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Kaplan Words

Some Kaplan Words

Apace done quickly
Assonance resemblance in sound, especially in vowel sounds; partial rhyme
Augury prophecy, prediction of events
Bromide a dull, commonplace person or idea
Cursory hastily done, superficial
Decamp to leave suddenly
Discursive wandering from topic to topic
Distaff the female branch of a family
Endogamous marrying within a specific group due to law or custom
Ersatz fake
Esurient hungry, greedy
Expatiate to wander; to discuss or describe at length
Fey otherworldly; doomed
Fulsome excessive, overdone, sickeningly abundant
Gaucherie a tactless or awkward act
Impetuous quick to act without thinking
Iniquity sin, evil act
Inscrutable impossible to understand fully
Interregnum interval between reigns
Interstice a space between things
Itinerant wandering from place to place, unsettled
Limpid clear and simple; serene; transparent
Lugubrious sorrowful, mournful
Martinet strict disciplinarian, one who rigidly follows rules
Mordant sarcastic
Munificent generous
Noisome stinking, putrid
Novitiate period of being a beginner or novice
Objurgate scold
Obloquy abusive language; ill repute
Obsequies funeral ceremonies
Obviate to make unnecessary; to anticipate and prevent
Odious hateful, contemptible
Palliate to make less serious, ease
Pellucid transparent; translucent; easily understood
Penultimate next to last
Peregrinate to wander from place to place
Perfidious faithless, disloyal, untrustworthy
Peripatetic moving from place to place
Periphrastic containing too many words
Perspicacious shrewd, astute, keen-witted
Pillory ridicule and abuse
Prolix tedious; wordy
Propitiate to win over, appease
Prosaic relating to prose; dull, commonplace
Proselytize to convert to a particular belief or religion
Pusillanimous cowardly
Querulous inclined to complain, irritable
Quotidian occurring daily; commonplace
Raillery lighthearted jesting
Rapacious greedy; predatory
Rebarbative irritating; repellent
Recidivism tendency to repeat previous behavior
Recreant disloyal; cowardly
Redress relief from wrong or injury
Ribald humorous in a vulgar way
Riposte a retort
Sententious having a moralizing tone
Sepulchral typical of a place of burial
Simper to smirk, smile foolishly
Slake to calm down or moderate
Sloth sluggishness, laziness
Strident loud, harsh, unpleasantly noisy
Stultify to impair or reduce to uselessness
Tendentious biased
Threnody a sad poem or song
Timorous timid, shy, full of apprehension
Turbid muddled; unclear
Tyro beginner, novice
Unctuous greasy, oily, smug and falsely earnest
Unstinting generous
Venal willing to do wrong for money
Waspish rude, behaving badly
Created by: fiutobot
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