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dirty mother fucker & separator 1 1/2 oz brandy 1/2 oz Kahlua separator ADD CREAM
Gimlets 1 1/2 oz gin OR vodka 1/2 oz lime juice lime garnish
Rusty nail 1 1/2 oz scotch 1/2 oz drambuie
tequila sunrise 1 oz tequila fill with OJ 1/2 oz grenadine cherry + orange garnish = flag
tequila sunset 1 oz tequila will with grapefruit juice cherry + orange = flag
mint julep ROCKS GLASS 1 tsp sugar 2-3 mint leaves splash of water ---- muddle --- fill 2/3 with bourbon garnish with mint leaves
old fashioned 1 tsp sugar 2 dashes of bitters cherry + orange splash of club soda ------ muddle ------ 1 1/2 oz whiskey fill with ice top with club soda garnish with cherry , orange and lemon twist .
cosmopolitan 1 1/2 oz vodka 1/4 oz tripple sec 1/4 oz lime juice splash of cranberry juice lemon twist OR cherry
stinger straight up or on the rocks 1 1/2 oz brandy 1/2 oz white creme de menth _________ ITALIAN STINGER add galliano __________ international stinger metaxa (greek brandy ) and galliano wall .
mojito ROCKS GLASS 1 tsp sugar 2 dash lime juice 3-4 mint leaves splash club soda 1 1/2 oz rum fill with ice garnish with mint leaves
bay breeze HIGHBALL GLASS 1 oz vodka 1/2 way pineapple 1/2 way cranberry
sex on the beach HIGH BALL GLASS 1 oz vodka 1/2 oz peach schnapps fill half way w/ OJ half way with craberry
sea breeze HIGHBALL GLASS 1 oz vodka 1/2 way with grapefruit half way with cranberry juice
rob roy 1/2 oz SWEET vermouth 2 oz scotch cherry
fuzzy navel HIGHBALL GLASS 1 oz peach schnapps fill with OJ orange wheele garnish
cape cod HIGHBALL GLASS 1 oz vodka fill with cranberry juice
madras HIGHBALL GLASS 1 oz vodka fill 1/2 way with OJ 1/2 way with craberry juice
GIN & tonic 1 oz gen fill with tonic water lime wedge
apple martini 1 1/2 oz vodka 1 oz sour apple puckers 1/4 oz tripple sec
god mother 1 1/2 oz vodka 1/2 oz amaretto
black russian ROCKS GLASS 1 1/2 oz vodka 1/2 oz Kahlua
white russian 1 1/2 oz vodka 1/2 oz kahlua splash of cream
Colorado bull dog 1 1/2 oz vodka 1/2 oz kahlua splash of cream COLA FLOAT
7&7 1 oz segrams 7 fill with 7 up
harvey wall banger 1 oz vodka fill with OJ galliano float
god father ROCKS GLASS WITH ICE 1 1/2 oz scotch 1/2 oz amaretto
marlon brando 1 1/2 oz scotch 1/2 oz ammeretto add cream
cuba libre' 1 oz rum fill ROCKS GLASS WITH COKE lime
southern comfort manhattan STRAIGHT UP OR ON THE ROCKS 1/2 oz sweet vermouth 1 1/2 oz southern comfort whiskey cherry
grey hound 1 oz vodka fill with grapefruit juice
gibson STRAIGHT UP OR ON THE ROCKS Gin OR Vodka dry vermouth garnished with onion
god child ROCKS GLASS 1 1/2 oz brandy 1/2 oz amaretto
screw driver 1 oz vodka fill with oj
sloe comfortable screw 1/2 oz sloe gin 1/2 oz soco whiskey fill with OJ cherry
Created by: 1160994040
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