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Questions from study guide

What is the proper position for a patient who is receiving a rectal temperature measurement? Sims'
A patient has been diagnosed with COPD. Upon observation, her skin shows signs of being cyanotic and is cold to the touch. What vital sign would be expected to be out of range? Respirations
Which artery is routinely used in performing a manual blood pressure? Brachial
What is the appropriate angle when administering a subcutaneous injection? 45 degrees
What is the substance that is removed when performing an ear irrigation? cerumen
What is the appropriate part of the eye at which to aim the solution when beginning to perform an eye irrigation? inner canthus
A patient measures 5 feet, 8 inches. What is her height in centimeters? (round to the nearest whole number) 173 cm
What is a normal adult temperature in Celsius? 37 degrees
What blood pressure reading indicates that a patient is in hypertensive crisis? Systole greater than 180 Diastole Greater than 110
What is the device used to perform a Pulmonary Function Test? Spirometer
A physician's signature is required on what type of letter? To a medical community committee member
In what situation is it appropriate for a physician to discuss a patient's information via email? Consulting with another physician
HIPPA permits faxes in what situation? Forwarding care instructions to a nursing home
During directions to a fast before lung cancer surgery, a patient stares straight ahead and does not respond. What would be the appropriate statement to make to the patient? "Will you repeat to me when you should fast?"
A patient that does not speak English has four family members in the room, all attempting to speak at once to the medical assistant. What is the appropriate action? Ask only one person to translate
What term describes that a patient's heartbeat is rapid? Tachycardia
What is the medical term for heart muscle disease? Cardiomayopathy
What patient statement would help verify that she understands instructions for a urinalysis for a pregnancy test? "I will collect the sample first thing in the morning."
-ectomy removal of
Dyspnea difficulty breathing
A patients blood pressure would be charted in what section when using the SOAP method? objective
Using the wave scheduling method what would be the priority patient to be seen? the patient who arrives first
A patient's blood panel results have been sent to a medical facility. If the medical record is organized by section, how should the new results be placed? Above previous blood test results
What information is required for a pediatric patient that is not required of an adult patient? the name of the patient's parents
A 22 year old cancer patient has refused chemotherapy. What is an appropriate statement by the medical assistant? "Will you explain to me what concerns you about this treatment?"
Who must discuss the informed consent form with a patient prior to the patient signing? The patient's physician
What is the initial information required prior to scheduling an inpatient procedure? The patient's physician's order
A visiting physician enters a medical facility to meet with the physician attending a patient. What is the appropriate action? Inform the attending physician that there is a visiting physician.
What is the appropriate statement when scheduling an outpatient procedure for a patient? "Will you repeat the date of the procedure?"
A 13 year old patient who has miscarried would not be allowed to refuse treatment. True or false? False
When there is an electrical fire, what fire extinguisher is the proper one to use? Class C
If blood splashes into the eye of a medical assistant, what step should be performed first? Flush the eyes
During a large fire, what is the proper action to take? Attempt to extinguish the fire
For a patient undergoing surgery, what does the patient have the right to know? How many procedures the surgeon has performed
A police officer opens a rape kit and hands it to a medical assistant, who presents it to two physicians performing the examination. What information should be on the custody form? Initials and time of the police officer, medical assistant and both physicians
For a venipuncture to be performed on a patient suspected of drunk driving, what is the proper cleansing agent? Benzalkonium chloride
What should be used to clean a counter that has been exposed to bodily fluids? Bleach solution
What is the first action a medical assistant who has observed a health care professional abusing controlled substances in a physician's office should take? Inform the physician
What statement would prompt a medical assistant to be concerned that a patient is abusing a controlled substance? "I need to refill my oxycodone prescription again"
What action should a medical assistant take when a patient states that she has been a victim of domestic abuse? Inform a police officer
What is the appropriate angle to hold the needle when performing a venipuncture? 20 degrees
What is a blood culture primarily used to check for? Bacteria
When state-required testing of an infant's capillary blood is done, what must occur? The circles on the filter paper must be totally saturated
Fecal specimen collection is used to detect... colorectal cancer
What type of urine collection is required for culture and sensitivity testing? Clean-catch midstream specimen
For what test should a first-voided morning urine specimen be collected? Pregnancy
Patients and medical assistants must be careful during collection of sputum samples for a tuberculosis test for what reason? The collection containers have a poisonous preservative inside of them
Tubes needed for culture and sensitivity tests may be kept at room temperature for up to how many hours? 72
Sealed or locked specimen transfer bags are used as part of what? Chain of custody
What is required for all specimens shipped to a reference laboratory? Watertight secondary containers
To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit (C x 9/5) + 32
To convert Fahrenheit to Celsius (F - 32) x 5/9
What is the appropriate angle when administering a intramuscular injection? 90 degrees
What is the appropriate angle when administering a intradermal injection? 15 degrees
What is an inappropriate angle when administering any injection? 75 degrees
A normal adult temperature in F and C? F= 98.6 degrees C= 37 degrees
To convert feet to inches to centemeter convert feet to inches and keep just inches then multiply by 2.54 (12 inches per foot)
A-, An- without
Ambi- both
Bi-, Di- two
Brady- slow
Hemi- Half
Mega- large
Micro- small
Mono- one
Multi- many
Olig- scanty
Pari- All
Poly- Many
Quadra-, Tetra- four
Semi- part
Tachy- fast
Tri- three
Uni- single, one
Eu- normal
Hyper- more, increased
Hypo- less, decreased
Infra- below, beneath
Meta- change
Supra- Excessive, outside
super- excessive, more
Ultra- excessive
Ab- away from
Ad- toward
Anti-, Contra- against
Cirum-, Peri- around
De- not, down
Para- along, beside
Per- through
Post- after
Pre- before
Re- again, back
Retro- backward, behind
Cardi- heart
Corp- body
Cost- ribs
gastr- stomach
Hemat-, Hem- blood
Muscul-, myo- muscles
Oste- Bone
Nephr- kidney
Neur- nerve
Ren- kidney
Skelet- Skeleton
Ur- urine
Vascul- blood vessels
suffixes meaning related to: -ac -ar -ic -oid -ous -tic
-emia of the blood
-ia, -ism, -osis, -y condition or process
-itis inflammation
-lysis death or breakdown
-pathy disease
-plegia paralysis
-oma tumor
-rrhythmia rhythm
-systole contraction of the heart
-gram, graph record
-graphy process of recording
-meter measure
-metry process of measuring
-scope instrument for viewing
-scopy process of viewing with an instrument
-ectomy removal
-latric treatment
-pnea breathing
-plasty repair
-rrhaphy suturing
-stomy or -ostomy surgical creation of an opening
-tripsy crushing
-tomy incision
Asystole without a heartbeat
Acromial process the outermost point of the spine of the shoulder blade
Anthropometric measurements set of techniques for determining an individual's body fat composition by measuring and recording dimensions of the bodysuch as height and weight
Aorta the main trunk of the systemic arteries
Antecubital fossa the triangular cavity on the anterior section of the arm opposite the elbow
Aseptic free from pathogenic micro-organisms
autoclave an instrument that sterilizes equipment and supplies by high pressure saturated steam
axillary the area on the human body under the joint that connects the arm to the shoulder
Brachial artery the major artery of the upper arm
Bradycardia a slow heart rate
Biohazard bag A container designed to collect any biological waste or product that has been contaminated with biological waste
Bronchodilators a substance that dilates the bronchi in the lungs decreasing resistance in the respiratory ainrways
Celsius a scale for measuring temperature named for Anders Celsius
Cerumen a yellow waxy substance secreted by the ear canal
cidex a disinfectant and sterilization product of alkaline glutaraldehyde
conjunctiva a clear mucous membrane that covers the inner surfaceof the eyelid and the white part of the eyeball
cyanotic appearance of blue or purple skin
diastolic/ diastole the period of time when the heart is fills with blood after contraction
deltoid the muscle forming the rounded contour of the shoulder, shaped almost like a letter D
EKG Electrocardiography, a test that records the electrical activity of the heart
Fahrenheit the temperature scale proposed in 1724 by Daniel Gariel Fahrenheit
Hemorrhoids external or internal swollen veins in the anal canal
Holter monitor a device that measures a patient's cardiac activity over a period of time
Hypertension high blood pressure
Hypertensive crisis a severe increase in blood pressure which could result in stroke
Inner Canthus the corner of the eye where the upper and lower eyelids meet
nebulizer a device that administers medication in a mist form
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Otoscope a device used to look into the ears
Palpate to examine by touch
Parenteral medication any medication that is administered in a route other than ingestion
Pediatrics branch of medicine dealing with the care of infants, children, and adolescents
Prehypertension a state of having a high normal blood pressure with the potential for developing high blood pressure
Pulmonary artery artery that carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs
Respirations the vital sign assessment of observing the number of times the chest rises in 1 minute
sharps container a puncture-proof container designed specifically to safely dispose of needles, scalpels, and other medical instruments
Sims' position patient lies on the left side with the right knee sharply bent and resting on the exam table
snellen chart a chart used to determine visual activity
Created by: 81403352



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