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Connie's class

Unit 2 9/30 notes

When one electron is "inserted" into one end of a conductor what happens to the other electrons in the conductor The electron moves the electrons in the conductor forward through the conductor until one electron is ejected at the other end
What is the source for the external electrons Power supply
What does the electron that was displaced from the conductor carrie Kinetic energy to perform some kind of work
What causes the electrons to move in the conductor A difference in potential energy must exist between two locationsin the conductor to make a "current"
What is the difference in potential energy betwen two locations Potential Energy Difference
What does a potential energy difference create A forrce between two locations in a conductor
What does Electromotive force (EMF) cause The electrons to begin to move from an area of higher concentration (negative area) toward the area of lower concentration (positive area)
How long will the movement continue Until an equilibrium of charge concentration is established throughout the substance
What happens when there is no more movemenet of the electrons There is no Potential Energy Difference left
What is the unit of electromotive force Volt
What is current intensity Number of electrons passing a give point per unit of time
What is the unit of current intensity Ampere
How much is 1 ampere 1 Coulomb of charge (6.3x10^18) moving past a point per second
When electons move through the atoms of the conductor friction occurs which hinders movement Resistance
What is resistance The inherent acction of a substance which opposes the forward movement of current
What is the unit of Electrical Resistance Ohm
What are two types of resistance Inherent Resistance and Added Resistance
What is Inherent Resistance Resistance due to the characteristics of the electrical conductor material itself
What are four factors affecting Inherent Resistance Length of conductor, Cross-sectional area of conductor, What the conductor is made of, and Temperature of the conductor during current movement
How is the length of the conductor related to the inherent resistance It is directly proportional
How is the cross-sectional area of a conductor related to the inherent resistance It is inversely proportional
What does the material of a conductor do to the inherent resistance The conductor property of conductor itself affects inherent resistance
How does the temperature of a conductor affect the inherent resistance As the temperature of a conductor increases the inherent resistance increases
In addition to inherent resistance what else must the conductor contain Some added resistance
What is Added Resistance Resistance that is added to the inherent resistance using devices designed to create the additional resistance
What are two types of added resistance Resistors and Rheostats
What is a Resistor A device that has a fixed amount of resistance
What is a Rheostate A device that has a variable amount of resistance
What is added resistance in a conductor called Load
Created by: lclack04
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