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Electricity- Physics

electrical energy in the home

The main sources of domestic energy have changed over time. wood, domesticated animals, oil, natural gas and fossil fuels (as coal)
Advantages of sources of energy in communities production of light, domestic appliances, communications, entertainment, remotes areas use portable generators, and safety (i.e. secruity)
Disadvantages of sources of energy in communities polluted environment, society migrates to city, health (i.e. obesity through electronics), and employment given to machines
remote locations use what for electricity?? portable generators, wind energy, solar energy and hydropower
how did Galvanni contribute?? connected 2 different metals and found 'animal electricity' when legs contracted
how did Volta contribute?? Used 2 different metals and salt solution to create the Voltaic Pile. Created sparks and is the fore-runner of present day batteries
how did Davy contribute?? worked with electrochemical cells to show the reaction of metal and salt solution.
how did Volta and Davy's work contribute?? their contributions led to electric batteries (the 1st form of portable electricity)
Protons and electrons?? have the same magnitude proton = + electron = -
1 Coulomb = ? 6.25 x 10^18 electrons
charge of one proton/electron? (+ or -) 1.6 x 10^-19 C
what is the measure of electric charges?? Coulombs
methods of charging??? by friction (rubbing one object against another), by charging (in contact with another object), and by induction (no physical contact)
Electric field strength?? - is defined as the size of the electric force acting on a charge. - E= F/q F= size of force on charge (N), q= size of charge (C) OR E=V/d WHERE v=potential difference between 2 plates and d= distance between plates
Current equals ??? I= q/t I= ne/t where n=number of electrons and e=size of charge of each electron= 1.6x10^-19 C
electric field properties?? positive to negative
DC & AC?? DC- Direct current AC- Alternating current
potential differance (voltage)? V= W/q where w=work/electric potential energy (J) and q=magnitude of charge (C)
conductor and resistor??? conductor= low resistance resistor= high resistance
Ohm's law?? V=IR
conventional current?? theoretical flow of positive charges from = to - terminal at a power source
electron current?? actual flow of negative charges from - to + terminal
resistance factor equation R= nature*(length/c.s area)
Qualitatively describe how length affects the movement of electricity in a conductor length is directly proportional to resistance i.e. the longer the wire, the higher the resistance!
Qualitatively describe how cross-sectional area affects the movement of electricity in a conductor the resistance is inversely proportional to its area of cross section i.e. thin wire has a large resistance
Qualitatively describe how temperature affects the movement of electricity in a conductor the resistance of a conductor is directly proportional to temperature i.e. resistance of a light globe will increase as it gets hotter
Qualitatively describe how material affects the movement of electricity in a conductor depends on the material. this is determined by a numerical value called resistivity (denoted by rho) i.e. high resistivity = high resistance
how many paths in a series circuit? one path
how many paths in a parallel circuit? multiple paths
what is equal and needs to be added in a series circuit?? only current in series circuit is equal. Resistance and voltage needs to be added.
what is equal and needs to be added in a parallel circuit?? only voltage is equal. Current and the reciporical of resistance needs to be added.
describe an ammeter. measures current in a circuit. connects in series. has low resistance.
describe a voltmeter. measures potential difference betwen 2 points in a circuit. connects in parallel. has high resistance.
power is what??
Created by: jenniferhuaa
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