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Muscle test

study guide for muscle test

Flexor muscle bends a joint located on the anterior of the wrist
deltoid raises the arm laterally
tricep brachii extends the fore arm
Quadriceps rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedialis
hamstring posterior thigh, bicep femoris, semitendonosis, semimebranosis
Pectoralis major located in the chest helps to adduct the arm
erector spinae back muscle that extends the spine
Sternocleidomastoid connects sternum to mastoid process, turns the head
sarcomere smallest contractile unit of the muscular system
myosin protein in the sarcomere that is located in the middle, and contains the cross bridges
atrophy decrease in muscle size
hypertrophy increase in muscle size
bicep brachii flexes the elbow and supinates the forearm
sartorius tailors muscle, helps you cross your leg
masseter jaw muscle helps you chew your food
tibialis anterior front of the lower leg, dorsiflexes and inverts the foot
abduction moving the limb away from the body. raising the arm laterally
inversion turning the sole of the foot medially
isometric contraction same length, example pushing on a wall
isotonic contraction same tension, example lifting weights
lactic acid waste product of anaerobic respiration, forms when oxygen is not available
frontalis produces lateral wrinkles on your forhead
orbicularis oris closes and protrudes the lips
agonist muscle that acts against the antagonist
orbicularis oculi muscle used for winking
Created by: TeresaGentry



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