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Chapter 7 Geo.

All the Check-Point quizzes for Ch. 7

What was apartheid? the geographic separation of races in South Africa
An examination of the distribution of ethnicities in the U.S. reveals ethnicities are clustered in urban areas - different ethnicities cluster in different U.S. regions
Which of the following is not an element of cultural diversity? Race
Which best describes the distribution of ethnicities in the United States? concentration in cities - regional concentrations - concentrations within cities
African Americans are clustered in what area of the United States? Southeast
Asian Americans are clustered in what area of the United States? West
Latinos and Hispanics are clustered in what areas of the United States? West, Southwest
African Americans migrated out of the American South as a consequence of increased farm mechanization leading to a decreased demand for farm labor.
Comparing ethnicity and race reveals ethnicity is part of a person's cultural identity but race is not.
The "separate but equal" doctrine was legally established by Plessy v. Ferguson
The Brown v. Board of Education court decision ruled separate schools for blacks and whites were unconstitutional
Race is self-identification with a group sharing a biological ancestor.
Racism is belief in inferiority of other groups because of racial identity - superiority of some groups because of racial identity - the biological classification of people.
Neighborhood changes in ethnicity are sometimes caused by the illegal practice of Blockbusting
White flight is emigration of whites from an area blacks were anticipated to move to
Denmark is a good example of a nation-state because nearly all Danes speak Danish and live in Denmark.
In the United States, which is shared by all Americans? nationality
The concept that nationalities have the right to govern themselves is known as the right of self-determination
Which describes the nationality of someone who gives allegiance to the United Kingdom? British
Before its breakup the Soviet Union was the largest___________________. Multinational State.
Elements of nationalism include all but political structure.
Loyalty and devotion to a state that represents a particular group's culture is nationalism
A nationality is a group of people tied to a place through legal status and tradition.
The former Soviet Union used which as the primary centripetal device? language
The United States is an example of a ____________. Multiethnic State.
Which of the following is not a strong centripetal force in the United States? the many ethnic groups living in the United States
Nation-states in Europe were formed by nationalities. True
Ethnicities can be transformed into nationalities. True
Denmark is a completely homogeneous nation-state False
Nationalism is an important example of a centrifugal force. False
One reason for forced migration in Ethiopia was the civil war with the Eriteans.
Until it was forced to withdraw its troops in 2005, most of Lebanon was controlled by Syria.
Sri Lanka has continuing ethnic conflict between Sinhalese Buddhists and Tamil Hindus
Traditionally the most important unit of African society was the Tribe.
Large-scale migration occurred in South Asia after 1947 primarily because of the separation of religious groups.
As Sudan's religion-based civil war was winding down, an ethnic war erupted in the region of Darfur.
Ethnicities in the same country come into conflict when they have traditions of self-rule.
The Lebanese civil war resulted when the country broke down because of changes in the majority between religious groups.
Conflict in Africa is widespread because of numerous ethnic groups - colonial boundaries.
People were forced to migrate in South Asia during the 1940s because of linguistic disputes. False
After World War II ended, millions of people were forced to migrate because of changes in the boundaries of states.
The breakup of Yugoslavia during the 1990s was caused by rivalries among nationalities.
The process when a group forcibly removes another group is called ethnic cleansing.
The most important centripetal force in Yugoslavia before its breakup was the common economic interests.
Balkanization refers to the breakdown of a state due to conflicts among nationalities.
The Balkan states broke down because of ethnic conflict, a conflict which might ironically end in part because of the tragedy of ethnic cleansing. True
Created by: ashtonj316



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