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Word List 47
Word List 47 Tonsure - Ubiquitous
Question | Answer |
Tonsure | n. shaving of the head, especially by person entering religious orders |
Topography | n. physical features of a region |
Torpor | n. lethargy; sluggishness; dormancy |
Torque | n. twisting force; force producing rotation |
Torrent | n. rushing stream; flood |
Torrid | adj. passionate; hot or scorching |
Torso | n. trunk of statue with head and limbs missing; human trunk |
Tortuous | adj. winding; full of curve |
Totter | v. move unsteadily; sway, as if about to fall |
Touchstone | n. stone used to test the fineness of gold alloys; criterion |
Touchy | adj. sensitive; irascible |
Tout | v. publicize; praise excessively |
Toxic | adj. poisonous |
Tractable | adj. docile; easily managed |
Traduce | v. expose to slander |
Trajectory | n. path taken by a projectile |
Tranquility | n. calmness; peace |
Transcendent | adj. surpassing; exceeding ordinary limits; superior |
Transcribe | v. copy |
Transfigure | v. transform outwardly, usually for the better; change in form or aspect |
Transgression | n. violation of law; sin |
Transient | adj. momentary; temporary; staying for a short time |
Transition | n. going from one state of action to another |
Transitory | adj. impermanent; fleeting |
Translucent | adj. partly transparent |
Transmute | v. change; convert to something different |
Transpire | v. be revealed; happen |
Transport | n. strong emotion |
Trappings | n. outward decorations; ornaments |
Traumatic | adj. pertaining to an injury caused by violence |
Travail | n. painful physical or mental labor; drudgery; torment |
Traverse | v. go through or across |
Travesty | n. harshly distorted imitation; parody; debased likeness |
Treatise | n. article treating a subject systematically and thoroughly |
Trek | n. travel; journey |
Tremor | n. trembling; slight quiver |
Tremulous | adj. trembling; wavering |
Trenchant | adj. forceful and vigorous; cutting |
Trepidation | n. fear; nervous apprehension |
Tribulation | n. distress; suffering |
Tribunal | n. court of justice |
Tribute | n. tax levied by a ruler; mark of respect |
Trident | n. three-pronged spear |
Trifling | adj. trivial; unimportant |
Trigger | v. set off |
Trilogy | n. group of three works |
Trinket | n. knickknack; bauble |
Trite | n. hackneyed; commonplace |
Trivia | n. trifles; unimportant matters |
Troth | n. pledge of good faith especially in betrothal |
Trough | n. container for feeding farm animals; lowest point (of a wave, business cycle, etc.) |
Truculence | n. aggressiveness; ferocity |
Truism | n. self-evident truth |
Truncate | v. cut the top off |
Tryst | n. meeting |
Tumid | adj. swollen; pompous; bombastic |
Tumult | n. commotion; riot; noise |
Tundra | n. rolling, treeless plain in Siberia and arctic North America |
Turbid | adj. muddy; having the sediment disturbed |
Turbulence | n. state of violent agitation |
Tureen | n. deep dish for serving soup |
Turgid | adj. swollen; distended |
Turmoil | n. great commotion and confusion |
Turncoat | n. traitor |
Turpitude | n. depravity |
Tutelage | n. guardianship; training |
Tutelary | adj. protective; pertaining to a guardianship |
Tycoon | n. wealthy leader |
Typhoon | n. tropical hurricane |
Tyranny | n. oppression; cruel government |
Tyro | n. beginner; novice |
Ubiquitous | adj. being everywhere; omnipresent |