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Literary terms

Assonance The repetition of similar vowel sounds followed by consonant sounds in words that are close together.
Genre A synonym for form or type when referring to literature
Setting The place or time of story or play
Omniscient point of view When the narrator has no part in the story but knows all the thoughts of the characters, as well as well as what's happening in other places.
Short story Short piece of narrative fiction
Protagonist Main character or hero in the story
Third person limited point of view The narrator who has no part of the story and zooms in on the thoughts and feelings of one character
Plot The sequence of events in which each event results in a previous one and causes the next
Biography An account of one persons life, written by someone else
Character A person in a story or play
Character trait The nature of distinguishing feature of a character
Autobiography The account of a persons life written by that person
Drama Story that is written to be acted out for an audience
Novel Lone fictional prose narrative, usually more than 50,000 words or 100 pages
Antagonist Character or force that blocks the protagonist
Fiction A narrative in which in which situation and characters are invented by the writer
Point of view The vantage point from the story which the story is told
First person point of view The narrator is a character in the story
External conflict A struggle between opposing needs, desires, or emotions within one character
Solution, resolution The portion of the play or story that comes after the climax, and is required to bring the story to an end.
Poetry The central idea or insight revealed by a piece of literature
Climax The high point or turning point in a story usually the most interesting
Hyperbole Figure of speech that uses exaggeration to express strong emotion or create a comic effect
Dialogue Conversation between characters in a drama or narrative
Symbolism Using any object, person, place, or thing that means more than it is.
Irony Contrast or discrepancy between expectation and reality
Onomatopoeia Use of a word whose sound imitates or suggests its meaning
Alliteration The repetition of similar constant sounds at the beginning of three or more words
Created by: aidanw1
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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