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Eng 10-12 Synonyms

Stack #179746

fictitious, mythical, spurious, bogus apocryphal
observed, experiential, pragmatic empirical
a discrepancy, incongruity, difference disparity
minimal, slight, undetectable imperceptible
an aristocrat, peer, noble, highborn patrician
to rechannel, redirect, to elevate sublimate
insight, perspicacity, shrewdness, acuity acumen
showy, ostentatious, ornate, florid flamboyant
to dissemble, pretend, to misrepresent dissimulate
a footman; a toady, flunky, hanger-on lackey
to appease; to placate, to mollify propitiate
excessive, inordinate, repulsive fulsome
to sacrifice, to slay; kill immolate
to arbitrate, referee, mediate adjudicte
an intermediary, channel, contact liasion
undifferentiated, massive, dense monolithic
total repudiation of the "establishment" nihilism
thus, so sic
the right word mot juste
a chronological error anachronism
a fine point; nicety punctilio
fanciful; impractical, utopian quixotic
doleful, melancholy, dismal, dolorous lugubrious
hazardous, perilous, risky, dangerous parlous
a deadlock, stand-off, stalemate impasse
elation, bliss, ecstasy, rapture euphoria
unanimity, concord, accord, harmony consensus
a schism, division, bifurcation dichotomy
a blood feud, rivalry vendetta
gllomy, grotesque; sinister, eerie gothic
gushy; lavish, demonstrative effusive
a renegade, defector, turncoat apostate
a story-teller; anecdotist raconteur
swagger, bluster, braggadacio bravado
a fen, marsh, bog, morass quagmire
an aura, charisma mystique
a necessity, requisite, desideratum sine qua non
a change; transformation; make-over metamorphosis
to contract; squeeze; to curb, restrain constrict
an illogical inference, unsound conclusion non sequitur
a medley, patchwork, melange, potpourri pastiche
a seer, oracle; to bode, foreshadow augur
to dupe, swindle, cheat, defraud,cozen bilk
inane, insipid, fatuous, void, empty vacuous
a caprice, whim, quirk vagary
a fanatic; extremist zealot
egotism, conceit, vanity, amour-propre narcissism
practicable, workable, feasible viable
relevany, pertinent, pat, material, germane apposite
to encroach, horn in, affect impinge
perilous, risky, dubious, ticklish precarious
comical, daffy; a buffoon, clown zany
to enervate, sap, exhaust, enfeeble enervate
tightfisted, penny-pinching, mean niggardly
odious, abominable, reprehensible execrable
a maze, tangle; a mystery, enigma labyrinth
a bond, tie, affinity, understanding rapport
magnetism, appeal, charm, mystique charisma
practical, functional, pragmatic utilitarian
Created by: kuretski



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