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Word List 49
Word List 49 Velocity - Vogue
Question | Answer |
Velocity | n. speed |
Venal | adj. capable of being bribed |
Vendetta | n. blood feud |
Vendor | n. seller |
Veneer | n. thin layer; cover |
Venerable | adj. deserving high respect |
Venerate | v. revere |
Venial | adj. forgivable; trivial |
Venison | n. meat of a dear |
Venom | n. poison; hatred |
Vent | n. small opening; outlet |
Ventral | adj. abdominal |
Ventriloquist | n. someone who can make his or her voice seem to come from another person of thing |
Venture | v. risk; dare; undertake a risk |
Venturesome | adj. bold |
Venue | n. location |
Veracious | adj. truthful |
Veracity | n .truthfulness |
Verbalize | v. put into words |
Verbatim | adv. word for word |
Verbiage | n. pompous array of words |
Verbose | adj. wordy |
Verdant | adj. green; lush in vegetation |
Verdigris | n. green coating on copper that has be exposed to the weather |
Verge | n. border; edge |
Verisimilar | adj. probable or likely; having the appearance of truth |
Verisimilitude | n. appearance of truth; likelihood |
Veritable | adj. actual; being truly so; not false or imaginary |
Verity | n. quality of being true; lasting truth or principle |
Vernacular | n. living language; natural style |
Vernal | adj. pertaining to spring |
Versatile | adj. having many talents; capable of working in many fields |
Vertex | n. summit |
Vertigo | n. sever dizziness |
Verve | n. enthusiasm; liveliness |
Vestige | n. trace; remains |
Vex | n. annoy; distress |
Viable | adj. practical or workable; capable of maintaining life |
Viand | n. food |
Vicarious | adj. acting as a substitute; done by a deputy |
Vicissitude | n. change of fortune |
Victuals | n. food |
Vie | v. contend; compete |
Vigilant | adj. watchfully awake; alert to spot danger |
Vigor | n. active strength |
Vignette | n. picture; short literary sketch |
Vilify | v. slander |
Vindicate | v. clear from blame; exonerate; justify or support |
Vintner | n. winemaker; seller of wine |
Viper | n. poisonous snake |
Virile | adj. manly |
Virtual | adj. in essence; for practical purposes |
Virtue | n. goodness; moral excellence; good quality |
Virtuoso | n. highly skilled artist |
Virulent | adj. extremely poisonous; hostile; bitter |
Virus | n. disease communicator |
Visage | n. face; appearance |
Visceral | adj. felt in one’s inner organs |
Viscid | adj. adhesive; gluey |
Viscous | adj. sticky; gluey |
Vise | n. tool for holding work in place |
Visionary | adj. produced by imagination; fanciful; mystical |
Vital | adj. vibrant and lively; critical; living; breathing |
Vitiate | v. spoil the effect of; make inoperative |
Vitreous | adj. pertaining to or resembling glass |
Vitriolic | adj. corrosive; sarcastic |
Vituperative | adj. abusive; scolding |
Vivacious | adj. lively or animated; sprightly |
Vivisection | n. act of dissecting living animals |
Vixen | n. female fox; ill-tempered woman |
Vociferous | adj. clamorous; noisy |
Vogue | n. popular fashion |