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The Little Princess

Bleak discouraging, somber, sad
Extravagant ex·trav·a·gant excessive or wasteful spending, glamorous
Flattery flat·ter·y compliment, Complimentary remarks
Gloomy gloom·y murky dark
Insolent in·so·lent disrespectful
Modest mod·est humble, shy
Obsequious ob·se·qui·ous submissive, flattering
Seminary sem·i·nar·y school for clergy
Wardrobe ward·robe place for clothes
Weariness wea·ri·ness become tired or impatient
Enormous e·nor·mous unusually large
Fortune for·tune great wealth or property
Scheme scheme plan or plot
Tiara ti·ar·a jeweled crown
Princess prin·cess monarch's eldest daughter
Bastille bas·tille a french prison
Aghast a·ghast horrified
Generosity gen·er·os·i·ty kindness
Haste great speed
Heiress heir·ess woman legal inheritor of something
Pauper pau·per very poor person
Sympathetic sym·pa·thet·ic pity, or compassion
Errands er·rands short trip for somebody else's benefit
Grievance griev·ance reason for complaint
Heroine her·o·ine remarkably brave woman
Mischief mis·chief naughty behavior
Transform trans·form change something dramatically
Adversity ad·ver·si·ty misfortune: hardship and suffering
Beggar beg·gar somebody who begs
Existence ex·is·tence being real
Perch a place to reset
Timid tim·id demonstrating a lack of courage or self-assurance
Garment gar·ment clothing item
Heathen hea·then nonbeliever, outsider
Pavement pave·ment concrete sidewalk, a paved surface, especially of a road
Pilgrimage pil·grim·age religious journey, trip to special place
Shabby shab·by wearing worn clothes
Enchanted en·chant·ed charming: captivating or delightful
Impish imp·ish mischievous: wicked in a playful way, without causing serious harm
Sooty soot·y blackness, dirtiness, ashy
Sparrow spar·row small brownish songbird
Splendid splen·did excellent or highly enjoyable
Catastrophe ca·tas·tro·phe a terrible disaster or accident
Lamprey lam·prey freshwater jawless fish
Peril per·il exposure to risk or danger
Petulant pet·u·lant moody, sulky, crabby
Speculation spec·u·la·tion opinion based on incomplete information
Surfeit sur·feit excess, surplus
Swindler swin·dler cheat, trickster
Verge thresehold, edge, border, limit,boundary
Labyrinthine lab·y·rin·thine puzzled, confussed
Temptation temp·ta·tion desire, lure,
Injustice in·jus·tice unfair treatment
Alliance al·li·ance union, agreement
Scheherazade Arabian Knights
Decorum de·co·rum good mannors or good behavior
Meritorious mer·i·to·ri·ous deserving
Preposterous pre·pos·ter·ous silly, childish
Rapturous rap·tur·ous great joy
Scandalized scan·dal·ize shock or offended
Circumstance cir·cum·stance events
Dismay dis·may hopeless
Spasmodic spas·mod·ic violent twitch
Wretched wretch·ed ruined
Adjacent ad·ja·cent adjoining or close
Countenance coun·te·nance demeanor or look
Garret gar·ret loft or water tower
Threshold thresh·old edge or verge, brink, doorstep
Timorous tim·o·rous meek or fearful
Desolate des·o·late bear or bleak
Loiterer loi-ter-er delay or waste tume
Pantomime pan·to·mime performing or mime
Perambulator per·am·bu·la·tor baby carriage or baby buggy
Profound pro·found deep and intellectual
Candid can·did outspoken or sincere
Domineering dom·i·neer bossy, arrogant
Impudent im·pu·dent sassy, a smart aleck
Invariably in·var·i·a·bly constantly or regularly
Reverence rev·er·ence admiration or honor
Created by: fontanilla
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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