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3rd Quarter Vocab
Term | Definition |
Notorious | 1. Adjective: Widely and unfavorably known. 2. Synonyms: Infamous, Popular, Prominent, Wanted, Well-known |
Demented | 1. Adjective: Crazy; insane; mad 2. Synonyms: Deranged, Hysterical, Mad, Manic, Unhinged |
Hyperventilate | 1. Verb: To cause (a patient) to breath more rapidly and deeply than normal. 2. Synonyms: Gasping and panting |
Rapport | 1. Noun: Relation; connection; especially harmonious or symoathetic relation. 2. Synonyms: Affinity, Compatibility, Empathy, Harmony, Sympathy, Togetherness |
Malnourish | 1. Verb: Provide with insufficient quality or quanity of nourishment. 2. Synonyms: Undernourished, Underfed, Underweight, Starving, Famished, Half-Starved, Hungry, Emaciated, Wasted, Thhin |
Hyperbole | 1. Noun: Obvious and intentional exaggeration. 2. Synonyms: Hype, Metaphor, Overstatement |
Commemorate | 1. Verb: To serve as a memorialize or reminder of. 2. Synonyms: Celebrate, Memorialize, Observe, Remember, Salute |
Steward | 1. Noun: A person who manages another's property ot financial affairs. 2. Synonyms: Administrator, Agent, Purser, representive |
Workmanlike | 1. Adjective: Someone who's an expert; professional 2. Synonyms: Effcient, Professional, Skilled, Expert, Masterly, Careful, Satisfactory |
Significant | 1. Adjective: Important, of consequence. Noun: Something significant; a sign. 2. Synonyms: Compelling, Important, Momentous, Powerful, Serious, Symbolic |
Beneficial | 1. Adjective: Conferring benefit; advantageous; helpful. 2. Synonyms: Constructive, Favorable, Good, Helpful, Profitable, Useful, |
Devastating | 1. Adjective: Tending ot threatening to devastate. 2. Synonyms: Destructive, Disastrous, Overwhelming |
Deportation | 1a. The lawful expulsion of an undesired alien or other person from a state. 1b. An act of instance of deporting. 2. Synonyms: Displacement, Eviction, Expulsion, Extradition, Removal |
Leeward | 1. Adjective: Pertaining to, situated in, or moving toward the quarter toward which the wind blows (Opposed to windward). 2. Synonyms: Calm, Quiet, Safe, Smooth, Still |
Memoir | 1. Noun: A record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them based on personal observation. 2. Synonyms: Account, Anecote, Autobiography, Chronicle, Diary, Essay, Journal, Life, Life Story, Memory, Narrative |
Hypertention | 1. Noun: Extensive ot extreme emotional tension. 2. Synonyms: Pressure, Strain, Stress |
Denote | 1. Verb: To be a mark or sign of; indicate. 2. Synonyms: Stand for, Announce, Argue, Bespeak, betocken, Cannote, Evidence, Express, Finger, Flash, Inply, Pmport, Indicate, Insinute |
Dehumanize | 1. Verb: To deprive if human qualities or attrbutes; divast of individuality. 2. Synonyms: Automate, Brutalize, Automatize, Babarize, Imbrute, Robotize |
Wayward | 1. Adjective: Turned or turning away from what is proper; willful; disobedient. 2. Synonyms: Capricious, Delinquent, Errant, Erratic, Headstrong, Rebellious, Recalcitrant, Unruly |
Hypervigilant | 1. Adjective: Keenly watchfulto detect danger; wary. 2. Synonyms: Anxious, Attentive, Aware, Cautious, Circumspect, Keen, Observant, Wary |
Plethora | 1. Noun: Overabundance; excess 2. Synonyms: Deluge, Glut, Overabundance, Plenty, Profusion, Surfeit |
Compelling | 1. Adjective: Having a powerful and irrestable effecg; requiring acute admiration, attention, or respect. 2. Synonyms: Fascinating, Constraining, Compulsory, Forcible, Imperative |
Imperative | 1. Adjective: Absolutely necessary or required; unavoidable. 2. Synonyms: Complusory, Critical, Crucial, Essential, Immediate, Important, Urgant |
Tantalizing | 1. Adjective: Having or exhibiting something that provokes or arouses expectation, interest, or desire, especially that which remains unobtainable or beyond one's reach. 2. Synonyms: Alluring, Drawing, Beautiful, Persuading, Mouthwatering, Enticing |
Germane | 1. Adjective: Closely or significantly related; relevant; Pertinent. 2. Synonyms: Applicable, Apropos, Apt, Pertinent, Relevant |
Contemplate | 1. Verb: To look or view with continued attention; observe or study thoughtfully. 2. Synonyms: Aim, Consider, Envisage, Forsee, Intend, Mean, Mull over, Ponder, Propose, Think of, Weigh |
Vindictive | 1. Adjective: Disposed or inclined to revenge; vengeful. 2. Synonyms: Cruel, Malicious, Merciless, Resentful, Ruthless, Spiteful, Unforgiving, vengeful |
Falter | 1. Verb: To hesitate or waver in action purpose, intent, etc. 2. Synonyms: Flounder, Hesitate, Reel, Waver, Wobble |
Malice | 1. Noun: Desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another, either because of a hostile impulse or out of deep-seated meanness. 2. Synonyms: Bitterness, Grudge, Hatred, Hostility, Ill Will, Meanness, Resentment |
Dreamlike | 1. Noun: A succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during waking hours; an event that seems unrealistic. 2. Synonyms: Surreal, Hypnagogic |
Sentmental | 1. Adjective: Expressive pf or appealing to sentiment, especially the tender emotions and feelings, as love, pity, or nostialogia. 2. Synonyms: Affectionate, Corny, Dreamy,Idealistic,Maudlin,Mushy,Nosalgic,Passinate,Saccharine,Sappy,Silly,Sweet,Tender |