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Sampling survey definitions

Population The group about which we want to learn something
Parameter A characteristic of the population
Sample A subset of the population from which we collect data
Statistic A number calculated from sample data
Simple random sample A sample in which every individual in the population has the same chance of being selected as any other individual
Sampling frame A comprehensive list of individuals from which the sample will be drawn
Sampling error The sample to sample variation that we would expect to obtain if we selected multiple samples from the population
Bias A distorted view of the population that results from poor sampling design
Stratified random sample Sampling technique: First divide population into two or more groups before taking random sample (e.g. male and females)
Benefits of stratified random sample Benefits of this technique is that it leads to more precise estimates by reducing sample variability
Cluster sampling Clusters, or natural groups in populations are selected that are identical on the characteristics we are interesting in exploring. We then take a random sample of the clusters.
Benefit of cluster sampling The benefit of this technique is to save time and money.
Systematic sampling Every 10th or nth person are selected from a list of individuals in the population.
[BLANK] is used to estimate [BLANK - 2 words] [Statistics] is used to estimate [population parameters]
Overall size of [BLANK] is more important than the overall size of the [BLANK] Overall size of [sample] is more important than the overall size of the [population]
Social desirability bias When people adjust their responses to survey questions to avoid "looking bad" or to make themselves "look good" in the eyes of the person conducting the survey
The [BLANK] in which you ask survey questions may lead to different responses The [order] in which you ask survey questions may lead to different responses
Survey questions must be [BLANK] and [BLANK] Survey questions must be [concise] and [clear]
Avoid [BLANK] questions that are worded to "lead" the respondent towards a particular response Avoid ["leading"] questions that are worded to "lead" the respondent towards a particular response
Voluntary response bias Occurs when respondents are choosing you rather than you choosing them. They are not a random sample of the underlying population.
What is the problem with voluntary response bias? People who are usually responding are more strongly opinionated (usually negative) than the general population.
Nonresponse bias Common bias. Very hard to avoid. Occurs when respondents refuse to participate.
What is the problem with nonresponse bias? People who refuse to respond may have a different opinion than those who did.
Created by: pandatran
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