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Government Midterm


What is the beginning of the constitution called? Preamble
What are the six purposes of of Government stated in the Preamble ? Form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity
What are the three branches of government? executive legislative judicial
What is the purpose of the Executive branch? to enforce the laws
What is the purpose of the legislative branch? to make the laws
What is the purpose of the judicial branch? to interpret the laws
How many Characteristics of a state are there? 4
What are the characteristics of a state? population territory sovereignty government
What is a Representative Democracy? representatives are chosen by the people to represent the people
What type of government is ruled by a single person? Autocracy
Define Oligarchy a small group of people hold the power of the land
Define federal the power of the government is divided between the central government and local
What is a Confederation? An alliance between independent states
What are the concepts of Democracy? Importance of the individual equality of individuals majority rules compromise individual freedom
What are the restrictions of a Limited Government? Government is not all-powerful Government is restricted in what it can do individual has rights the government can not take away
What are the bases of American Government? Greece/Rome Magna Carta Petition of Right English Bill of Rights
Types of colonies? Royal Charter Proprietary
What type of colony helped shape our government? Charter Colony because they had their own government
What were the early ruling groups of America? First Continental Congress Second Continental Congress
What was the document written at the Second Continental Congress? Declaration of Independence
What was the governing law of America before the constitution? Articles of Confederation
What was the major weakness of the A.O.C? It did not allow the government to tax so money
There was two different plans between the colonies on how to split up the legislature and they were... Virginia Plan New Jersey plan
What type of legislature is wanted in the Virginia Plan? Bicameral Legislature; based on population
What type of legislature is wanted in the New Jersey Plan? Unicameral Legislature; equal representation
What was the name of the document that resolved the legislature? The Connecticut Compromise or a.k.a The Great Compromise
How did the Connecticut Compromise set up the legislature? Bicameral with one house based on population and one house where every state has equal representation
Why was the preamble written? To state the 6 purposes of government
What are the Bill of Rights? Added to the Constitution to appeal to the Anti-Federalist and convince them to ratify
What is the first Amendment? R.A.P.P.S Freedom of religion, of assembly, of press,of petition, and speech
The right to bear arms is what amendment? The Second Amendment
Three is a party refers to the right to not be force to quarter a soldier. What amendment is this? The third
The fourth amendment is? The freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures
If you plead the fifth that is your fifth amendment. What does that amendment cover? due process, no self-incrimination, and eminent domain
What is eminent domain? The right given to the government to take public land for public use
What is the sixth amendment? Right to a speedy and public trial
The right to have a trial by jury is what amendment? The seventh amendment
The amendment that covers the prohibits excessive bail or cruel and unusual punishment? The eighth amendment
The rights of the people is what amendment? the ninth amendment
The tenth amendment is what? powers reserved to the state
What are the federalists paper? A group of writings that were published to promote and support the Constitution
To ratify you have to have _/_ approval of congress and _/_ ratification by state legislatures? 2/3 congress 2/3 state legislatures
Define popular sovereignty? all political power resides with the PEOPLE
Limited Government is... Government can only do what the PEOPLE say they can do
The separation of powers were created because? To prevent any branch from getting too powerful
Checks and Balances do what? It allows each branch to check each other to make sure they are not to powerful or overstep their constitutional power
Judicial Review the power to determine if something is constitutional came from what supreme court case? Marbury vs. Madison
The power among central and local government is? Federalism
What are delegated powers? Powers granted in the constitution
Powers expressed in the constitution to the national government is called? Expressed powers
What are examples of expressed powers? collect taxes, coin money, regulate foreign and interstate commerce, declaring war, etc.
This type of power is not in the constitution but are within reason what is it called? Implied Powers
The Necessary and Proper Clause a.k.a the elastic clause falls under what set of powers? Implied Powers
What are examples of Implied powers? Build dams and build interstates
What are inherent powers? They belong to the government by simply being the government?
What type of power is given to the state and not the national government? Reserved powers
The Supremacy Clause is? the national and state government must work together
What is the supreme law of the land? The Constitution
What article describes and creates the Legislative Branch? Article 2
What do you have to have to amend the Constitution? A joint resolution
Formal Qualifications of the House of Representatives are? 25 years of age citizen for at least seven years live in the state they represent
There are how many members in the house? 435
What are some of the responsibilities of the House? all bills that involve money and taxes must start in the house power to bring upon impeachment charges against a president gerrymandering
What is gerrymandering? When the house rearranges lines to win more districts
What are the officers of the house? THe speaker of the house and Majority/Minority Whip
What is the job of the Speaker of the House? They are the presiding officer and organizes the members of committees
I count the votes of my party who am I? Majority/Minority Whips
This is the most important committee in the House. What is it? House Rules Committee
What does the House Rules Committee do? They act as traffic cops
What is a traffic cop? They decide whether or not a bill will come to the floor
Where do most bills die? They die in committee
What are committees used for? To help divide the work
Created by: ksp122298



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