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Unit 6 Terms

Unit 6 Glossary Terms

Box and Whisker Plot A diagram that summarizes data using the median, the upper and lower, quartiles, and the extreme values (minimum and maximum). They are also known as box plots.
Distribution The arrangement of values that show the spread of data
Dot Plot A statistical chart consisting of data points on a number line, typically using circles
Frequency The number of times an item, number, or event appears on a set of data
Grouped Frequency Table The organization of raw data in table form with classes and frequencies
Histogram A way of displaying numeric data using horizontal or vertical bars so that the height or length of the bars inicates frequency
Inter-Quartile Range (QR) The difference between the first and third quartiles (1st and 3rd quartiles aka upper and lower quartiles)
Maximum Value The largest value in a set of data
Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) The average distance of each data value from the mean. It's a gauge of "on average" how different the data values are from the mean value
Mean the average for the data. The mean is also the balance point of the corresponding data distribution
Measures of Center The mean and the median are both ways to measure the ___ for a set of data.
Measure of Spread The range and the Mean Absolute Deviation are both common ways to _____ for a set of data.
Median The value of which half the numbers are larger and half the numbers are smaller. If there are two middle numbers, the median is the mean of the two numbers.The median is a good choice to represent the center of distribution when it's is skewed/outliers
Mode The number that occurs the most often in a list. There can be multiple or no modes.
Numerical Data Consists of numbers only. Can be any rational numbers
Outlier an observation that is numerically distant from the rest of the data
Range A measure of spread for a set of data.
Skewed Data When a set of data is not symmetrical it can be _______, meaning it tends to have a long tail on the right or left side.
Statistical Questions a Question for which you don't expect to get a single answer. Instead, you expect to get a variety of answers,
Variability Describe how spread out or closely clustered a set of data is. It includes range and mean absolute deviation.
Data Facts or numbers that describe the results of an experiment or survey
Bar Graph A way of displaying categorical data by using either horizontal or vertical bars
Discrete Data Can only have valves that are counting numbers
Counting Numbers Starts at "1" cannot be negative
Categorical Data Data for which each piece of data fits into one or several categories.
Circle/Pie Graph Graph that shows how parts of the whole relates to the whole and how parts relate to other parts.
Key Explains how each data set is represented by a color or a pattern in a graph
Double Bar Graph Used to display categorical data when each category contains two different sets
Quantitative Data Data that can be displayed on a numerical scale
Stem and Leaf Plot Used to represent order numerical data
Side by Side Stem and Leaf Plot a _ _ _ _ that allows the comparison of two data sets
Created by: brownsi
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