj.) Very angry (2) Dark bluish-gray color (ex. a livid bruise)
Laconic (adj.) One who uses few words (Synonym: Taciturn)
Lugubrious (adj.) Looking or sounding sad and dismal (Synonyms: gloomy, glum)
Created by: jubie
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