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Economic Systems

Economic Systems Social Studies

Economics Social science that deals with the production distribution, and consumption of goods and services
What are the three questions that an economic system must answer? What to produce? How to produce it? For whom to produce?
What is a traditional economic system and what is an example? It is based on customs and traditions and an example is the Inuit tribe in North America.
What is bartering? The exchange of one good for another.
What is a Command Economy? When the government decides what goods are made and how they will be made. The government gets all the profit, and the own the resources.
What is a Market Economy? Economy that operates by a voluntary exchange in a free market and is not planned or controlled by a central authority
How any Market Economies are in the entire world? Zero
What is capitalism? Economic system in which private owners control the production of goods and profit
What is supply? Quantity of a product or service in a market, and available for purchase
What is demand? The desire to purchase with the power to do so
What is embargo? A ban from trading with another country due to political issues
What are tariffs? A special tax on foreign goods
What are quotas? Limits on the amount of foreign goods that are allowed in a country
What is GDP (Gross Domestic Product)? The total amount of final goods and services that are produced in a country in a year
What is human resources? People who preform labor, invest by training and education
What are capital goods? Items that people need to preform their jobs, invest in it by updating machinery and new computers
What are natural resources? Resources that come from nature
What are entrepreneurs? People with ideas that are willing to take a risk to start a business
What is Standard of Living? The level of comfort and wealth that citizens have
What is Literacy Rate? Percentage of people in a country that can read or write
What is specialization? Producing or providing a sevice in what you do
What is Opportunity Cost? Value of what is given up whan a choice is made
What are 2 examples of capital goods? Ovens, Tractors
What are 2 examples of natural resources? Water, and Wood
What are 3 ways a country can invest in its human resources? Health, Education, and Training
What is a Mixed Economy? Privatly owned and publicly owned businesses together
What is Exchange Rate? How much one currency is worth in terms of another
What is Currency? MONEY!!!!!!
Created by: Master Shi Fu
Popular Economics sets




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