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GRE Similar Words

laconic adj. Using very few words.
pithy adj. forcefully concise
reticent adj. not talkative
ascetic adj. self control and self denial
abnegation n. The act of renouncing or rejecting something.
abstemious adj. modest, not self indulgent
abstain verb self control
Spartan adj. Rigorously self disciplined
temperate adj. self restraint
stoic adj. A person who can endure hardship without complaining.
Capricious adj. Changeable or unpredictable
mercurial adj. rapid, unpredictable change
volatile adj. rapid, unpredictable change
apace adj. act quickly
impetuous adj. act quickly
headlong adj. act quickly
precipitate adj. act quickly
vindicate v. forgiven
redress v. give reparations for
absolve v. set free from guilt
exculpate v. set free from guilt
palliate adj. set free from guilt
acquit v. forgive or set free and conduct oneself in a specific way.
exonerate v. set free from guilt
expiate v. give reparation in exchange of guilt
baleful adj. harmful
insidious adj. harmful
minatory adj. convey a threat
inimical adj. tending to harm
perfidious deceitful and untrustworthy
pernicious adj. harmful effect in a subtle way
injurious adj. causing or likely to cause harm
deleterious adj. causing harm
baneful adj. causing serious harm
impecunious adj. poor
destitute adj. poor
esurient adj. hungry or greedy
indigent adj. poor
sojourn adj. travel from place to place
forage n. temporary stay
itinerant n. travel
peregrination travel from place to place
discursive adj. wordy; covering a wide field/ coming to a conclusion via reasoning not intuition
expatiate v. wordy and travel freely
peripatetic adj. travel
temporal adj. concerned with present day
epoch n. notable period in time
archaic very old, old fashioned
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