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Term | Definition |
trophos | to turn |
metron | messure |
photos | light |
graph | to write |
tele | to write from a far distance |
philia | lov,frienship |
phobos | Fear |
agriphobia | fear of open spaces |
cLoStRaPhObIa | fear of kristen |
Syn | with together |
synphany | to feel with someone |
symphony | sounds that go together |
synthesis | putting together |
synthetic | material made by putting chemicals together |
photosynthesis | processes by which light |
synonym | 2 words with same meaning |
synagogue | place to bring people together |
syncranize | to do at the same time |
phonograph | writing with sound |
telegram | sound from far away |
phonogram | writing sound |
euphony | good or pleasant sound |
symphony | sound that goes together |
megaphone | device to make sound BIG |
microscope | device to record small sounds |
profess | admit that one is an expert |
professional | one who claims to be an expert |
problem | anything thrown |
probosics | trunk or shout |
prologue | beginning |
proclaim | annonce |
proceed | move foward |
pronoun | word that stands for a noun |
nominate | suggest someone's name |
nomination | act of naming |
nominal | in name only |
nomenclature | system of names |
non de plum | pen name for an author |
denomation | name of classes |
denomitor | the bottom half of a fraction |
prea | before in front of |
predict | say before hand, foretell |
preamble | that which goes before |
precaution | being on guard before hand |
precursor | one who runs ahead |
prefer | carry to a forward position or rank |
pregnant | condition before birth |
prejudice | make judgment before hand |
ad | to, toward, near, next to |
adequate | even with or equal to |
adjective | word 'thrown at' a noun to modify it |
adhere | stick to |
admire | look at with wonder |
admonish | give warning to |
admit | send to |
advertise | turn people to what you are ofering |
jacio jactum | throw |
eject | throw out |
interject | throw out |
object | throw against |
objection | argument ' throw against' |
project | throw forward |
projectile | a thing thrown forward |
reject | throw back |
Pono Postum | lay put |
pose | position or atitude |
post | fixed or established place |
postage | payment for message sent |
posision | establish place |
deposit | lay away |
repose | lie back |
depose | put down |
impose | to put upon |
companant | put tegether |
CUM | with together |
cooparate | born together |
cognate | born togrther |
collaborate | work with |
collect | gather together |
combat | fight with |
commorate | remember something together |
community | community which builds together |
content | held together |
confession | made together |
Caput, Capitis | head |
caput | "of with his head" |
capital | top of a column; head, chief or foundation money |
capilism | system where the " head money" makes money |
capitulate | put heading on chapters or division in a piece of writing |
recapitate | to list again the " headings" in a piece of writing |
cabbage | vegetables "head" |
digitus | finger, toe, inch |
digit | finger, numeral's from 0 to 9, unit of measure the width of of a finger (3/4 if an inch). |
digital computer | a computer which uses numeral's to mean whole numbers and decimal fraction. |
digitilis | the 'foxglove' plant from which heart medicine is made. |
prestidigitation | a fast fingered or sleight of hand performance of magic or of card tricks |
pas pendis | foot |
pedistal | foot of column |
pedistian | walker on foot |
pedal | foot lever |
peddle | house to house salesman |
pedicap | bycicle tax |
pedicure | care for the feet |
pedigree | genolgy charts |
pedometer | messures distance walked |
pawn | foot soldiar |
mahnoos | hand |
manufacter | make by hand |
manifest | to hit by hand |
manicoti | sleeve like pasta |
manuscript | writing writer by hand |
manumit | to send forth or release by ones hand (grasp) |
brahkeyoom | arm |
brace | 2 of a kind |
embrace | to take one into each arm |
braclet | ornemant for arm of rist |
brachiat | to swing by arm by pole or tree branch |
brachiopod | 2 shelled creature with 2 arms inside with which to bring in food |
bracero | spanidh word for day laborer( with 2 strong arms) |
Unus | one |
unit | one part of a season or of a whole |
union | act of making one of many |
E pluabris unum | motto of USA one out of many states together as one |
united | together as one |
universe | star galaxy which turns as one entry |
university | many coleges joined together to function as one body |
unicorn | mythical horse with one horn on its head |
dens dentis | tooth |
dent | thooth like notch locking ears etc a small depression |
dentis | tooth doctor |
dentate | having a toothed edge |
dental | pertaining to teeth |
denture | set of teeth |
dentifrice | tooth paste |
dentition | developing of teeth teething |
dentiform | shaped like tooth |
indent | set a line of print in from the marigin |
dandelion | plant called tooth of the lion with dentate leaves |
corpus coporis | body |
corporeal | pertaining to the body |
Quinque | five |
quinqunial | five year period or celabration |
quenjnarian | a person in his fiftys |
quinquesable | several lengths taken together to make sound or a five syllable |
Vulcanus | Vulcan- Roman God of fire |
volcano | a crack in the earth pouring hot magma and hot gases |
volcanic | like pertaining to volcanos |
vulcanize | to treat rubber with heat and sulpher to make stronger and more durable |
vulcanite | hard rubber treated with heat and sulpher |
vulcanolagy | the study of volcanos |
ignis | fire |
igneous | pertaining to fire |
ignite | to set on fire |
ignition | act of fyring up or straing an engine setting anything on fire |
pyro | fire |
pyrotechnics | fireworks |
pyrotechnician | one who is skilled with fireworks |
pyre | huge bonfire for burning bodies at ancient funarals |
empyrean | home of the fiery sun |
pyrometer | instament to measure very hot tempuras |
solar | pertaining to the sun |
sol | sun |
solar system | the sun with objects which revolve around it |
solaster | a starfish with more than 5 rays; a sun starfish |
parasol | a light potable sun shade |
solctice | stopping or standing still of the sun |
Old Sol | folk name for the sun |
Helios | sun god; also called Apollo or Phaethon |
heliotrope | plant which turns toward to the sun |
helium | light gas used in balloons |
perihelion | closest point to the sun |
aphelion | farthest point from the sun |
heliscope | telescope for looking at the sun |
heliometer | instrument for measuring the diameter of the sun |
luna | moon |
lunar | of pertaining to the moon |
lunatic | mad; affected by the moon |
lunacy | madness caused by the moon; monstruck |
Clare De Lune | moon light |
lunambilis | one who is sleep walking is supposed caused by the moon |
lunaurium | instrument showing the phases and motions of the moon |
interlunar | time between old and new moon when the moon is invisable |
lunation | 29.5 days- a lunar month or time from new moon to the next new moon |
petros | rock,stone |
petrifacation | process into making stone |
peter | name which means reliable like a rock |
petrolium | oil from rocks |
petroglph | rock carving |
petrograph | writing about rocks |
petrous | hard, stone like,rocky |
lithos | stone |
lithograph | picture drawn on stone so the stone can draw a picture |
monalith | lone stone |
megalith | large stone |
lithology | study of rocks or stone |
lithosphere | the rocky crust of the earth |
lithic | made of or pertaining to stone |
eolithic | earliest stone age |
peoleolithic | ancient stone age after the eolithic period |
heolithic | new or late stone age |
astro | star |
aster | star shaped flower |
asteriod | in the form of a star |
astrology | star sailer |
disaster | separated from the good |
astral | pertaing or study the stars |
astrodome | covered stadium for looking at stars |
dendro | tree |
ronododendrom | evergreen shrub with large flowers |
lepidodendrom | exctinct tree |
dendrophile | lover of trees |
dendrometer | instrument for measuring trees |
dendrolite | petrified trees |
dendripform | having the shape of a tree |
Magnoos | big large good |
magnify | make larger |
magnifier | that which makes greater |
magnitude | greatness |
magnate | person of great rank or influence |
magnificent | great in deed or charctel, lavish |
magnimous | great in mind; above what is low, mean or ungenerous |
matrdiach | a woman who rules the famaly |
maternal | motherly |
material grandparents | parents of ones mother |
matrix | the ground from which or idea spring |
matriculate | have ones name enterd on the list |
matrimony | state from which motherhood developes |
phatair | father |
patriotism | love for the fatherland |
patriach | chief father of the family |
patrician | nobly born person deceded of the founding fathers of rome |
patrimony | comdition or estate inherited from ones fathers |
patrons | one who acts like a father towerd another |
patronymic | a father name inhabeted and given to his children |
megas | great large big |
megaphone | A device for making large sounds |
megalith | huge rock |
megalomania | crazy person with delusion of graduer or greatness |
megalophonous | having a big or lound sound or voice |
maga | in the metric system, a million times |
magameter | a million meters |
mega tons | a million tons |
urbs urbis | city |
urban | pertaining to the city |
suburb | outlying part of a city smaller town near |
sububanite | one who lives in the suburb |
itnerurban | between citys |
urbane | polite |
urbanity | civility |
urbanites | those who live in the citY |
PATHOS | feeling,suffering |
pathos | device to call pity |
pathetic | marked by surrfering |
pathology | study of suffering |
pathometer | measeres feeling |
apathy | not feeling |
antipathy | feeling agaist |
sympathy | to feel what another feels |
telapathy | know how someone feels |
autos | self |
autograph | writing name of oneself |
automobile | self moving |
autobiography | story of oneself |
autocrat | power in one person |
autonomy | being a law to oneself |
autodiamic | suppling in one power |
automamatic | a machine that has its own thoughts |
acting | self reggulatig |
geo | earth |
geography | draw the earth |
geographer | one who makes maps and writes about the earth |
geology | study of the earth and its formations |
geologyst | one who studies the formation of the earth |
ammo ammatoom | love |
amater | lover |
amiable | kinly |
terra | land |
territoy | land under control |
terrace | raised platform |
tera cotta | cooked earth |
tarrium | garden in small glass container |
terrestrial | pertaining to earth |
trans | across over through |
transport | carry across |
transaction | trade exgange |
trans script | speech put in to writting |
transfer | carry across |