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Advanced vocabd to crack GRE :)

anomaly abnormality
equivocal confusing , unclear
lucid clear
assuage placate , mollify
erudite knowledgeable , cultured
prodigal wasteful
enigma mystery , dilemma
fervid intense
zeal enthusiasm
refrain from abstain
apathy carelessness , indifference
adulterate contaminate
audacious brave , bold
laconic brief
capricious fickle , changeful
laudable praiseworthy , commendable
loquacious garrulous , talkative
corroborate confirm
mitigate reduce , alleviate
desiccate dehydrate
pedant strict , bookworm
engender cause , bring about , generate
pragmatic practical
ephemeral short-period
propriety decency , rightness, manners
gullible naive
vacillate hesitate
antipathy hatred
bolster boost , support
deride mock , laugh
dissonance inconsistency , repulsion
ingenuous frank , outright
malleable flexible
lethargic inactive , lazy
disingenuous deceptive
misanthrope against human
obdurate stubborn , opinionated
ostentation show off
paradox Contradiction
philanthropist love humanity
enervate to weaken
eulogy formal praise
prevaricate lie
venerate respect
debilitate to weaken
deliberate intentional
vernacular language
recede move back , retreat
disparage insult , underestimate
ostensible outward , superficial
sophistry fallacy
proscribe prohibit
ersatz inferior , low-quality
encapsulate cover
guise deceptive appearance
aphorism saying , proverb
semblance appearance
spurious not genuine
nefarious wicked , horrific
impetus impulse , motivate
vitriol severe criticize
viable live
posterity future
augury omen
vindicate defend , justify
misnomer the name is not applicable
subtext implicit
invective abusive language , (macenro tennis player)
unflappable clam , patient
aplomb with confidence
unprecedented new , have not done before
tout describe
flock (verb) people flocked to go in large number
budding start to develop
vantage place afford a good view of something
inevitable certain
underpin support
dizzying confusing
unveil reveal
unravel dissolve , solvve
nurture courage
belie did, does not show
immaculate neat
cauterize burn ,cauterize
chasm gap
rugged uneven and rough
waiver give up a right
wobble vacillate , unstable
weld fuse , solder
christen inaugurate
majestic magnificent
tacit imply
biennially happening every other year
inconspicuous not clear or attracting
tackle to face
concerted planned
strike hit
wicked doomed
voluminous large
proximity closeness
toil to work hard
stoke , i am stoked incite or encourage , i am excited
circumnavigate to sail around
engross wrap
impeccable faultless
kinsmen relative
encroachment overtaking , violation
skew adjust
hamper restrain , curb
jarring surprising
shoddy inferior , low-quality
perplex , bewilder confuse
bilingual speak two languages
consolation console
scrutiny , scrutinize inspect , inspection , examination
revolve circulate , rotate
hasty quickly
steep , steeply drastic , major , marked
peer (verb) stare , look at
crop (verb) short haircut
trample tread, step on
nocturnal at night
haltingly hesitant
crumble break collapse
crumple crumple paper
clout influence
dismal depressing , gloomy
edible eatable
calf young cow
monumental outstanding , eminent
promptly immediately
insolvent bankrupt
sweep to clean
intrigue fascinate
butcher butchery
recur recurrence , happen again
bureau office
savor taste
breed create
timid frightened
stagnant not moving
cumulative progressive
evident clear
futile useless
copious many
exemplary typical , perfect
trail barcelona is the best team , trailing real madrid after
doom i am doomed to to destine . fate
hitherto till now
prosperity boom , growth
trek journey on feet
annum yeasr
foreseeable expected
intricacy complexity
or the like and so forth
meadow grassland
cardamom هيل
solicit ask for
vagary fluccuation
squabble quarrel
perk benefit
incongruous unsuitable
taint pollute
forgo waive - give up
skyrocket soar
intrusive curious
grant give
squarely directly
conform adapt
subsidize support - boost
debilitate weaken
deliberate intention
rescind - rescission cancel
soak into
recede - recession revoke
recapitulate repeat - summarize
tenure permanent
bloating increasing
exuberance joyfulness
eavesdrop pn listen in
unforeseen expected
vigilant careful
diligant hard-working
incnspicuous unlcear
vengeance retaliation
animately adv = excitement
triumphantly منتصرا
bear fruit show good resultss
atrocity cruelty - nefariousness
dole out يتصدق
trembiling hands shaking hands
rancor حقد
instigation تحريض
intransigent stubborn
volition willing
homage - pay homage to respect
shareholder مساهم
inclement harsh- unpleasant
reticent taciturn
galvanize thrill - excite
protean variable - versatile
dissembler double-dealer منافق
terse to the point
concoct invent- create
docile submissive
sullen grim - gloomy متجهم
logorrhea هذر
exasperate annoy - irritate
inure to become accostome to something negative
dearth lack
restive disturb
restive agitated -
bequeath give - leave
abstruse hard to understand (adj)- unclear
arcane abstruse - unclear
shrewd - shrewdness smart- intelligent
appall scare
histrionic dramatic - تمثيلي
chagrin embarress - grief
bedlam chaos
detritus wastes - مخلفات
scathing harsh
tipping point نقطة تحول
barren - barren desert قاحل
recondite difficult
pivotal role crucial - central role
irate furious - angrey
malfeasance مخالفات
nepotism مصلحة الاقارب
imprudent unwise
acumen wise - wit
acrid pungent - لاذع sharp
dexterity smart
snub insult
erratic unstable - irregular
croupier موظف طاولة القمار
punctilious precise- meticulous
vociferous loud
waggish humorous
elusive - elusion evasion
precarious hazardious - risky
demeanor behaviour
repudiation of rejection of
vindicate justify
ail ill
recuperate recover - convalescent
Created by: a.alrafaie
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