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AICP Names

Theory of Productive Expenditures Georges Haussmann
Concentric Ring Theory Ernest Burgess, 1925
Central Place Theory Walter Christaller, 1933
Sector Theory Homer Hoyt, 1939
Multiple Nuclei Theory Harris and Ullman, 1945
Bid Rent Theory William Alonso, 1960
Urban Realms Model James E Vance Jr. 1960s
Growth Machine Theory Harvey Molotch 1976
Elite Members drive development Logan and Molotch, 1987
Patrick Geddes Regional Planning
John Muir Sierra Club
George McAneny Zoning
Benton MacKaye Appalachian Trail
David Lilenthal Public Power
George Norris TVA
Edward Bassett Zoning
Lawrence Veiller Modern Housing Codes
George Perkins Marsh American Environmentalism
Saul Alinsky Modern Community Organizing
Clarence Arthur Perry The Neighborhood Unit Concept
Harland Bartholomew CIty Planning
Ian McHarg The Environmental Movement
Daniel Burnham City Planning
Town Planning in Practice Sir Richard Unwin, 1909
An Introduction to City Planning Benjamin Marsh, 1909
Wacker's Manual of the Plan of Chicago Walter D. Moody, 1912
Carrying Out the City Plan Flavel Shurtleff, Frederick L. Olmsted Sr, 1914
Cities in Evolution Patrick Geddes, 1915
Neighborhood Unit Clarence Perry, 1929
The Disappearing City Frank Lloyd Wright, 1932
Modern Housing Catherine Bauer, 1934
Urban Land Use Planning F. Stuart Chapin, 1957
The IMage of the City Kevin Lynch, 1960
The Death and Life of Great American Cities Jane Jacobs, 1961
Silent Spring Rachel Carson, 1962
The Federal Bulldozer Martin Anderson, 1964
The Urban General Plan TJ Kent Jr. 1964
Design of Cities Edmund Bacon, 1967
Design With Nature Ian McHarg, 1969
Site Planning Kevin Lynch, Gary Hack, 1971
The Practice of Local Government Planning Frank So, et. al, 1979
A Theory of Good City Form Kevin Lynch, 1981
Making Equity Planning Work Norman Krumholz, John Forester, 1990
Rural By Design Randall Arendt, 1994
The Geography of Nowhere Jim Kunstler, 1994
Bowling Alone Robert Putnam, 2000
First Comp Plan? Cincinnati, 1925
First COG? Detroit, 1954
First downtown pedestrian mall? Kalamazoo Mall in Michigan in 1956
First Earth Day? April 22, 1970
First forestry service director? Gifford Pinchot in 1905
First planning commission employee? Harland Bartholomew in 1915
First garden suburb? Forest Hills Gardens, in 1911
First Historic Preservation District? NOLA in 1921
First Land Use ZOning Ordinance? Los Angeles in 1909
First "model" tenement? 1855
First national conference on planning? Washington DC in 1909
First National Park? Yellowstone in 1872
First planning board? Hartford 1907
First Planning School? Harvard in 1929
First skyscraper? Chicago in 1885
First statewide zoning? Hawaii in 1961
First US Census? 1790
First zoning ordinance? New York City in 1916.
What is a design charrette? Intensive collaboration effort that brings citizens, stakeholders and staff to develop a detailed design. Its effective for quickly developing consensus.
What is the Delphi Method? Developed for the Air Force in 1944, uses questionairres and feedback to develop a single solution.
What is the nominal group technique? Group process involving problem identification, solution generation and decision making. People rank solutions, discussed, and then highest rank is selected. Can be used by any size group.
What is facilitation? Uses a person without a direct stake in the outcome to help groups that disagree work together to solve problems and come to consensus.
What is mediation? When you bring in a neutral third party to facilitate a structured, multi stage process to reach a satisfactory agreement.
What is a visual preference survey? Looking at images to see what is appropriate
What is fiscal impact analysis? AKA cost-revenue analysis, used to estimate costs and revenues of a proposed development (costs: infrastructure and services) (revenues: sales, property, income tax). Used for new developments or annexation.
What is the Average Per Capita Method? It divides the total local budget of the existing population in a city to determine the average per capita cost for the jurisdiction. VERY SIMPLISTIC
When was the first dumbbell tenment built? 1879.
What was the problem with the dumbbell tenement? Poor lighting, little air, and little space.
When did NYC pass the Tenement House Act? 1867
What did the Tenement House Act of 1867 require? Narrow air shaft between buildings, windows that open into the shaft, two toilets on each floor, and one square yard window in each room. First major housing code in the US.
When did New York State pass the Tenement House Law? 1901
What was important about the Tenement House Law of 1901? It outlawed dumbbell tenements. It required inspection and permits for consturction and alterations. It also required wide light and air areas between buildings as well as running water.
When did clarence perry define the Neighborhood Unit Concept? 1920
Where did Clarence Perry define the neighborhood unit concept in the 1920s? New York Regional Plan
What was the Neighborhood Unit Concept? Defined a neighborhood based upon a five minute walking radius, with a center school
How big was a neighborhood unit according to clarence perry? 160 acres
The depression-era Public Works Administration was created in 1934 to do what? Fund 85% of public housing. It was the first federally supported public housing program.
What was the significance of the 1934 National Housing Act? It established the FHA that would insure home mortgages.
What was the purpose of the Resettlement Administration? Used New Deal money to develop new towns, but only three were built.
What was the significance of the 1937 US Housing Act? Provided $500 million in home loans for low-cost housing, and tied slum clearance to public housing.
The 1944 Serviceman's Readjustment Act is more commonly known as... THE GI BILL and it guaranteed home loans to veterans
What was the significance of the Housing Act of 1949? It was the first comprehensive housing legislation to pass. It called for the construction of 800,000 new housing units, emphasizing slum clearance.
What was the significance of the Housing Act of 1954? It called for slum prevention and urban renewal. It also provided funds for planning for cities under 25,000 people. This act also included the 701 funds that were later expanded to allow statewide, interstate and regional planning.
What was the significance of the Housing Act of 1959? It made federal matching funds available for comprehensive planning at the metro, regional, state, and interstate levels.
What was the significance of the Housing Act of 1961? It provided interest subsidies to nonprofit organizations, limited-dividend corporations, cooperatives and public agencies to construct public housing for low and moderate income people.
When was HUD founded? 1965
What was HUDs enabling legislation? The Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965
Besides creating HUD, what else did the HUD Act provide for? Rent subidies, reduced interest rate home loans, and public housing subsidies.
When was housing discrimination on the basis of race made illegal? 1968 with the Civil Rights Act
When was CDBG created? 1974
When did UDAG come about? 1977
When was HOME created? 1990
What created the HOME Program? National Affordable Housing Act of 1990.
When was HOPE VI passed? 1992
Created by: ndickerson



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