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Literary Terms

Internal Conflict A sturggle WITHIN a character
Irony A special kind of contrast between appearance and reality, usually one in which reality is the opposite of what it seems
Third Person Point of view in which the narrator is outside the story: an observer
Metaphor A figure of speech in which two things are compared without using like or as
Narrator A speaker or character who tells a story
Omniscent The narrator is an all knowing outsider who can enter the minds of more than one of the characters
Onomatopoeia The use of words that imitate sound
Personification A figure of speech in which a non human subject is given a human characteristic; making things or ideas seem vital or alive, as if they were human
Plot The sequence of events in a literary work
Point of View The method of narration used in a short story, poem, novel, or work of non-fiction, but can be a force of nature, society itself, or an internal force within the character
Autobiography A writers account of their OWN life
Biography The true account of a person's life written by another person
Dialogue A written conversation between two or more characters
Figures of speech A language that communicates meanings beyond the literal definition such as similes, metaphors, hyperboles, and personification
Protagonist The main character who must come over one obstacle and solve the conflict
Rhythm The pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry
Short Story A work of fiction that centers on a single idea and can be read in one setting
Stanza A group of two or more lines that form a unit in a poem
Oxymoron When contradictory or opposing terms are used together
Exposition Introduces the characters, setting, or struggle between forces
Resolution The part of the plot where the story's central conflict ends
Rising Action The events that lead up to the climax; builds suspense as plot thickens
Setting Time and place of a story's action
Simile A figure of speech that makes a direct comparison between two subjects using like or as
Slogan A memorable phrase identified with an entity
Static Character A character who doesnt change in the entire course of the work
Symbol Person, place, thing, or event that stands for itself and smething beyond itself
Theme A central message of insight into life or human nature that the writer shares with the reader
Tone The written attitude torwards his or her subject, characters, or audience
Analogy A point or point comparison between two things that are alike in some respect
Antagonist A force working against the protagonist or main character in a story, play, or novel
Alliteration The repitition of consenant sounds at the beginning of words
Allusion A reference to a well known person, place, literary work, or work of art
Characterization Used when a writer reveals a character through his or her own words, thoughts or actions
Climax The point of greatest intrest in a story or play usually occuring near the end
Conflict A struggle between two forces; internal or external
Imagery A word or phrase that appeals to one or more of the five senses such as sight, sound, hearing, taste ,or touch
Created by: Broquies
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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