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E2H Final

void an empty area or space
vengeance the act of taking revenge (harming someone in retaliation for something harmful that they have done) especially in the next life
implied indicated by necessary connotation though not expressed directly
brandished waved in a threatening way
immutable not subject or susceptible to change or variation in form or quality or nature
dominion dominance or power through legal authority
gaping wide open
carnal of the appetites and passions of the body
enmity a state of deep-seated ill-will
immoderate not within reasonable limits
continual seemingly without interruption
prudence discretion in practical affairs
contrivance the act of devising something
secure make certain of
covenant a signed written agreement between two or more parties (nations) to perform some action
mediator a negotiator who acts as a link between parties
forbearance good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence
righteousness adhering to moral principles
subserve be helpful or useful
waxing a gradual increase in magnitude or extent
omnipotent having unlimited power
venomous marked by deep ill will
ascribed attributed to a certain cause.
wrath intense anger (usually on an epic scale)
arbitrary based on or subject to individual discretion or preference or sometimes impulse
potentates a ruler who is unconstrained by law
feeble lacking strength or vitality
despicable worthy only of being despised and rejected
exerted put to use
manifestation a public display of group feelings (usually of a political nature)
inconceivable totally unlikely
dolorous showing sorrow
indignation a feeling of righteous anger
doleful filled with or evoking sadness
raiment especially fine or decorative clothing
ineffable too sacred to be uttered
carcasses bodies of dead animals
transgressed passed beyond (limits or boundaries)
quenched subdued or overcome
abhorring finding repugnant
admonish to caution
inaccessible not capable of being obtained
kindred having the same belief
manifold having numerous different parts
Indubitably in a manner or to a degree that could not be doubted
integrate make into a whole or make part of a whole
intercourse communication between individuals
Impertinent not relevant to the matter under consideration
slough a stagnant swamp (especially as part of a bayou)
perennial lasting an indefinitely long time
calamity an event resulting in great loss and misfortune
blithe carefree and happy and lighthearted
egotism an exaggerated opinion of your own importance
ineffable too sacred to be uttered
disparity inequality or difference in some respect
labyrinth complex system of paths or tunnels in which it is easy to get lost
balk refuse to comply
consanguinity related by blood
hypothesis a proposal intended to explain certain facts or observations
apprise make aware of
inviolable not capable of being violated or infringed
degenerate grow worse
empirical derived from experiment and observation rather than theory
savant someone who has been admitted to membership in a scholarly field
sally a venture off the beaten path
infallibility the quality of never making an error
indisputable impossible to doubt or dispute
affirmation a statement asserting the existence or the truth of something
concerted involving the joint activity of two or more
tyrannize rule or exercise power over (somebody) in a cruel and autocratic manner
strata levels or grades of a people or population with reference to social position
tranquil free from disturbance
minute infinitely or immeasurably small
remedial tending or intended to rectify or improve
permeate spread or diffuse through
invariable not liable to or capable of change
volatile liable to lead to sudden change or violence
eminent standing above others in quality or position
instil to introduce by gradual
latent potentially existing but not presently evident or realized
firmament the vault of heaven; sky
bard a lyric poet
sage a mentor in spiritual and philosophical topics who is renowned for profound wisdom
affecting moving or exciting the feelings or emotions
spontaneous happening or arising without apparent external cause
impart make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret
transcendent exceeding or surpassing usual limits especially in excellence
oracles a person who delivers authoritative
disconcerted having self-possession upset; perturbed
piquancy a tart spiciness
emphatic forceful and definite in expression or action
disdain to look upon or treat with contempt; despise; scorn
cumber hold back
eclat enthusiastic approval
formidable extremely impressive in strength or excellence
aversion the act of turning yourself (or your gaze) away
suffrage the right to vote
importune beg persistently and urgently
ephemeral enduring a very short time
capitulate surrender under agreed conditions
extenuation to act in such a way as to cause an offense to seem less serious
arduous difficult to accomplish
usurp seize and take control without authority and possibly with force
prudent careful and sensible
magnanimity quality of revealing generosity or nobility of mind
trifle a detail that is considered insignificant
metaphysics the philosophical study of being and knowing
hobgoblin an object of dread or apprehension
contrite feeling regret for a fault or offence
symmetrical having similarity in size
pedigree ancestry of a purebred animal
squalid foul and run-down and repulsive
interloper someone who intrudes on the privacy or property of another without permission
obsequious attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery
mendicant a male member of a religious order that originally relied soley on alms
sycophantic attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery
comely very pleasing to the eye
Aboriginal having existed from the beginning
exude make apparent by one's mood or behaviour
auroral characteristic of the dawn
nocturnal belonging to or active during the night
tarn a mountain lake (especially one formed by glaciers)
insular narrowly restricted in outlook or scope
somnolence a very sleepy state
undulations A regular rising and falling or movement to alternating sides; movement in waves.
cessation a discontinuation
transpire come about
endeavor earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something
resignation the act of giving up (a claim or office or possession etc.)
superfluous more than is needed
frittered reduced or squandered little by little
founder fail utterly
expedient appropriate to a purpose
integrity moral soundness
din a loud harsh or strident noise
alacrity liveliness and eagerness
inherent existing as an essential constituent or characteristic
fain in a willing manner
whit a tiny or scarcely detectable amount
palpitation a shaky motion
inducement act of bringing about a desired result
gregarious seeking and enjoying the company of others
virile characterized by energy and vigor
garb clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion
gross conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible
transgress pass beyond (limits or boundaries)
excommunicate oust or exclude from a group or membership by decree
perchance possibly
disposed having a certain inclination or disposition; inclined
compelled forced to do something
deference courteous regard for people's feelings
ply use diligently
profane not sacred or concerned with religion
commence set in motion
pious devoutly religious
fretful unable to relax or be still
conversion the act of changing from one use or function or purpose to another
pretensions A Claim to Something
exhorter to give urgent advice
pernicious exceedingly harmful
discordant not in agreement or harmony
elasticity the tendency of a body to return to its original shape after it has been stretched or compressed
embers something no longer in flames but still glowing
gratification the act or an instance of satisfying
constable a lawman with less authority and jurisdiction than a sheriff
insurrection organized opposition to authority
appalling causing dismay or horror
dissipation breaking up and scattering by dispersion
infernal characteristic of or resembling hell
maxim a saying that widely accepted on its own merits
ravages grievous damage; havoc
desolate providing no shelter or sustenance
fetters anything that confines or restrains
scribes Specially trained people to read and write
synagogue the place of worship for a Jewish congregation
extortion the act of obtaining (something) by force
scpulchres tombs
iniquity absence of moral or spiritual values
pharisaical self-righteous; hypocritical
threshold the sill of a door
tarry leave slowly and hesitantly
melancholy characterized by or causing or expressing sadness
wretch a miserable or unhappy person
boughs large branches of a tree
discern detect with the senses
thither to or toward that place
ocular of or relating to or resembling the eye
scruples motivation deriving logically from ethical or moral principles that govern a person's thoughts and actions
verily in truth
abide To put up with; tolerate; to comply with
husbandman a person who operates a farm
mirth great merriment
pious devoutly religious
writh to twist the body about
bane something causes misery or death
cognizance having knowledge of
catechism an elementary book summarizing the principles of a Christian religion
steed a horse
vex be a mystery or bewildering to
ecclesiastical of or associated with a church (especially a Christian Church)
heathen a person who does not acknowledge God
lamentations expressions of deep sorrow and grief
pendent hanging or suspended; overhanging
benign pleasant and beneficial in nature or influence
chaste morally pure (especially not having experienced sexual intercourse)
incantations conventionalized words and slogans used and repeated in a manner likened to the utterance of spells
proselytes converts to a religion
venerable Commanding respect by virtue of age
anathema a formal ecclesiastical curse accompanied by excommunication
lattice framework consisting of an ornamental design made of strips of wood or metal
kiln a large oven for firing or burning or drying such things as porcelain or bricks
unpardonable inexcusable
portentous of momentous or ominous significance
delectable capable of arousing desire
wayfarer a traveler
steadfastly with resolute determination
grisly grim or gruesome
recompense to make compensation for something; repay someone
vogue the popular taste at a given time
averred declared or affirmed with confidence
abominable exceptionally bad or displeasing
enmity a state of deep-seated ill-will
fiend a cruel wicked and inhuman person
spires steeples that taper to a point
clique an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose
indefatigable showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality
vicissitudes a change or variation occurring in the course of something
resplendent having great beauty and splendor
assiduous marked by care and persistent effort
demeanor (behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people
portal a grand and imposing entrance (often extended metaphorically)
sedulously diligent in application or attention
consigned entrusted; put in the care of; given over
genial conducive to comfort
imbibe receive into the mind and retain
deleterious harmful to living things
ardor feelings of great warmth and intensity
vagaries an extravagant or erratic notion or action
vanquishing defeating in a conquest
assuag to make milder or less severe; relieve; ease; mitigate
vacuity total absence of matter
wreathed adorned or crowned with a circlet
tendrils A twisting
depraved marked by immorality
ominous threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
haughtiness overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors
evanescent tending to vanish like vapor
apothecary a health professional trained in the art of preparing and dispensing drugs
innocuous unlikely to harm or disturb anyone
guileless free of deceit
monstrosity something hideous or frightful
imbued inspired or influenced thoroughly; pervaded
venomous marked by deep ill will
torpid slow and apathetic
upshot the final issue
dismal depressing in character or appearance
decent enough to meet a purpose
commenced started
victuals any substance that can be used as food
middling to a moderately sufficient extent or degree
fidgety unable to relax or be still
considerable large or relatively large in number or amount or extent or degree
broad very large in expanse or scope
skiff any of various small boats propelled by oars or by sails or by a motor
carcass the dead body of an animal
ornery having a difficult and contrary disposition
ingots blocks of metal that are cast in a particular shape for convenient handling
lath a narrow thin strip of wood used as backing for plaster or to make latticework
numbskull a dull-witted or stupid person
hifaluting pompous; bombastic; haughty; pretentious
frills ornamental objects of no great value
chinks narrow openings
nabob a wealthy man (especially one who made his fortune in the Orient)
palaver to talk profusely and idly
roust to awaken from a state of sleep
abreast alongside each other
quicksilver the metallic element mercury
haggled bargained; argued over terms
brash offensively bold
craw a pouch in many birds and some lower animals that resembles a stomach for storage and preliminary maceration of food
varmint any usually predatory wild animal considered undesirable
starboard the right side of a ship when facing forward
careen move sideways or in an unsteady way
plunder destroy and strip of its possession
gaudy tastelessly showy
dauphin formerly
aggravate make worse; irritate
abolitionist one who opposes the practice of slavery
blubbering sobbing noisily
slouch an incompetent person
pensive dreamily or wistfully thoughtful
rack stretch to the limits
impaired diminished in strength
frivolous not serious in content or attitude or behavior
decanter a bottle with a stopper
sideboard a piece of furniture that stands at the side of a dining room
junket a trip taken by an official at public expense
pommel a knob
temperance abstinance from excess
cipher convert ordinary language into code
shuck material consisting of seed coverings and small pieces of stem or leaves that have been separated from the seeds
oppression the state of being kept down by unjust use of force or authority: "after years of oppression they finally revolted"
haughty having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy
dissipate to scatter in various directions
histrionic characteristic of acting or a stage performance
muse reflect deeply on a subject
commence to start; begin
brazen unrestrained by convention or propriety
bray laugh loudly and harshly
soliloquy a (usually long) dramatic speech intended to give the illusion of unspoken reflections
recollection the process of remembering (especially the process of recovering information by mental effort)
bodkin a dagger with a slender blade
calamity an event resulting in great loss and misfortune
contagion the communication of a disease
hue the quality of a color as determined by its dominant wavelength
consummation the act of bringing to completion or fruition
ponderous having great mass and weight and unwieldiness
imperative requiring attention or action
lanky ungracefully tall and thin
acquit pronounce not guilty of criminal charges
pluck courage or resolution in the face of difficulties
indifferent showing no care or concern in attitude or action
obsequies funeral rites or ceremonies
pallet a mattress filled with straw or a pad made of quilts
stealthy marked by quiet and caution and secrecy
shoal of little depth
coarse conspicuously and tastelessly indecent
nigh near in time or place or relationship
trifling not worth considering
fagged drained of energy or effectiveness
cravat neckwear worn in a slipknot with long ends overlapping vertically in front
blubber to sob noisily
hew strike with an axe
audacious disposed to venture or take risks
impudent improperly forward or bold
putrified in an advanced state of decomposition and having a foul odor
embattled prepared for battle
addle mix up or confuse
fret worry unnecessarily or excessively
rummage search haphazardly
huffy quick to take offense; touchy
hearth an area near a fireplace (usually paved and extending out into a room)
irradiations intellectual or spiritual enlightenment
doleful filled with or evoking sadness
impelled urged or forced to action through moral pressure
indigo a blue-violet color
innocuous unlikely to harm or disturb anyone
gilt a coating of gold or of something that looks like gold
viceroy governor of a country or province who rules as the representative of his or her king or sovereign
portentously ominously significant or indicative
heedless careless; thoughtless; unmindful
imperceptibly Impossible or difficult to perceive by the mind or senses
timorous fearful; timid; demonstrating fear
sash a band of material around the waist that strengthens a skirt or trousers
desist stop; cease; discontinue
globular having the shape of a sphere or ball
smit to affect suddenly and strongly with a specified feeling
furrow a slight depression in the smoothness of a surface
offal trimmings of a butchered animal often considered inedible by humans
haltered to put on a rope with a noose used for execution by hanging.
plenipotentiary a diplomat who is fully authorized to represent his or her government
supernal of heaven or the spirit
dissuasive deterring from action
avocations something one does in addition to a principle occupation
scrivener someone employed to make written copies of documents and manuscripts
vanity feelings of excessive pride
remunerative for which money is paid
abrogation cancellation; abolition
florid elaborately or excessively ornamented
augmented added to or made greater in amount or number or strength; enlarged
anthracite a hard natural coal that burns slowly and gives intense heat
admonitions gentle or friendly reproof; warning
gesticulating making gestures while speaking
reproach a mild rebuke or criticism
execrable extremely bad; abomitable; detestable; of very poor quality
doff remove; take off
obstreperousness noisy defiance
pernicious exceedingly harmful
paroxysms sudden outbursts
pallid abnormally deficient in color as suggesting physical or emotional distress
compliance the act of submitting
consternation fear resulting from the awareness of danger
ignominiously in a dishonorably manner or to a dishonorable degree
dyspeptic suffering from indigestion; gloomy and irritable
oaf an awkward stupid person
vagary an unexpected and inexplicable change in something (in a situation or a person's behavior
pugilistic like a boxer
inveteracy state of being deeply ingrained or established (in a habit)
retribution revenge
tacit indicated by necessary connotation though not expressed directly
deshabille the state of being carelessly or partially dressed
chimeras a horrible or unreal creature of the imagination
austere of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor
succor assistance in time of difficulty
alms voluntary contributions to aid the poor
cadaverous resembling a corpse
ruminating considering; thinking (at length)
diligence persevering determination to perform a task
abode housing that someone is living in
choleric easily moved to anger
inscrutable of an obscure nature; difficult to understand
despondency depression of spirits from loss of courage or hope; dejection
apparition something existing in perception only
vagrant a wanderer who has no established residence or visible means of support
quiescent being quiet or still or inactive
indignant angered at something unjust or wrong
vile thoroughly unpleasant
succinctly with concise and precise brevity
phantasm something existing in perception only
conspicuous without any attempt at concealment
sagacious acutely insightful and wise
derivable capable of being reasoned by deduction
gossamer characterized by unusual lightness and delicacy
identity the distinct personality of an individual regarded as a persisting entity
allusion a passing or casual reference; an incidental mention of something
intemperance lack of restraint
malevolence ill will
debauch to corrupt morally; seduce from virtue
consummate to make perfect
conflagration a very intense and uncontrolled fire
felicity state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy
inscrutability the quality of being impossible to investigate
bravado a swaggering show of courage
anomalous abnormal; irregular
Created by: tikuiaku
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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