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bio 2

Autotroph Organism that can make nutrients from lights or other inorganic things
Primary Producer Organism that produces energy from sunlight
Heterotroph Organism that uses organic substances
Consumer Organism that eats something
Habitat home of a living organism
Niche When an organism fits into the environment
Resource Supply of something
Predation Preying on another organism
Herbivory An organism that eats plants
Symbiosis meeting of organisms in the same habitat
Mutualism Relationship between 2 organisms
Parasitism non mutual relationship that is shared by 2 organisms
commensalism When one organism befits from another
Density(Population) a group of organisms
Distribution variation of specis in a area
Age Structure How the population is distributed
Immigration to move from a native region
Emigration to leave ones place of birth
Exponential Growth when a population grows rapidly
Logistic Growth when the growth decreases when it reaches the carrying capacity
Carrying Capacity the number of organisms that can live in one area
Limiting Factors are factors that control the growth of a population
Density-dependent limiting when a factor is dependent on a population
factor a result or outcome
Density-Independent limiting when a factor is not affected by population
Competition the activity of competing
Biodiversity varity in life
Habitat fragmentation when a habitat is divided into smaller habitats
Stability the state of being stable
Ecological Succession when an ecosystem changes over time
Primary Succession one type of Succession
Pioneer Species first species to repopulate a area
Secondary Succession changes that happen after a disaster has hit the habitat
Agriculture farming
Monoculture cultivation of one crop
Renewable Resource a resource that can replenish after it has been used
Nonrenewable Resource a resource that cannot be reused
Sustainable Resource a resource that can be kept at a certain level
Sustainability is to continue a certain way of natural behavior
Dessertification when land becomes desert
Deforestation the removal of the forest
Biological Magnification when other types of food get in the food chain
Acid Rain rain made in the clouds because of pollution
Greenhouse Gasses a gas that absorbs radiation
ecological disturbance temporary change in the environment
ecological footprint impact of a organism in a habitat
Created by: PETBER1
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