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Unit 5 Vocabulary
Around The House
Term | Definition |
el apartamento | apartment |
el armario | closet |
bajar | to descend |
la casa | house |
lo cocina | kitchen |
el comedor | dining room |
el cuarto | room; bedroom |
la escalera | stairs |
ideal | ideal |
el jardin | garden |
el patio | patio |
el piso | floor (of a building) |
la planta baja | ground floor |
la sala | living room |
subir | to go up |
el suelo | floor (of a room) |
la cosa | thing |
el disco compacto | compact disc |
el lector DVD | DVD player |
el radio | radio |
el televisor | television set |
el tocadiscos compactos | CD player |
los videojuegos | video games |
la alfombra | rug |
la cama | bed |
la comoda | dresser |
el espejo | mirror |
la lampara | lamp |
los muebles | furniture |
el sillon | armchair |
el sofa | sofa, couch |
primero(a) | first |
segundo(a) | second |
tercero(a) | third |
cuarto(a) | fourth |
quinto(a) | fifth |
sexto(a) | sixth |
septimo(a) | seventh |
octavo(a) | eighth |
noveno(a) | ninth |
decimo(a) | tenth |
acabar de.. | to have just.. |
ayudar | to help |
barrer el suelo | to sweep the floor |
cocinar | to cook |
cortar el cesped | to cut the grass |
darle de comer al perro | to feed the dog |
deber | should, ought to |
hacer la cama | to make the bed |
lavar los platos | to wash the dishes |
limpiar (la cocina) | to clean the kitchen |
limpio(a) | clean |
pasar la aspiradora | to vacuum |
planchar la ropa | to iron |
poner la mesa | to set the table |
los quehaceres | chores |
sacar la basura | to take out the trash |
sucio(a) | dirty |