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Spanish 3

vocabulary and grammer for spanish three final.

barrer el piso to sweep the floor
cortar el cesped to cut the grass
hacer la limpieza to do the cleaning
lavar los platos to wash the dishes
limpiar el cuarto to clean the room
pasar la aspiradora to vacuum
planchar to iron
quitar el polvo to dust
sacar la basura to take out the trash
limpio(a) clean
los quehaceres chores
sucio dirty
acaber de to have just
ya already
la arena sand
el bote boat
el caracol shell
el oceano ocean
las olas waves
la orilla edge, shore
la palma palm tree
el palmar palm tree grove
el (la) pescador(a) fisherman
el agua de coco coconut milk
la locion protectora sunscreen
la neverita cooler
la piel skin
proteger to protect
la quemadura burn
quemar to burn
las sandalias sandals
la sombilla de playa beach umbrella
la toalla towel
desafortunamente unfortunately
especialmente especially
facilmente easily
frecuentemente frequently
inmediatamente immediately
lentamente slowly
normalmente normally
rapidamente quickly
recientemente recently
tipicamente typically
tranquilamente calmly
el atun tuna
el batido milk shake
el cereal cereal
la crema cream
la fresa strawberry
las galletas cookies
las habichuelas coloradas red beans
el helado ice cream
los huevos eggs
el jamon ham
el jugo juice
la leche milk
la mantequilla butter
la mantequilla de cacahuate peanut butter
el melon melon
el platano verde plantain
el pollo asado roast chicken
los tostones fried plantains
las uvas grapes
el yogur yogurt
desear to desire
la especialadad de la casa specialty of the house
esar de acuerdo to be in agreement
el sabor taste, flavor
sabroso(a) tasty
el (la) artista artist
las bellas artes fine arts
el (la) escultor(a) sculptor
la escultura sculpture
la exposicion exhibit
la galeria gallery
la obra work of art
el (la) pintor(a) painter
la pintura painting
el retrato portrait
el talento talent
antiguo(a) old
enorme enormous
formal formal
lujoso(a) luxurious
moderno(a) mondern
raro(a) rare, strange
tradicional traditional
andar to walk
conducir to drive
producir to produce
traducir to translate
decir to say, to tell
estar to be
poder (o to ue) to be able
poner to put
querer (e to ie) to want, to love
saber to know
tener to have
traer to bring
venir to come
competir (e to i) to compete
mostrar (o to ue) to show
recomendar (e to ie) to recommend
repetir (e to i) to repeat
jugar (u to ue) to play
pedir (e to i) to ask for, to order
servir (e to i) to serve
comer to eat
hablar to talk
vivir to live
comenzar (e to ie) to start
explicar to explain
almorzar (o to ue) to eat lunch
buscar to look for
empezar (e to ie) to begin
llegar to arrive
pagar to pay
practicar to practice
sacar to take
tocar to touch, to play (a musical instrument)
dar to give
hacer to make, to do
ir to go
ser to be
ver to see
acampar en las montanas to camp in the mountains
bajar un rio en canoa to go down a river in a canoe
cantar en el coro to sing in the chorus
disfrutar con los amigos to enjoy time with friends
estudiar las artes marciales to study martial arts
jugar al ajedrez to play chess
tomor un curso de natacion to take a swimming class
abordar to board
la aduana customs
la aerolinea airline
el (la) agente de viajes travel agent
el asiento seat
el (la) auxiliar de vuelo flight attendant
el boleto ticket
el equipaje luggage
el exceso de equipaje excess luggage
la identificacion identification
el letrero sign
la llegada arrival
la maleta suitcase
el mostrador counter
el (la) pasajero(a) passenger
el pasaporte passport
el pasillo aisle
el piloto pilot
la salida departure
la seguridad security
la ventanilla window
el viaje trip
el vuelo flight
morir (o to ue, u) to die
creer to bieleve
leer to read
oir to hear
conocer to meet, to know
saber to know
el articulo article
el (la) autor(a) author
la critica criticism, review
la edicion edition
el (la) editor(a) editor
el (la) fotografo(a) photographer
el periodismo journalism
el (la) periodista journalist
la tira comica comic strip
el titular headline
el anuncio commercial
la camara camera
el canal channel, station
el noticiero news program
el programa program
el reportaje report
el (la) reportero(a) reporter
el (la) televidente viewer
? De veras ? Really?
! No me digas ! Don't tell me!
? Tu crees ? Do you think so?
! Ya lo se ! i already know
la causa cause
de repente suddenly
el detalle detail
estar bien informado(a) to be well informed
el hecho fact
el heroe hero
la heroina heroine
hubo there was, there were
internacional international
el (la) ladron(ona) thief
local local
las noticias news
rescatar to rescue
el rescate rescue
robar to steal
el robo robbery
el juguete toy
la marioneta mariont
el juguete toy
la marioneta marionette
la muneca doll
el muneco de peluche stuffed animal
caerse to fall down
construir to construct
contar chistes to tell jokes
dibujar to draw
esconderse to hide
pelearse to fight
saltar la cuerda to jump rope
trepar a los arboles to climb trees
a veces sometimes
amable nice
animado lively, animated
cuando era nino when I/he/she was young
dentro de inside
divertido entertaining, fun
fuera de outside
impaciente impatient
obediente obedient
la risa laugh, laughter
sociable sociable
timido shy
despedirse de to say goodbye to
habia there was, there were
reunirse to get together
sentarse to sit down
tener cuidado to be careful
tener envidia to be envious
tener exito to be successful
tener verguenza to be ashamed
aburrirse to get bored
asustarse de to be scared of
cansarse to get tired
darse cuenta de to realize
disculparse to apologize
enojarse con to be angry with
portarse bien/mal to behave well/badly
preocuparse por to be worried about
reirse to laugh
sentirse to feel
sonreirse to smile
la amistad friendship/acquaintance
el bebe baby
el (la) bisabuelo (a) great-grandfather/great grandmother
el companero classmate/companion
los gemelos twins
el hermanastro stepbrother
la madrasta stepmother
el novio boyfriend,girlfriend, groom, bride
el padrastro stepfather
el pariente relative
pobre poor
rico rich
el sobrino nephew, niece
anoche last night
anteayer day before yesterday
el ano pasado last year
ayer yesterday
al contrario on the contrary
asi fue que and so it was that
aunque even though
casi almost
de maravilla marvelous
enseguida at once
exclamar to exclaim
los demas the rest of the people
la mayoria majority
mientras while
ocurrir to occur
para empezar to begin with
por fin finally
siguiente next, following
todo el mundo everyone
primero (a) first
segundo (a) second
tercero (a) third
cuarto (a) fourth
quinto (a) fifth
sexto (a) six
septimo (a) seventh
octavo (a) eighth
noveno (a) ninth
decimo (a) tenth
los adornos decorations
el aniversario anniversary
la boda wedding
la fiesta party
los globos balloons
la invitacion invitation
la reunion gathering
romper la pinata to break the pinata
sorprender to surprise
la sorpresa surprise
las velas candles
el abrazo hug
el amor love
el beso kiss
casarse con to get married to
comun common
diario (a) daily
enamorarse to fall in love
la felicidad happiness
la historia story
llevarse bien to get along with
la mentira lie
la tristeza sadness
el aceite oil
la carne de res beef
las cebollas onions
las cerezas cherries
los cubiertos silverware
los frijoles beans
la harina flour
el mantel tablecloth
las manzanas apples
el pan bread
las papas potatoes
la pasta pasta
las peras pears
el pescado fish
la pimienta pepper
la sal salt
las salchichas hot dogs/ sausages
la servilleta napkin
el taco taco
la taqueria taco restaurant
las tomatoes tomatoes
la torta sandwich
las verduras vegetables
las zanahorias carrots
Que desea What would you like?
Que me (nos) recomienda what do you recommend
salud cheers
se le (s) ofrece algo mas May I offer you anything more
la cuenta bill
dejar la propina to leave the tip
el actor actor
la actriz actress
el cantante singer
el comediante comedian
las aventuras adventures
la ciencia ficcion science fiction
la comedia comedy
dar una vuelta to take a walk, stroll or ride
la escena scene
el estreno new release
el horror horror
el musical musical
la obra de teatro theatrical production
romantico romantic
la serie series
la telenovela soap opera
el tema theme, subject
basante enough
cenar to eat dinner
demasiado (a) too much
llenar to fill
lleno (a) full
mojado (a) wet
ofrecer to offer
el papel role
seco (a) dry
vacio (a) empty
encantar to delight
faltar to lack
fascinar to fascinate, to love
importar to be important
interesar to interest
molestar to bother
el cepillo hairbrush
el cepillo de dientes toothbrush
el champu shampoo
el desodorante deodorant
el jabon soap
lacio straight hair
la locion after-shave lotion
el maquillaje makeup
la pasta de dientes toothpaste
el peine comb
el perfume perfume
rizado curly hair
el secador de pelo hair dryer
el bienestar well-being
crecer to grow
la energia energy
mantenerse sano (a) to be healthy
relajarse to relax
saludable healthy
la alimentacion nourishment
el alimento food
balanceaso (a) balanced
la coloria calorie
la dieta diet
nutritivo (a) nutritious
el atletismo athletics
entrenarse to train
estirarse to stretch
elestres stress
sudar to sweat
aconsejar to advise
el (los) consejo advise
deber should, ought to
acostarse to lie down, to go to bed
afeitarse to shave oneself
arreglarse to get ready
banarse to take a bath
cepillarse el pelo to brush one's hair
despertarse to wake up
ducharse to take a shower
lavarse to wash oneself
lavarse los dientes to brush one's teeth
levantarse to get up
maquillarse to put on makeup
peinarse to comb one's hair
ponerse la ropa to get dressed
quitarse la ropa to take off one's clothes
secarse to dry oneself
la boca mouth
el brazo arm
la cabeza head
la cara face
el codo elbow
el cuello neck
el cuerpo body
los dedos fingers
los dientes teeth
el estomago stomach
la garganta throat
el hombro shoulder
la mano hand
la muneca wrist
la nariz nose
el oido inner ear
los ojos eyes
la oreja ear
el pie foot
la pierna leg
la rodilla knee
la sangre blood
el tobillo ankle
la ambulancia ambulance
la aspirina aspirin
comodo comfortable
la consulta consultation
el consultorio office (doctor's)
cortarse to cut oneself
doler to hurt
el dolor de cabeza headache
la enfermedad sick
el enfermero nurse
estar resfriado(a) to have a cold
la fiebre fever
la gripe flu
gritar to scream
la infeccion infection
la inyeccion injection
lastimarse to hurt oneself
llorar to cry
la medicina medicine
las pastillas pills
la radiografia X-Rays
la receta prescription
recuperarse to get better
respirar to breathe
la sala de emergencia emergency room
!Socorro! Help!
la tos cough
tratar to treat
el yeso cast
es bueno que its good that
es importante que its important that
es logico que its logical that
es malo que its bad that
es mejor que its better that
es necesario que its necessary that
es peligroso que its dangerous that
es posible que its possible that
es probable que its probable that
es raro que its rare that
es ridiculo que its ridiculous that
es triste que its sad that
es una lastima que its a pity that
Created by: nosterlind
Popular Spanish sets




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