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Final W.W.

Flashcards for the final exam on W.W.

Accelerate v. 1. To go or to cause to go faster. 2. To bring about at an earlier time.
Aggressive adj. 1. Ready to attack or start fights; acting in a hostile way. 2. Bold and active.
Ample adj. 1 Plenty; more than enough. 2. Large in size
Anxious adj. 1. Worried; concerned 2. Eager; wishing strongly n. Great uneasiness or concern.
Assume v. 1. To take for granted; to suppose. 2. To take over; to occupy. 3. To pretend to have.
Available adj. Easy to get; present and ready for use.
Burden n. 1. Something that is carried, especially a heavy load. 2. Anything that is hard to bear v. To add to what one has to bear
Contact n. 1. The touching or joining of two things 2. The condition of being in communication with others v. To communicate with
Cumbersome adj. Awkward and hard to handle; unwieldy
Decline v. 1. To slope or pass to a lower level 2. To refuse to accept 3. To become less or weaker n. 1. A change to a smaller amount or lower level 2. A loss of strength or power
Donate v. To give to those in need, often through an organization Donation n. Whatever is donated, as money or goods
Drought n. A long period without rain
Establish v. 1, To set up or begin 2. To show to be true Establishment n. Something that has been established, especially a place of buisness or a public building
Expand v. 1. To make or become larger 2. To give further details of. expansion n. The act, process, or result of enlarging
Fertile adj. 1. Able to produce good crops 2. Able to produce offspring 3. Able to produce ideas; inventive
Methodical adj. Done in a regular, orderly way
Minor adj 1. Small; unimportant n. A person who is not yet an adult; a child
Moral n. A useful lesson about life adj. 1. Having to do with right and wrong 2. Based on what is right and proper
Notable adj. Derserving of attention; outstanding
Obsolete adj. No longer sold or in wide use because it is out-of-date
Overdue adj. 1. Coming later than expected or needed 2. Unpaid when owed
Pardon v. 1. To forgive 2. To free from legal punishment n. The act of forgiving or freeing from legal punishment
Proceed v. To go on, especially after stopping for a while; to continue
Provoke v. 1. To annoy or make angry 2. To call forth; to rouse Provacative adj. Calling forth anger, amusement, or thoughtfulness; trying to cause a response
Ridicule v. To make fun of; to mock n. Words or actions intended to make fun of or mock Ridiculous adj. Laughable; deserving of mockery
Rebel v. To refuse to accept control by others n. A person who refuses to obey orders or the law. Rebellious adj. Fighting against another's control; disobedient Rebellion n. Open opposition to another's control
Sensation n. 1. A feeling that comes from the stimulation of the senses 2. A feeling of great interest or excitement or the cause of such a feeling. Sensational adj. 1. Causing great curiosity and interest 2. Very great or excellent
Stall n. 1. A place for an animal in a barn 2. A small stand or booth where things are sold v. 1. To suddenly lose power 2. To delay by being evasive
Created by: Tconover1
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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