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Physics ch. 12

Which of the following quantities do not depend of velocity m0
A particle travels at the speed of light, we conclude that it's rest mass is zero
In everyday life, we don't see the effects of relativity because they are too small to detect easily
In the twin effect, the traveling twin is younger
Neutrinos are believed to have mass small but not zero
Tachyons are particles that travel faster than c
The photon has a rest mass approximately equal to 0
A moving object is shorter and younger
If Muller discovers a new energetic particle ("Mulleron") that has zero mass, then we can conclude that it travels the speed of light
Which of the following is not a zero mass particle? Beta ray
Tachyons have never been observed
The speed of a massless particle (trick question) is the same to all observers
When a particle approaches the speed of light, it's mass approaches infinity
Identify which are the particles that pass easily through the Earth (all that apply) Neutrinos
The Lorentz contraction says that a football thrown past your face is shorter by a factor of gamma
The observation of neutrino decay proves that neutrinos do have mass
A neutrino can have which of the following values for it's energy (tricky) either of the preceding two values
An astronaut Alice makes a round trip at 3/5 the speed of light. Her twin Bob stays on the Earth When Alice returns, Bob is older than Alice
A radioactive particle has a half-life of 1 second. If it moves at 3/5 the speed of light, it's new half-life will be 5/4 seconds
The Lorentz contraction refers to the fact that moving objects get shorter
Jim and Mary Berkeley are the exact same age. Jim travels at 65mph to LA and waits. Mary drives the next day at 70mph. When she gets to LA, who is older? Jim
If one person travels at 99% the speed of light for 7 years, how much younger will he be than his twin who didn't travel 1 year
The most accurate equation for energy is E=mc^2
Jane and Tom synchronize their watches on Earth. Jane remains while Tom makes round trip to Pluto near light speed. When they get back, whose clock is correct? both clocks are correct
We measure that a particle travels at the speed of light. We conclude that it's rest mass is zero
When the velocity of an object with rest mass m0 approaches the speed of light, it's energy approaches infinity
When a person moves at a velocity near the speed of light, which of the following are true, compared to a person at rest? (all that apply) he doesn't age as rapidly, his mass increases, his energy increases
If you travel at 50% speed of light, your mass is increased by a factor of 1.15
According to relativity theory, the energy of an object of mass m0 that is moving at velocity v is ym0^2
As the velocity of a moving object approaches the speed of light, what happens to it's energy it goes to infinity
Electrons cannot go as fast as light because it would take infinite energy
At very high speed, all of these change except electric charge
The effects of special relativity must be taken into account for GPS
If the velocity is (12/13)c, then the gamma function is 13/5
When a radioactive rock travels near the speed of light, it's mass increases and there are fewer decays
Created by: mwest
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